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Showing posts from June, 2024

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 6/30/24

3 Up 1. Aaron Judge - The (new) Captain started the year off slow, but has quickly put together what is shaping up to be a historic season. Judge has been an absolute monster.  2. Florida Panthers - Kudos to the Florida Panthers for winning the Stanley Cup. Despite them narrowly avoiding a historic collapse by dropping a 3-0 series lead and finding themselves in a Game 7, the Panthers finished a dominating run to the Cup.  3. International Basketball - This week's NBA draft saw a large amount of international talent get drafted, especially in the two top spots. Just me, but we need to seriously look at our pipeline here in the States. Also, the route to the NBA is so incredibly diverse.  3 Down 1. Presidential Debate - Unbelievably bad. I'm sure we all had strong opinions this week. Here were mine . 2. Supreme Court Obstruction - The recent run for the Supreme Court seems rather odd. Nonetheless, the ruling that various January 6th individuals  3. Democratic Party - They wanted

Wanting the Alternate Route For Bronny James

Welcome to the NBA, Bronny James!  In what was the worst-kept novelty of a storyline in the sports world in LeBron and Bronny one day gracing the NBA together, we're finally here!  First, congrats to Bronny! Entering the NBA is incredibly difficult, especially more than ever considering its global reach. Regardless, he is now part of the fraternity and amongst the elite in the game. Haters will say what they want, but he's there.  And second, congratulations to LeBron and Savannah James. What will be lost in all of this is that they raised a strong young man who yes, took advantage of his access and genetics, and is now at this point in his life - his ultimate goal. Bronny at the core, had no reason to want this - none. He easily could have rested, relaxed, and enjoyed the spoils of this birth lottery. Instead, he wanted what h knew would be the shadow of a massive legacy - and still did the work. That takes guts.  I commend the kid for not resting on Dad's name and wealth.

Thoughts on First 2024 Presidential Debate

It’s the most unwanted rematch likely in history. Biden vs. Trump What we saw tonight was exactly what many moderates expected and solidified what we didn’t want to say out loud - we have to have better options than these two, no? There isn’t much to say about this debate, especially from this debate nerd. This was the absolute shits in regards to inspiring a nation for an upcoming election season, which in many ways, still resonates with political fatigue from 2020. But you know that, already. You knew that ten minutes into the debate. The two best quotes I’ve come across to wrap up my overall feeling are the following: On one side it’s hell no, and on the other, it’s oh no. It’s who we shouldn’t have be President vs. who we can’t let be President A few more quick thoughts on last night 1st Presidential Debate:  - For me, this format was the biggest positive of the night and a very good baseline for where future political debates need to go. In a world of “takes” and who shouts the lo

Dear Son, Super and Six

---6 Years Old --- Dear Son,  Happy Birthday!  I punch the keyboards for this post with so much adulation and pride after your sixth birthday. Six! I can't help but think of the person you're becoming. The word that comes to mind is...super.  Not for some form of alliteration or compliment, but because you're at the core just, well...super. My favorite thing about you is your developing personality, combined with your ability to reason, respond, and react within your own style and wit. And yes, you can read now, so there are some smarts behind it all at this stage.  Yet, under the "come on bruhhs" and the use of the phrase "literally" for every statement of relevance you want to exclaim, there is the constant thread of the fabric that is empathy that remains within your personality that is so beautiful to witness and experience.  "Are you okay?"  I especially love the way that you feel for people (and things) in the moments. The way concern dra

2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs Keeps Me Casual on Hockey

It's been a long time since I've talked hockey on this.  Wait! Huh? Come again? Yes, hockey. In fact, the last time I posted anything, I was mesmerized by the 2014 Stanley Cup Finals between the Los Angeles Kings and the New York Rangers.  Fast forward to 2024, and my hockey fandom took another step forward. For years I've been the admitted casual. And you know what, I'm okay with that. Unfortunately, my unconditional love fandom for my New York Knicks presents a conflict that will forever curtail anything serious from happening between hockey and myself.  Nonetheless, I felt like this post-season heightened my hockey fandom to another level. Hockey is amazingly awesome. I very much enjoyed the Stanley Cup Playoffs, caught myself choosing Rangers games over early April Yankees baseball, and overall, found myself playing NHL 24 on the ol' Playstation 4.  Yeah, I fell hard. But before I shelf my spring fling with hockey until April 2025, here are just a few quick pon

