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Showing posts from January, 2013

Homeless: A-Rod's Legacy Is Defined

Go ahead. Take a deep breath before we jump into this again.  Smmmmfffffff...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!  Soooooo, Alex Rodriguez...Yes, A-Rod, that guy. Here we are again with that very guy in the center of the controversial universe again and living up to his "Lightning Rod" NYC-given nickname.  Upon hearing the news this morning as I opened my eyes with sports radio introducing my day, I laid there in utter disbelief. I'm not shocked by the fact that athletes are still trying to cheat and get an edge, but I was amazed that A-Rod, a man with so little equity with even his own team's fan base, would risk it all - again. A man who I've said so many times before, had very little time following his 2009 performance enhancing drugs  admission to really make a lasting (and long enough) impression on the baseball world to define his overall legacy.

Royal Rumble 2013 Review: A Big Change To The Usual Norm

Courtesy: Its the Royal Rumble we all saw coming, but hoped the WWE would prove us wrong. As we start the road to Wrestlemania and the best time of the year for pro wrestling fans, the road seems to be already set with a headlining match-up of John Cena vs. The Rock II. With a Royal Rumble full of a few for-sures, a handful of wishfuls, lots of filler, and even those who were a waste of time (The Godfather? What was that all about), the WWE seemed to stay the course on the obvious.  I totally understand the box-office draw a Cena/Rock II would generate, and even the idea of a story of John Cena, the current conquering super hero of the WWE, getting his revenge on The Rock after last year's Wrestlemania defeat, but I really was hoping for a hook, a twist, or even a minor bump before we got to this point.

Dome Pondering Export - "TNA's Biggest Problem Is..."

After ten years of importing materials, words, pictures, and videos from other sites her for your viewing and for archiving, I never thought I'd get to the point where I'd be EXPORTING material out to other sites. Yes, the DP continues to grow, and yours truly had the kind opportunity to contribute a guest column to an awesome Pro Wrestling blog with a very large audience. The piece has since been very well received, and I hope to have the opportunity to do so in the future, and maybe even other sites and avenues as well.  You can read the column here on the TNAsylum website (special thanks to them as well for posting), or the entire text below:

Staying Level-Headed on Beyonce-Gate

Let's put this Beyonce fiasco to bed. The mere thought that this lip-sync tid-bit has grown from a story to a so called "act-of-disrespect" is ridiculous and borders on insanity. More so, it reveals just how much of a jump-the-gun society we have become with the opportunity for instant attention and cynicism right at our finger tips.  From the print and social media, to television and blogs (now including this one), everyone has an opinion, and unfortunately, the majority are reacting as if Beyonce presented some type of disservice to her country in her performance of the Star Spangled Banner during the President's inauguration. Many have called the act a moment that cheated us all, and some have gone as far as saying it ruined the day.  Seriously? Let's relax, folks.

The IF Factor: Questions Answered #141-150

141. If you would have a single button beside your bed that did one thing, what would you want it to be? It would automatically make me a cup of tea (see: cup-o-tea maker from IF Factor Question #137) 142. If you could have one single kind of appliance attached to your bed, what would it be? Either a computer touchscreen of some kind, or yes, my cup-o-tea maker. But that could be weird, so I'd go with a touch screen device to take care of some last minute payments, tasks, blogging, or a browse if need be before bed.   143. If you were to have Shakespeare to dinner tonight and could invite one other person from history, who would you pick?  Well if my wife wasn't already included, I'd pick her as she has a habit of being chameleon-like with accents and would instantly talk Shakespearian. If she's included, I'd go with someone like, Stone Cold Steve Austin. I just want to hear him say "what?" after everything Shakespeare would say.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Man on a Ledge (2012)

What is it about? An escaped convict is motivated to take down the people who set up him and to really steal the diamond he was accused of taking, all while proving his innocence to the world.  Who is in it?  Sam Worthington - Nick Cassidy Elizabeth Banks - Lydia Mercer Jamie Bell - Joey Cassidy Genesis Rodriguez - Angie

