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Showing posts from November, 2009

The Answer is Now Incorrect For Iverson

So Allen Iverson was passed over by the Knicks. Yes, the Knicks are terrible. And yes, the Knicks are being highly criticized for not signing Iverson to at least make things interesting for Knick fans. However, have we looked at what else that statement says? Allen Iverson was passed over by the Knicks. Have things become this bad for Iverson? The answer is yes. And this is a prime example of how fast things can go wrong for an athlete in any sport, especially the National Basketball Association. Iverson for years was the little guy that could. Dominating games, and giving up us body at the mere height of six feet. Iverson, the first overall pick in 1996 by the Philadelphia 76'ers, entertained fans by his ability, quickness, and scoring. He’s earned and MVP award, and has been to the NBA Finals with the Sixers. However, since his trade to Denver, he has become exposed as a player that was more flash than substance. Tagged as a ball hog, and a superstar that does no

Thankful For Life

On thanksgiving, it is so often noted that we should give thanks for the things that we are so blessed for having in our lives. Health, happiness, and love is usually universal in appreciation. Even money, if you qualify and hold quantity in high regards. Nonetheless, it can be agreed upon, that giving thanks and appreciation on a day like today is not just important, but necessary. After all, in our society, we have a day celebrating and honoring many various qualities, and even others celebrating various fictional characters. It is imperative that at least one is dedicated to appreciation, and is honored for its gratification and self-less motive. Thanksgiving – a day of family, friends, sports, and fellowship. A day of giving thanks for what we have in our life.  It becomes so cliché, but how many of us actually understand what that means? How many of us actually give thanks for life? Let it be known that I believe that Thanksgiving is the purest holiday of the year. It is

Taking Care of The Real People That Build These Stadiums

I understand the power of sport and business. I definitely do. However, sports are just an avenue of entertainment and enjoyment. A mere means of theatrics, thrill, and emotion that remove us from the on-going struggle of everyday life. Sports, however, are in no way an essential part of life. Even as an admitted fanatic of the New York Yankees and New York Knicks, I understand that as rich in history as the two franchises and their two home facilities in Yankee Stadium and Madison Square Garden are (or have been), they are not as important as the important things in life. They are not as important as life. With that understanding, is why I cannot understand the constant movement for the Atlantic Yards project here in Brooklyn, NY. For those who are not familiar, the Atlantic Yards project, spearheaded by Real Estate and Architect mogul, Bruce Ratner, is one that surrounds the construction of a massive new arena for the now New Jersey Nets, multiple offices, luxury condos, ap

Embellished: King of Pop’s Legacy Might Not Be Craziest Thought

Michael Jackson’s legacy might be embellished. Yeah, I said it. Is it OK to say such a thing? Is it politically correct, or even, socially acceptable to state such a sentence? “ WHAT?! No it isn’t. You are crazy !” While your obvious reaction may be just as similar, it is hard to deny that the legacy of Michael Jackson is beginning to take on a new form. A form that is slowly building from legendary authenticity into mere embellishment.  In fact, after his death, its hard to really gauge his true legacy. After the conclusion of the 2009 American Music Awards, Jackson’s legacy, and the honest reality of it was raised to newer heights. I could not help but wonder, how is it, that Jackson, who passed away right before his actual comeback, can win several awards (thus setting an AMA record) and be nominated for many more, including artist of the year?

About Destiny

I used to wonder about destiny. My Place in this world, and how it affects me.   I grind away, each day by faith. Not relying on this world. Confident in my very ways.   I’m running in space. I keep trying. No gravity. No movement. All in vain. No progress. No pace.   I often think about destiny. My place in this world. And how it affects me.   How am I passed so many times? By others so undeserving? Conscious of so many crimes. My head start is gone. A debt now growing long.   I now focus on my destiny. My place in this world. And how it affects me.   Will I reach my potential? Will I ever be satisfied? What is the Lord’s will for me?   This destiny of mine, might be deeper down inside.

The California Chronicles - 11/13/09

After a week of fun in the sun here in California, it is now time to head back to the Empire State. As stated in my last post, I did indeed have one more round of twenty four hours remaining in Huntington Beach, however, nothing came about of the time. In fact, I spent most of the day feeling a bit under the weather due to the see-saw-like weather changes from day to night out here. Days are hot. Nights are freezing. Yours truly becomes sick.  Nonetheless, before I board a plane, I figured that I could muster up some energy to wrap up this trip, and these chronicles following my trip. California has indeed been good to me. Besides the obvious attractions, sites, and places that I experienced (and listed in the last piece), this trip was one that recharged my batteries for life, enhanced my outlook on ways to live it, and reminded me of how precious it is.  Sometimes these trips remind you of how large this world is, and how many different varieties of lifestyles there are

The California Chronicles – 11/12/09

After two days of journeying all over Southern California, I am able to finally sit down, relax, and punch the keys of the past events. The past two days have been a long expedition of sight seeing and adventure. An adventure that included myself, my tag-team partner, a couple of cameras, a Ford Mustang, and a trusty navigation system, which somehow ended up with the name, “Pam” by the end of it all. 

