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Showing posts from July, 2014

Big Kids in a Small College Town

It was odd to say the least. Here I was, standing on the very campus which at one time seemed like a foreign place. A place that was the extreme opposite of everything I became used to - big city, bright lights, diversity, lots of people, around-the-clock service, and yes, a concrete jungle. Cazenovia, New York is none of the previously stated. Yet, it was there I spent four years of my undergraduate life in college.  Despite it's extreme opposition to my comfort, Cazenovia is still a place I so dearly hold close in my heart. It was there I met my tag team partner, or for the non-DP devotees, my wife. It was there I met one-third of my best man trio. It was there I defied doctor's prognostications and played collegiate baseball. It was there I learned and garnered so many of the skills and values I use professionally. And it was there I had some amazing memories. My wife coined the phrase, "Big kids in a small college town" for Cazenovia, and that perfectly de...

The IF Factor: Questions Answered #401-410

401. If you could have an entire city depopulated to explore with a friend for one week, what city would it be, and what would you do? I would love to go back to Rome, depopulated, and be able to explore the entire city. Rome is charming in all of its ancient-ness, but a lot of the frustration comes with so many other tourists making the exploration difficult and time consuming. However, let's leave the people who work in the gelato shops. I'll most likely be frequenting them several times through the week.  402. If you did not work, how much TV would you watch every day? Not much. I rarely watch TV as is. Sometimes I feel odd...which I know seems saying that. But, compared to the average person, I don't watch much TV and/or TV programs. Sports and Pro wrestling with a handful of shows is really all there is for me.  403. If you had to pick the TV personality you were most in love with as a kid, who would it be? Easy..."Macho Man" Ran...

WWE Battleground 2014: Usos vs. The Wyatts, and Well, Just Get Ready For SummerSlam!

I really didn't have much interest in WWE Battleground last night. It just felt like another WWE PPV with another new name that really didn't have much meaning other than stamping another event with a pointless description until SummerSlam. And to be honest, the recent string of WWE TV hasn't been the most entertaining in my eyes. Maybe it's just me, but I haven't been excited. Just meh. WWE just seems to be spinning their wheels a midst the doldrums of complacency and pitching the WWE Network every chance they have.  Nonetheless, WWE Battleground wasn't all that terrible in my eyes. Here are some quick thoughts from last night's event:

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 7/20/14

3 Up 1. Stuart Scott ESPY's Speech - By far the best thing to come of he ESPY's was learning more of Scott's battle with cancer, the depth of it, and most importantly, his attitude towards life and his fight with the horrific illness. The best part in my eyes was this very quote - "When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, while you live and the manner in which you live." 2. Mesut Ozil - Kudos to the German World Cup champion who has agreed to pay for the surgeries of 23 children in Brazil. What a gesture, especially for those families. Makes you wonder what exactly do much wealthier athletes do with their funds?  3. FOX Sports - What an effort put forward by the FOX broadcast crew in presenting the MLB All-Star game. From the production, video packages, interviews, coverage, and overall presentation, it was vastly improved over previous years, and very impressive.  3 Down 1. MH17 - What is ther...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: In A World...(2013)

What is it about? A woman struggling with her career eventually gets her big break and finds herself competing in the movie trailer voice-over industry with her legendary father and his protege. Who is in it?   Lake Bell - Carol Fred Melamed - Sam Michaela Watkins - Dani Ken Marino - Gustav

Pondering with Plumtree - Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

Pondering with Plumtree is a column on the popular blog, TNAsylum, that is written by yours truly. The blog is focused towards being a fan site for TNA Wrestling fans where they can get news, rumors, opinions, and any and everything else, TNA Wrestling. Known as "The Haven for TNA Wrestling Fans", I'm hoping to bring some of my thoughts to an already impressive roster of columnist for as long as the site will have me. You can read the latest column here , or in the text below.