Celebrating Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Day - 2013

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

What is it about?  Two twelve year old children who are misunderstood, fall in love, and run away into the wilderness which causes a mixed party to search for them.  Who is in it?  Jared Gilman - Sam Kara Hayward - Suzy

The IF Factor: Questions Answered #131-140

131. If you were going to initiate a new charity, what would be its mission and who would it benefit? A new charity would go towards helping children of immigrant parents and giving them opportunities they may not already have open to them, or simply keeping them on the right track towards making a better life for themselves in this great country.  132. If you could have been vice-president to any America president, which president would you choose? Hmmm, I'd go with President Clinton. No, not for those reasons he's become a punch line for, but for the solid reason that the nation was in a much better place during the 90's when he was president. Growing dot com industry, very little international affairs to worry about, and booming economy.

True Tales From Parks and Recreation - The Dirt Pervert

Note: I used to work for a park slowly in continued development in Manhattan that is five miles along the waterfront of the Hudson River. As a Public Programs Coordinator, yours truly handled anything public related in regards to permitting (athletic facilities, film shoots, photo shoots, weddings, and other small gatherings), and of course, dealing with any questions or inquiries from the public. The following series will present stories, e-mails, phone calls, conversations, interactions, and sights I've seen from the people of New York City in regards to a public park. And yes, these are all real! And are all true! Welcome to another little snippet of Parks and Recreation.

The DP's 2013 WBC USA Dream Team

I love the World Baseball Classic. I loved the idea of it since the Olympics unceremoniously booted baseball as a sport from it's events. I was a big fan of the inaugural tournament, the second one in 2009, and I am very much looking forward to this year's tournament. I know there are cynics who are against it, claiming it is made-up, doesn't mean anything, and is a big risk to players. However, at some point, the World Cup was in it's early years? And ask the Cubans, Japanese, or even the players who choose to represent their country if it means anything? And as for as the big risk? Players can get hurt doing anything ( Baseball Bizarre Injuries ), and most who have participated in the past claim to have been better prepared for the season.  [sideblog: How about Shane Victorino calling Team USA Baseball last year, and then again this year, eagerly wanting to be part of the team again? I like hearing stories like that.]

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Friends With Kids (2011)

What is it about?  Two friends decide to have a child together without all of the strings attached of romantic emotion to avoid the changes that children can have on a relationship.  Who is in it?  Jennifer Westfeldt - Julie Keller Adam Scott - Jason Fryman

The IF Factor: Questions Answered #121-130

121. If you were on trial and someone you know (who is not a lawyer) had to act as your legal representative, who would you want to defend you? Shockingly, one of my closest friends is a lawyer. However, since I cannot pick him, I will go with another friend who has the type of personality that can acquire anything and really has an act for being charming and persuasive.  122. If you could change one of your personality traits, what would it be? Not being very welcoming in the morning. I'd like to change this trait, and I am working on doing so.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (2006)

What is it about? After reclaiming the black pearl, Jack Sparrow must now capture and kill the heart of Davy Jones to avoid enslaving his soul to while others seek the heart for their own agendas.  Who is in it?  Johnny Depp - Jack Sparrow Orlando Bloom - William Turner Keira Knightley - Elizabeth Swan

No Juice For HOF 2013 Class: Sounding off on an Injustice

Boom! You hear that? It's the sound of baseball once again shooting itself in the foot. Upon hearing the news that the 2013 Baseball Hall of Fame class will have no living players inducted, I was thoroughly annoyed., aggravated, and pretty much upset with the great game that I love. Many others were, and I'm sure you are as well. I knew there was a possibility based upon the ridiculous thinking of the baseball writers ( Hall of Fame Votes: The First Step in Handling the Steroid Era ), but I was just hoping that the game wouldn't do such a thing to it's self.  However, here we are.

