After the lights were shut off for the last time on September 21st, 2008 in Yankee Stadium, many have reported and reminisced on the history of the historic stadium. It's been written and talked about everywhere. The perfect games. The legendary players. The Papal visits. The football games. The big fights. The world series games. Yankee stadium was the stadium. And like many, yours truly will be sad to see the stadium at 161st and River Avenue go. It was a place that I too grew up with. There were many, many games in the early nineties watching a putrid Yankee team, yet rooting for my favorites in Mike Stanley, Jimmy Key and my main man, Don Mattingly. There were many arguments of how much the Yankees were going to miss Roberto Kelly (Only to be replaced by some guy named Paul O'neil). Getting excited about Kevin Maas. Experiencing Derek Jeter replacing Tony Fernandez...and watching him grow over the years. Accepting that Kevin Maas was not the guy. The surprise of the 1995 s...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"