Go ahead. Take a deep breath before we jump into this again. Smmmmfffffff...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! Soooooo, Alex Rodriguez...Yes, A-Rod, that guy. Here we are again with that very guy in the center of the controversial universe again and living up to his "Lightning Rod" NYC-given nickname. Upon hearing the news this morning as I opened my eyes with sports radio introducing my day, I laid there in utter disbelief. I'm not shocked by the fact that athletes are still trying to cheat and get an edge, but I was amazed that A-Rod, a man with so little equity with even his own team's fan base, would risk it all - again. A man who I've said so many times before, had very little time following his 2009 performance enhancing drugs admission to really make a lasting (and long enough) impression on the baseball world to define his overall legacy.
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"