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Showing posts from May, 2010

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Rocket Science (2007)

What is it about? Hal, a stuttering high school freshman joins his high school debate team after his world changes when his parents separate. After being mentored and falling in love, Hal’s life changes again, and he's left wondering about life and life, and whether it is as hard as rocket science. Who is in it? Reece Thompson – Hal Hefner Anna Kendrick – Ginny Ryerson

New York City Super Bowl Signifies Evolution of NFL

When it comes to some of the largest shows on earth, New York City has hosted, or has been home to many, if not, all of them. The Grammys, VMA’s, All-Star Games, Championship games, Broadway plays, you name it, it’s been here. Except for one. The Super Bowl. In 2014, the NFL’s biggest event will come to the New York-New Jersey area for the first time. And unusually, the accepted bid by the NFL has caused a flurry of debate amongst fans, analysts, and league officials over the New Meadowlands Stadium (Which has yet to receive an official name) hosting Super Bowl XLIII. What seems to be the biggest concern over the issue is not the city, area, or capacity in which New York and New Jersey can handle such an event. New York City can throw a party. And New York City goes big on everything. The reaction of fans and the mayor at a parade when the accepting bid was announced proves how serious this is to the area. The concerns are revolved around the weather and the precedent this will ...

New Beginnings

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end” That was the quote of a roman philosopher named Seneca which was then immortalized by the band Semisonic in their song, “Closing Time” And as the days in this life continue to pass by, we enter new chapters and phases in our life. In those chapters, we grow, we develop, we remember, and we prepare for what lies ahead. On a beautiful Wednesday morning as I sit here on the proverbial stoop punching the keys, I find myself looking back on a year that isn’t half way in completion, but has been a testimony of renewal. In the 2009 DP Year in Review , yours truly touched base on rediscovering desire, passion, and drive. In a time where so many people were and are struggling due to our national economy and the effects from the evils in this world, such components were imperative for not only survival, but revival. And while it reigned true for the masses, the idea was one that hit home. One that was very personal to me. Wi...

Life Happens

Life Happens Life happens beyond our dreams, Goals and aspirations, Achieved, Aspired… Into a reality that is our reward.   Life steers us into the abyss, Struggles, tears, and hurt, And a longing desire… Reality is what keeps us real.   Life is a journey for love, The chase and pursuit, to capture and hold on… Removing us from reality.   Life is protection from a broken heart. The walls, emotion, and issues, Like sand through your fingers… An illusion of reality’s journey.   Life is new hope. Birth, second chances, and new chapters, A new day, and a new life… Reality is forgiving and engaging.   Life is Death. Sadness, confusion, and the inevitable, A reflection and moving ahead… Reality is celebrating every. Single. Day.   Because, Life happens.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Just Like The Son (2006)

What is it about? A petty thief that is one strike away from being placed in jail, begins a mentoring relationship and redemption with an orphan he takes a liking too. After becoming conflicted, the thief makes a personal choice to “do the right thing” for the first time in his life by kidnapping the young boy and driving him to his sister’s house in Florida. Who is in it? Mark Webber – Daniel Carter Antonio Ortiz – Boone Rosie Perez – Mrs. Ponders Brendan Sexton III – Grant Bills

If You Ain’t White, You Ain’t Right…No, Seriously.

Arizona’s new immigration law SB170 is a very hot button issues in our current society. After several years of floundering around the issue of illegal immigration and not only finding, but drawing the line on when enough is enough, has led to one state in the union stepping up and declaring it’s version of the “the line”. Because of that ice-breaker, now ten other states that includes Utah, Oklahoma, Colorado, Ohio, Missouri, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Texas, and Maryland have legislators clamoring for similar, or the same exact law as Arizona. Whether states should have the ability to pass their own laws on immigration, a national and federal problem, is another issue, for another post, for another time. However, as things become intensified, and very complex, one thing is for sure in all of this – there is no going back. The issue of immigration whether some want to believe it or not, is one of the most important social-related issue facing our nation today. ...