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 6/23/24

3 Up 1. Connor McDavid - In what might be sports' biggest kept secret, McDavid has put up two 4-point performances in the Stanley Cup to not only force a game 7 for the Edmonton Oilers after being down 3-0, but solidify himself as one of the most dominant athletes in sports.  2. Marijuana Pardons - I've always had an issue with the way our society has moved into accepting marijuana legally, and thus, never rectified how we exploited black and brown communities by over-criminalizing the drug.  By the way, is it fair to say we lost the "war on drugs?" Just saying... 3. Inside Out 2 - I have yet to see it, but the film took advantage of a huge heat wave nationwide and became the highest-grossing film in 2024.  3 Down 1. Heat Wave - It. Was. Hot. Summers are becoming sort of ridiculous.  2. Ecuador - The country suffered a huge blackout with over 17 million people losing power. It's not what you want.  3. Justin Timberlake - This guy has all of the money in the worl

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 6/16/24

3 Up 1. Father's Day - Happy Father's Day to so many fathers out there who sacrifice, extend themselves, worry, step outside themselves, and so much more, to raise decent human beings for the next generation.  2. Elijah Hogan - This story renewed so much faith in me in regards to working hard, the ambition of today's generation, and so much in regards to social mobility by means of education. I have to admit, I started losing faith in the midst of today's climate. Elijah Hogan is a tremendous story and an inspiration.  3. Jerry West - West was an absolute legend within the basketball (and sports) circles - that's obvious. Remembering him this week, however, returned a failing discourse (and common trend) in and about basketball about past generations and tired tropes. We've forgotten to embrace greatness, and in a way, West was a reminder of that.  3 Down 1. Bump Stock Decision - Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Sandy Hook was the (and remains) the mome

More Thoughts on Caitlin Clark: "Clark Awoke a Monster In Us"

Let's drop some thoughts and comments on Caitlin Clark, shall we?  ::: enter collective sighs, groans, and eye rolls here ::: I know... The continued discussion on Clark and her presence as a professional athlete continues to fascinate as well as enrage me. As discussed in an earlier post , what we are experiencing with Clark is the evolved coverage of an athlete, beyond just social media presence in what LeBron James endured, into a place of injecting every intersection of society into the discussion.  Nope, it cannot just be about basketball (or sports). Because nothing ever is anymore. Ever.   It's about all of it. Even when it doesn't have to be. So we're going to talk, yell, argue, insinuate, speculate, and what drives me crazy, have discourse in the most irresponsible manner possible.  The simplest truth to Caitlin Clark's presence is this, there are multiple truths at play. And that's okay!  Just a few more quick thoughts going forward: - The most salien

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 6/9/24

3 Up 1. Claudia Scheinbaum - Mexico's first woman President! And even more impressive, is that Scheinbaum won more than any other candidate did in decades. I'm sure it'll bother some people, but the political change around the world in leadership, from country to country, has been interesting. 2. Simone Biles - Is Biles the most undisputed (and undeniable) GOAT in a sport that we have ever seen? Sorry for the hyperbole, but her dominance has been fascinating. Another U.S. Championship for Biles heading into Paris for the Olympics.  3. U.S. Defeats Pakistan - Casual cricket fan here by blood and culture - but I really don't think many Americans understand just HOW big of an upset this is. Kudos to the men on Team USA!  3 Down 1. Sudan - The images coming out of the Sudan and the current war is utterly heartbreaking. I know there is so much going on in the world, and this is just another one, but the images grabbed me this week. Millions have been displaced as is - supe

Quick Ponder: Purpose > Progress

Experience  should  must enhance purpose, not progress. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 6/2/24

3 Up 1. Bruhat Soma - Every year I'm amazed by the Scripps Spelling Bee champion. This year is no different. Even crazier is Bruhat is 12 years old. Unreal.  2. Negro League Baseball Stats - MLB finally consolidated the statistics of the Negro Leagues into that of Major League Baseball, forever changing so many of the all-time lists we've become accustomed to. The irony is that baseball served as a beacon for integration within our society, and here, it is serving as a way to acknowledge the wrongs of the past.  By the way, it's amazing to see so many people vastly upset by this.  3. Mexico Presidential Race - Mexico is set to elect a new President next week, and since the two favorites are women in Claudia Sheinbaum and Xóchitl Gálvez, it almost guarantees that Mexico will have it's first female president.  Meanwhile, here in the States, we're running back the the most embarrassing rematch in two white men over 80 years of age. Mexico's race makes you wonder -