Tuesday, November 22nd , Major League baseball and the Major League Baseball Player's association announced the new collective bargaining agreement for the next five years. The sport has come a long way since its last work stoppage in 1994. A stoppage that not only broke my heart as the Yankees were poised to make a run to a championship for the first time, but entirely erased the World Series and placed the game of baseball on hard track back to respectability amongst its fans. Yet, 1994 seems like ages ago as the new CBA guarantees 21 years of labor peace for MLB. Who would of ever thought? Heck, who would ever think MLB would become the model for financial well-being in the sports world? However, that is exactly where we are today. As a super baseball enthusiast, I am excited. Very excited. Commissioner Bud Selig, and MLPA President, Michael Weiner, ought to be applauded for simply getting this deal done (Looking right at you NBA!). And with a new CBA, comes...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"