Thoughts, Opinions and Suggestions From 2014 MLB All-Star Week

Over the last few years, I've grown a bit disappointed or even disgruntled with the handling of the MLB All-Star game. Not in part of the usual topics some grumble and complain about (e.g. Game deciding home field advantage, selection of All-Stars, Every team is represented, etc...) but because I truly felt that the league and FOX, dropped the ball on the event. Both were to blame in my opinion. However, this year was different, as the 2014 MLB All-Star Week was truly enjoyable. For two straight nights (not three, but more on that in a bit) I came home from work and planted myself on the couch for the festivities. Regardless of ratings, after the past two days, I still feel MLB has the best - yes, the best - All-Star Game in sports. You can keep the Pro Bowl (I can't believe people watch that), the NHL All-Star Game, and even the joke that is the NBA ALL-Star Game.

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 7/13/14

3 Up 1. LeBron James - While I found ESPN's coverage to be quite obnoxious and, well, very much on par with what they usually do when it comes to him, LeBron's penned notice to the world through Sports Illustrated was fantastic. Anyone else think that played into him giving the story to SI? After a disastrous "Decision" back in 2010, James did the complete opposite, and probably became a huge fan-favorite of many. Now let's see how many Miami "Heat" fans there will be in November. Frauds.  2. World Cup - I'm going to the miss the World Cup. Streams of games during work. Brilliant football. And even for a small period, the passion for the game seen over seas, right here on U.S. soil. Farewell FIFA World Cup. As of right now, you are the leading candidate for a 2014 Pondy.  3. Suits - A quick hit here for the USA show which I'm a big fan of. Started the latest season this weekend and I have to tip my hat to the writers for a remarkabl...

Back On A Mound And Closing Chapters

I cracked a quick smile as I walked off the mound towards second base and couldn't help but have that thought - man, this feels like college all over again!  With it being over seven years since I threw a baseball off a mound in an actual baseball game, one would think I would've had more on my mind rather than smiling and conjuring up old memories. After all, the way I walked off a mound my senior year of college wasn't exactly confidence boosting. It wasn't nearly the best.  I've never penned much about my senior year in college, especially my last semester, but in regards to baseball, it was one of the toughest times of my life, but a great lesson for years to come. Riddled with injuries (later found out I had two torn ligaments in my left ankle upon returning home for the summer), I pushed through what I was hoping would be my crowning year after walking onto the team my freshman year. Oh yeah, a small little tidbit: in a new position as pitcher - so...

Don't Take Each Dawn For Granted

On any given day, we all do it. We fall victim to privilege - of walking this earth, of taking a breath, of  our loved ones. We all anticipate the next day's beginning without fear of cause or concern, blatantly, and in some ways, unintentionally, laughing at what the dawn may bring.  "Just another day" we say as we make our plans, adjust our schedules, fix our mental timelines, and prepare for the norm. The usual. The everyday.  We wake up, do our routines, and go about our way. We push the snooze button at the very same time every morning. We get dressed within the same time frame. We take the same walk path, or driving route, or subway train. Eat the usual breakfast. Check the redundant e-mails, text messages, and/or social media outlets out of sheer boredom or habit in between these mundane tasks. Normal. Just another day. Just like every other day.  We do it like clockwork, with such arrogant assurance and belief,  as if each dawn brings about ...

No Winners on Hobby Lobby Ruling

To say the ruling regarding Hobby Lobby and it's participation in following the mandates of the Affordable Health Care act is a bit controversial might be accurate. OK, who am I kidding? Very accurate. The ruling has sparked plenty of debate and dialogue on whether businesses and institutions have the right to act against their beliefs by denying their employees contraceptives and other forms of birth control.  I've always made it quite clear on this little slice of the internet called Dome Pondering that I am a Christian. I love Jesus. It's who I am. I'm not ashamed of that, nor afraid to say that to you and the world. If you decide to hate me or click that "x" in the upper right corner on this reading never to return to this site again because of this, then you never knew me at all. 

