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Showing posts from November, 2021

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 11/28/21

3 Up 1. Thanksgiving - A time for thanks, if nothing else, a restorative time away from work. Happy Thanksgiving to all, and be sure to give thanks and practice expressing gratitude.  Here are some quick thanks and thoughts from yours truly... 2. McMichael Trial Conviction - Is it weird that I feel relieved from this trial? Afterall, so many of these things go the other way. I could go on about how the state of Georgia didn't want to prosecute this case until it became a viral discussion, butttttttt, I'll just take this.  Really, I just hope this brings about some kind of peace for the parents of Ahmaud Arbery. 

Thanksgiving 2021: 5 Things I'm Thankful For

The season is upon us we all begin to reflect on the year, explore our deepest thoughts and feelings of gratitude, and express appreciation for the truer, more meaningful things in life.  I would be lying if I didn't admit that I am so incredibly excited for this holiday season. The combination of wanting the rest from what has been a demanding and exhausting semester (shout out to everyone in Student Affair realms and in Education around the country - hang in there), seeing these holidays through my son's eyes as he now understands and appreciates them, and my experiences over the last few years (losing my dad and the effects of the pandemic), all of it makes for an anticipated Holiday season - Thanksgiving included. I'm not quite sure what it is, or why the sudden feeling, but the need to express gratitude is even more abundant this year in my heart than it is has been. I have tried to remain more mindful over the last couple of months - being more present, spending energ...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 11/21/21

3 Up 1. COVID Boosters - Look, I'm not getting into vaccinations and whatnot...I'm over the discussion for 2021. However, I still find it remarkable that we not only have vaccinations for what we experienced not too long ago, but further science to help the cause.  2. MLB Covers Minors Housing - This was a long time coming. Say what you want about the changes to the minor leagues (reduction of franchises - some even closing), but the improvement of the pipeline is soooooooooo crucial if the sport is serious about improving its diversity and inclusion efforts, as well as attracting (and competing for) top talent. Plus, it's just the right thing to do. 

Rittenhouse Trial Thoughts: "Correct Verdict Doesn't Equate to Justice"

The alert came across the screen on my phone and I didn't even address it. Not even a flinch from me to tap it for more details. The news alert read on the home screen "Rittenhouse Not Guilty" in the short blurb that illuminated my phone for my eyes to see, for my mind to absorb, and for my feelings to remain unmoved.  I expected it. Much like many others did.  I turned on the TV to the usual cable networks for a little bit, flipping between their coverages to get the pulse of the nation - or at least, how each political side expected to present, explain, or even spin the narratives that come from the occurrence.  I watched clips of the moment - seeing Kyle Rittenhouse's body tremble as each count was read. I watched him collapse as the final "not guilty" rang throughout the courtroom, unable to control his limbs, incapable of holding together his breathing, and clutching the lawyer desperately who just literally saved his life. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 11/14/21

3 Up 1. Infrastructure Bill - Well, after waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and...waiting - the Infrastructure Bill was passed by the house and is expected to be signed into law this coming week. The bill has bi-partisan support - nice to see both sides playing nice. It's also nice to see these issues finally addressed.  2. U.S. Opens to International Travelers - Whatever your thoughts have been, are, or will be on the COVID pandemic, it doesn't matter as it really is heartwarming to see so many reunited because of international borders, COVID, and everything else that has happened over the past 18 months.  3. Tik Tok Hand Signal Rescues Missing Girl - This story is just wild. Social media may have its proven drawbacks because we've abused it - but it's stories like this that have made it invaluable in real life.  3 Down 1. Kyle Rittenhouse Cross-Examination - I spent my commutes home from work following this case, especially the day in which Kyle Rittenhouse took the ...

Dope Sports Threads: NBA 75th Anniversary City Editions

As the NBA turns 75 this year, the ultimate opportunist that is Nike decided to unveil "new" (notice the quotations for some teams) jersey designs that would celebrate the city AND the history of each franchise.  As described by Nike, "Each 2021-22 Nike NBA City Edition team uniform represents the ultimate basketball moments mixtape – a compilation of the franchise’s greatest hits through the years in every design." Quite frankly, putting together a jersey that encapsulates each team's greatest moments sounds super awesome, and the kind of creativity that I'm here for.  Nike's release also stated,"Beyond some of the more obvious design elements, the uniforms include many subtle touches (“easter eggs”) that highlight pivotal moments from each team’s history." Alright, that's pretty dope! 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 11/7/21

3 Up 1. NYC Marathon Runners (and Winners) - Every year I marvel at marathoners - especially those who run the race in a ridiculous amount of time. The kind of time that one couldn't travel through all five boroughs if you gave them a car to do so. I'm lucky to have known several people who completed the marathon this year, and once again am in awe of winners, Albert Korir and Peres Jepchirchir.  2. Candidates of Color - Election Day was this week and it was especially interesting for me to see who remained motivated in the voting process following 2020's Presidential Election, and what the landscape will be as we head into midterms. 

Baseball's Turbulent Season - Quick Thoughts from the 2021 World Series

Well, baseball is finally over and if you thought the Atlanta Braves would be holding the commissioner's trophy at the end of the season, you are the biggest liar on earth, or you should probably be connected to something much more important in life.  This season was OK. That's not saltiness from the way the season ended for my New York Yankees, but truly, this year's baseball season just felt like a year of turbulence for the sport that made its way to the World Series in the way this 2021 season could only do. MLB just continued to do great things, but yet, willingly smash itself in the face with choices that diverted the attention away. World Series included.

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 10/31/21

3 Up 1. Netflix's Maid - Easily one of the best series I've ever seen. No hyperbole - I loved EVERYTHING about this limited series - it's been a long time since I've felt this way from a screenplay. Margaret Qualley was absolutely fantastic. Just pure beauty in this performance. Please watch Maid for its art, but more so, for its insight into domestic violence, poverty, and the will of the human spirit.  2. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductees - The R&R HOF over the years has expanded it's "Rock and Roll" definition, and thus, we got an awesome collection of inductees this year, including some of my faves - Jay-Z, LL Cool J, and the Foo Fighters. Congrats to all.