It was odd to say the least. Here I was, standing on the very campus which at one time seemed like a foreign place. A place that was the extreme opposite of everything I became used to - big city, bright lights, diversity, lots of people, around-the-clock service, and yes, a concrete jungle. Cazenovia, New York is none of the previously stated. Yet, it was there I spent four years of my undergraduate life in college. Despite it's extreme opposition to my comfort, Cazenovia is still a place I so dearly hold close in my heart. It was there I met my tag team partner, or for the non-DP devotees, my wife. It was there I met one-third of my best man trio. It was there I defied doctor's prognostications and played collegiate baseball. It was there I learned and garnered so many of the skills and values I use professionally. And it was there I had some amazing memories. My wife coined the phrase, "Big kids in a small college town" for Cazenovia, and that perfectly de...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"