Five dollars a gallon. In some parts of Alaska, that has become the norm for gas. Soon, those prices will make their way toward the mainland, hurting many Americans along its path. Rising food and the luxuries of life will follow, sending many into caution during this "recession". It seems not too long ago that the world seemed much more on axis. It wasn't perfect, but things were much more aligned, almost serene, compared to the here and now. It was a mere decade ago when the world's biggest issue surrounded Y2K, and the future of technology. In today's world of YouTube, Blackberrys and the high speed internet, post September 11th has brought us... Darfur. Dead soldiers. South Iraq. Katrina. The War on Terrorism. Earthquakes. Cease of International Relations. 100,000 dead. Cancer. Myanmar. 10,000 dead. Israel. Diabetes. Global Warming. Continent-wide hunger. And yes, unforgiving rising oil prices. No longer is expanding our quality of life an issue, but the sheer...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"