Hall of Fame Votes: The First Step in Handling the Steroid Era

The continued discussion of steroids, baseball, and how we should treat those from this era who are eligible for the Hall of Fame has been one that has bothered me for some time. So naturally, with one more day to go until we find out the first sample size of so many to come regarding these controversial sluggers, I wanted to address the situation before we find out whose face will become a plaque this summer. If any at all.  My biggest gripe in the Hall of Fame voting is when voters, and fans as well, take it upon themselves to to pick and choose who should be let in based upon unbalanced criteria, and who should be banished forever into the "Hall of Really Great Players Who Unfortunately Used Steroids". We hear it all of the time. This guy should go in. This guy shouldn't. This guy was clean for sure. This guy was definitely on steroids - I just know it! Or, this guy would have made it without PEDs!

The Pondering 10 - Favorite MLB Uniforms

Unlike most sports, baseball uniforms carry a lot of tradition and history. It's rare that you see baseball teams deviate away from the history of a club, and if they do, it's usually an ownership change. For the most part, in baseball, the uniforms are sacred. Because of that, Major League Baseball has many teams with uniforms that are very, very significant, and also, very stylish. As we did for the NFL ( Pondering 10 - Favorite NFL Uniforms ), the following Pondering 10 will take a look at my favorite MLB uniforms.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: The Expendables 2 (2012)

What is it about?  After a mission to settle a previous debt goes awry with the murder of one of their own, the group must now avenge the death of their fallen comrade.  Who is in it? Sylvester Stallone - Barney Ross Jason Statham - Lee Christmas Jean-Claude Van Damme - Vilain

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribbean (2003)

What is it about?  A blacksmith ends up teaming with Captain Jack Sparrow, an unusual pirate, to save the love of his life from Sparrow's former pirate allies.  Who is in it?   Johnny Depp - Jack Sparrow  Geoffrey Rush - Barbossa Orlando Bloom - Will Turner Keira Knightley - Elizabeth Swann

True Tales From Parks and Recreation - Hooooooray Air!

Note: I used to work for a park slowly in continued development in Manhattan that is five miles along the waterfront of the Hudson River. As a Public Programs Coordinator, yours truly handled anything public related in regards to permitting (athletic facilities, film shoots, photo shoots, weddings, and other small gatherings), and of course, dealing with any questions or inquiries from the public. The following series will present stories, e-mails, phone calls, conversations, interactions, and sights I've seen from the people of New York City in regards to a public park. And yes, these are all real! And are all true! Welcome to another little snippet of Parks and Recreation.

The Pondering 10 - Favorite TV Characters

TV brings us the most accessible form of entertainment. Every day, and usually every night, we sit in front of the tube and are taken away for hours at programming. Some of these programming have become staples of our lives, and sometimes, the characters themselves are so unique, so relative, so memorable, that they too become a part of our lives. We quote them, copy them, and often times discuss them as part of our lives. I've never been a person who had the huge TV bug, however, for the few shows that I have enjoyed over my lifetime, there are indeed some characters that I've come to love. With that said, the following Pondering 10 list is a collection of my favorite TV characters of All-Time.

The IF Factor: Questions Answered #111-120

111. If you had to donate everything you own to a charity that you have never given to previously, which charity would you give to? I would donate my belonging to a charity that shelter for families, especially those in loss. I would want my possessions to go towards giving a family a leg up in life, or a second shot at a normal one.  112. If you could work for any person in the world, who would it be, and what job would you want?  If I couldn't be a Hotel Resort critic ( Pondering 10 - Jobs I Would Love to Have ), is it weird to say that I would choose the job I currently have? I love what I do, and thoroughly enjoy it.

Bracing For 2013...and Half of 2014

Happy New Year DP devotees! And what better way to kick off the new year than by making an announcement? How about a declaration of improvement in the spirit of resolutions and making goals for 2013. Yours truly has bitten the bullet and has gotten braces once again.  I know, not the major announcement you were looking forward to.  However, after years of my teeth taking it upon themselves to head in any direction it pleases, completely disregarding the two years of prior treatment I had as a teenager to put them where they were, I made an appointment with an orthodontist, and boom, here I am kicking off the new year going through this process again.