Terrorism... February 26th, 1993. World Trade Center bombed. Severe building damage. Towers remain intact. 6 dead. 1,000 severly injured. July 26th, 1994. London, England. Israeli Embassy Attack. Car-bomb wounded twenty - including children. March 20th, 1995. Tokyo Subway System. Sarin Gas Attack. 12 dead. 6000 severly injured. April 19th, 1995. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Federal Building-bombed. 168 dead. 19 of them, children. Largest domestic terrorist attack in U.S. history. November 11th, 1995. Colombo, Sri Lanka. Suicide bombing. U.S. army headquarters. 15 dead. February 25th - March 4th, 2006. Series of four suicide bombings. 60 dead. 284 wounded. July 27th, 1996. Atlanta, Georgia. Centennial Olympic Park. Bombed. 1 dead. 111 wounded. February 24th, 1997. Empire State Building. Man opens fire. Claims U.S. is "enemy of palestine". 13 dead. Many more wounded. August 7th, 1998. U.S. Embassy bombings. Tanzania and Kenya. 225 dead. 4,000 injured. October 12th, 2000. U...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"