I've found the 2020 Democratic Primary race to be highly fascinating. Yes, at times it has bordered in annoyance (some of the Debates), but overall, the race has been an enduring one that really has battle-tested candidates for good (ability to clearly explain plans, prior decisions, and political positioning), and for the bad (the way money, fear, and social identifiers can affect a candidate's survival). From this blog, and hopefully, by now, you can tell that I am a fan of pro wrestling. Quite frankly, this Dem race has all of the makings of your classic Royal Rumble - waiting to see who will be eliminated next, and of course, who the next surprised entrant will be - yes, looking at you Mr. Bloomberg. Yet, with all of this said, as someone who is a registered Independent and finds politics in our country to be at it's absolute worst during my lifetime in the current state, I'm locked in. And naturally, life's experiences have also given me more at stake fo...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"