The California Chronicles - 11/10/09

California is amazing I say that because once again today, like two days ago, yours truly received unsatisfactory news via E-mail. I know, I know, why did I check it right? Like I said, habit. And a bad one while on vacation. Nonetheless, the news slapped me in the face, and offset my mood on a great vacation. However, once again, California saves the day. Living in New York, sometimes you forget how fast, and often rushed, everything truly is. From driving, to shopping, to even enjoying a hobby, everything has to be done on time. No scratch that, everything has to be done now. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, however, it’s when you remove yourself out of the pressure intensified vacuum that is New York City, is when you truly realize just indeed how bad it is. How much unnecessary stress is added in the New York City standard of living.

The California Chronicles - 11/9/09

So I lied.  Yes I lied. Well sort of. Two days into this journey to the Pacific, I had a lapse and allowed reality to seep into my vacation. Yesterday I discussed attempting to clear my mind of all the things that one goes through on a daily basis. I stated that I would attempt to leave such aspects back east, and I did.  Until I checked my E-mail.  With such habit, one does these things, and well, sometimes it is necessary to follow up and stay somewhat in tune with reality wile on vacation. And with one click, I went from enjoying a great day to somewhat disappointment in a situation that fell through in reality. A situation that leaves me wondering once again of many “what if’s” for when I return three hours ahead to New York City.  However, I haven’t let that situation completely kill this time out here. In fact, in touring the wonderful city of Huntington Beach, California, I was able to learn and see things in a new way.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Nothing Like The Holidays (2008)

What’s it about? A Puerto Rican family in the city of Chicago deals with issues that can potentially ruin their family, and make this their last Christmas together. Who is in it? Luis Guzman - Johnny John Leguizamo – Mauricio Rodriguez Debra Messing – Sarah Rodriguez Alfred Molina - Edy Rodriguez Freddy Rodriguez – Jesse Rodriguez

The California Chronicles – 11/8/09

It has been a very long time since yours truly has had an opportunity to take a vacation. After all, the year 2008 ended on a shaky note and such matters like vacations seemed cloudy, and doubtful at the least. However, since then, 2009 has been one surprise after another. And although the current year is coming to a close, it is not over. 2009 is still alive, and much like everything has been for myself this year, God’s timing was right for a vacation.  So here I am on November 8th, and on the other side of the country in Huntington Beach, California. Literally twenty four hours after celebrating the Yankees world championship in downtown Manhattan, I switch gears, pace, coasts, and mindsets.  See, with every vacation comes the obvious recharging of an individual. An opportunity to remove oneself from the stress and conflict that life brings us on a daily basis. In doing so, participation in routine activities are thus halted to assure of such a stress-free lifestyle.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Pelham 123 (2009)

What’s it about? Armed men hijack a train within the New York City subway line with specific intentions and purposes, while putting the lives of New Yorkers in the fate of an everyday dispatcher’s hands. Who is in it? Denzel Washington – Walter Garber John Travolta – Ryder

Seven Powerful Words

View Full Album “…And The Yankees Are Champions of Baseball ” They were the words of Joe Buck so long ago. The words that defined the Yankees championship in 1996. The first one that I was able to witness. And to this day, I absolutely love hearing that call. There is just something about it as it brings an unconditional smile to my face every time. Every. Time. And in retrospect, it came during an era when Yankee fans took winning, division titles, pennants, and World Series performances for granted. However, over the past eight years, somewhere we were humbled. Brought back to reality. In fact, we witnessed the universe flipped upside down in 2004. And once again in 2007. And it seemed like forever before we could hear those words again. Who knew seven words could mean so much? On most occasions, I try to allow myself of at least a day to thoroughly understand a situation or occasion before commenting on it. It allows for more of a rational response, and less of an emot

Too Much of One Thing, A Bad Thing?

With today being election day, I found myself in a bit of a bind. Actually many binds. Binds and conflictions. As with most election days, it is important to vote for various reasons, including the right and opportunity to have your voice heard, and for the struggle and persecution for which many (minorities and women) experienced in order for us to have such an opportunity. And with this election coming off the heels of one of the most important elections in history, there is a lack of urgency that seemed to have been burned out after last year’s election. Let me first admit, I am no political expert. I am not aware of who holds all the positions, who does what, and all of the other deep on goings. Continuing, nor am I a political fanatic that is engaged with political news, rumors, lobbying, feuds, and statements that some find informational, and somewhat entertaining. However, make no mistake about it, I am aware of the topics, the general positions of representation, and like mos