3 Up 1. Iraq Breaks ISIS Seige - After weeks of ISIS slowly invading the region of Iraq, running rampant, and doing unspeakable things, it was refreshing to hear that Iraqi forces ceased the siege a bit. Even just a little is good. Especially, when they were able to free thousands who have been trapped without much food, water, or basic supplies. 2. Mike Trout - My man has been awesome this week. Leading the Angels to some key wins over the Athletics, and doing so in the usual Mike Trout way - using all five tools of the game, and using them spectacularly. 3. Productive PE Class - Kudos to a school in Iowa who will begin using heart rate monitors to grade students in physical education classes. We MUST get kids active in this generation of hand held devices, and I'm a big fan of schools leading the way. 3 Down 1. Forgetting Ferguson - I know the rallies and protests have calmed as it is understood that they can't go on forever. And the story prog...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"