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Showing posts from March, 2021

Predictions and Wild Guesses for the 2021 MLB Season

Coming off the craziness that was the 2020 season, we are set to embark on what hopefully is a much more normal season - whatever that is any more or going forward.  Yet, with that said, what has me tremendously excited about the baseball season is the amount of young talent in the game. If we're being truthful as we anticipate Opening Day as fans, there won't be much competition - at least on paper. With so many teams not being competitive, the elite teams are clear.  However, with those "rebuilding" teams comes the opportunity for so many breakout stars. The game needs the young representation as we move forward under a new banner and culture lead by Fernando Tatits Jr.  Nonetheless, here are my picks and predictions for the 2021 MLB Season:

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 3/28/21

3 Up 1. Virginia Abolished Dead Penalty - Kudos to Virginia who became the first Southern State in the Union to abolish the death penalty. A case can be made as to the institution of the "death penalty" has been long-debated forever. With that said, the decision is a first step forward for a country that has used capital punishment as a form of systemic racism and racial oppression and has ignored restoration responsibilities of the citizens it convicts. And oh yeah - helps deal with some of the reckoning from the foundation of this country.  2. NBA Trade Deadline - The NBA deadline was wild with move after move after move! The always hot NBA rumor mill - which drives so many of the storylines and interest of the league - leads the way.  The only downside? I absolutely loathe the buyouts that follow as we see top guys with no longer suitable contracts - typically former stars - connect themselves to winning teams to chase a ring. I really dislike that. 

We're Here Too Often

We're here too often.  After everything that was the experience of 2020 - loss, death, and the suddenness of it all, we're sadly moving away from a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic that has halted our society, for a slice of unfortunate normalcy that are public mass shootings.  The continued underbelly of everything that is on the table of Americana is the saddened and alarming state of mental health within this country. And too often, we perceive mental health as issues surrounding those who are at the deep end of this suffering pool. You bundle that with social unrest, a continued heightened political climate, continued isolationism (intentional and the virtual normal), and an economy that slams the door on social mobility, and access to health care, and thus, we've got the result of a mixing of blame-reliance, finger-pointing, deflection, and of course, privilege. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 3/21/21

3 Up 1. March Madness - Well, it was sooooooooo nice to see everything that is March Madness return, and the results and upsets have created quite a unique experience already. Sans the clear inequality of the Women's and men's tournaments (more on that in a bit), it is really good to see student-athletes competing, caring, and thriving in a somewhat similar environment.  2. Spring Season - Spring is officially here! And while that means warmer weather is on it's way, it also allows some movement for many who have been bogged down by quarantine and lockdown. The early numbers and data are immensely sad in regards to physical activity and overall physical fitness - I'm hoping the warm weather gets many moving and curbs some of the longer effects of health as we make ourselves out of this pandemic. 

March Madness 2021 - The Official DP Bracekts

It's been a while since I've done one of these posts. Obviously, last year, the madness that was March was more real-life than connecting to the joy of sport, fandom, and entertainment. Actually, the madness was more the disbelief and concerning kind of madness, but that again - super obvious.  Nonetheless, I'm back with the DP official brackets for the Men and Women's tournaments. I won't even pretend to know anything about any of the teams this year as I haven't watched much college basketball this year. Like many, I'll be using the force, random decision-making, and my internal bias against specific programs to complete this bracket. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 3/14/21

3 Up 1. Stimulus Package - I'm not sure why anyone would oppose financial help throughout the country at this time. I'm willing to listen if there is a good and justifiable reason. I really am. If you compare what countries have done to help support its citizens through this pandemic, the United States lags behind many developed countries. There are many who need the additional $1,400 at this time, and for those who may not, I recommend spending that money with private businesses in your community. Mainly restaurants.  By the way, I'm very curious if those who have opposed stimulus deals throughout this pandemic have accepted them?  2. Student-Athletes Return - Sure, the NCAA tournaments are back this march, which is great! From football to basketball in Division I, it's been somewhat normal. However, it's the return of the lower Divisions and non-revenue sports that are exciting to see. Even at the high school level. I'm so happy for so many student-athletes wh...

Remaining Vulnerable

Today marks one year since I had to let my hero leave this earth.  March 13th will always be a VERY complex day for me going forward as the death of my father will very much be significant with the day. Especially the time of 1:58pm, his death, and 2:02pm, when I received the phone call from the doctor that he had gone home.  I'll spare you the details of that horrifying day, but if you're interested, you can read HERE .  Today, I made my way back to Brooklyn to do something that I rarely do - see my dad at the cemetery. I've only visited once before since his burial for two reasons - one, being that we are still in the middle of a pandemic, and two, well, I truly believe my dad is with me, and not stationed at this burial site. The cemetery simply serves as a memorial site. 

Pandemic Fatherhood Lessons

Yes, 2020 was the shits. Despite the hard divisions that exist in our world and within our society at this time, that is one agreement that possibly is unanimous in the decision. Again, as we know, there are always a few outliers out there. What?! 2020 was awesome! Yeah, okay. But as we come around to a full year since our world was flipped on its side and life as we know it was crumpled up, tossed in a blender, poured out, and trampled on - and that's still an understatement - it's hard not to walk away with lessons and newly found appreciations moving beyond this pandemic.  After all, while 2020 brought fatigue, despair, death, and other battles that were simply "2020", the pandemic has produced some bright spots. For me, that was fatherhood. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 3/7/21

  3 Up 1. Meghan and Harry - WOW! I found myself flipping to this frequently in between the action of the All-Star Game because well, it's the NBA All-Star game, and really, what did it matter? Meghan spilled some serious tea, and while the insider disclosure was juicy, it revealed a much sadder and troubling side of the "Royalty" many praises. I can't wait to sit down and watch this outright.  BTW - Oprah is a national treasure.  2. "Bloody Sunday" Reminder - Today marks the 56th anniversary of the deadly encounter that happened on the Edmund Pettus Bridge. 56 Years later, and the right to vote is STILL a center for struggle.  In a sobering thought, that violent encounter was JUST a mere 56 years ago - so many people are alive who endured to pushed the bar that much further for equality. So much appreciation and kudos to those who did. 

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Coming 2 America (2021)

What is it about? Prince Akeem learns that he has a long-lost son in America as he is set to become King. He journeys to America again to build a relationship with him and prepare him for the position of Prince.  Who is in it?  Eddie Murphy - Prince Akeem / Clarence / Saul / Randy Watson Arsenio Hall - Semmi / Morris / Reverend Brown / Baba Jermaine Fowler - Lavelle Junson