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Nebraska (2013)

What is it about?  An aging, booze-riddled father believes he won a million dollars, and eventually gets his youngest son to take him to Lincoln, Nebraska to claim the "prize" Who is in it?  Bruce Dern - Woody Grant Will Forte - David Grant June Squibb - Kate Grant

Dome Pondering Movie Review: American Hustle (2013)

What is it about?  Two cons are eventually caught and forced to work with the FBI in order to receive immunity and release. What ends up happening is them becoming wrapped up in a world of politics, the mafia, and other issues well beyond their league. Who is in it?  Christian Bale - Irving Rosenfield Amy Adams - Sydney Prosser Bradley Cooper - Richie DiMaso Jennifer Lawrence - Rosalyn Rosenfield Jeremy Renner - Mayor Carmine Polito

The Pondering 10 - Ways to Speed Up Baseball

I love baseball. If you're a follower of this blog you know that. If not, you know that...well now, I guess. Nonetheless, for the past few years I've felt very strong about baseball needing to evolve. Baseball essentially needs to adapt to the times in order to continue it's growth and to keep up with the the other options of sport in our country, and in the world.  Two of the biggest areas for baseball is that of marketing it's game and of course, its pace of play. In an age where the competition for attention is more crucial than ever, other sports offer more action in a reduced amount of time. They also have stars and attractions to their sport.  In order to tackle the problem of pace of game, without jeopardizing the essentials such as income, revenue, TV deals, and other unchangeable (or will never change) ideals, the following Pondering 10 are my top ten ways baseball can change its pace of game for the better. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 7/6/14

3 Up 1. Tim Howard - Despite the lost that ended the United States run in the World Cup, Tim Howard's effort against Beglium lands him this week's top spot. A record setting, sixteen saves, Howard was amazing and instantly became a house hold name with the effort.  2. Ronda Rousey - Rousey had what was thought to be her biggest challenge yet in Alexis Davis, instead, she destroyed Davis in sixteen seconds.  3. DJokavic vs. Federer - These two were amazing in battling for Wimbledon's crown. A five set gem that was worth the tape delay.   3 Down 1. Stray Bullet in New Jersey - I hate stories like this one . When will the gun violence in our nation stop? All we do is talk about it. Ugh.  2. Neymar Injury - The World Cup has been fantastic - absolutely fantastic. However, having to see one of the sport's best leave the tournament due to a broken back is upsetting. Will this hurt Brazil's chance? We'll have to see this week.  3. "So...

Pondering Picture #41

Happy Birthday U.S.A.

The Pondering 10 - Favorite Outdoor Smells

Bit of a weird topic, huh? Regardless, you can't tell me that there aren't certain smells in life that you just love. Certain whiffs that relax you, remind you of good times, or just simply put you in a very happy place. Yeaaaaah, thought so. With that in mind, I've decided to put together the latest Pondering 10 based on my favorite outdoor smells. Just a warning, most of these will be from the summer, because, well, winter is terrible!

"It...Is All Over", But Job Well Done all over!. In a deflating moment spurred on by the referee's whistle in extra time, I had a brief moment in hearing the UFC's play-by-play man, Mike Goldberg, in my mind utter his famous line marking the end of the United States 2014 World Cup run. In an utterly fantastic game filled with tons of drama, Belgium will move on to play Argentina while our men are sure to return home to a warm welcome. After a 1-2-1 record in Brazil, Team USA didn't exactly set the tournament on fire with it's play. To be honest, as I type these words I am still in disbelief that they made it out of group play. Spare me the "I believe chant...". I was rooting for Team USA (along with England, of course), and in reality, how could anyone truly think they would? The "Group of Death", as group "G" was immediately nicknamed on December 6th during the World Cup drawing, really didn't look friendly, or at the very least, promising for the United S...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Grduge Match (2013)

What is it about?  Two boxing rivals with personal conflicts never truly settle their dispute with a rubber match. After thirty years of hatred, frustration, and agony, both men come to ahead to finally solve their inner issues and put to rest their longstanding dispute. Who is in it?  Sylvester Stallone - Henry "Razor" Sharp Robert DeNiro - Billy "The Kid" McDonnen Kevin Hart - Dante Slate Jr.  Kim Basinger - Sally