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Showing posts from April, 2015

Reaction to Baltimore Riots and Protests

So now we have Baltimore, Maryland and the issue of Freddie Gray. I really don't know what to say, especially considering the fact that we've done this not too long ago in Ferguson, Missouri and here in New York City, as well many other places throughout our country, just not in the national spotlight.  Following the tragic deaths of NYPD officers, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, the rage died down a bit out of sheer sadness and possible realization of how far and out of control (and focus) things may have gotten. Of course, as time has continued on, we have seen several young black men killed (including one clearly on video tape) increasing tensions once again leading up to the Freddie Gray situation - another explosion of pent up frustration from a system that isn't working.

Pondering Picture #55

Credit: Wilhan Jose Gomes - Londrina, Brazil I came across this photo online and thought it was very relative to the social issues we are going through right now as a nation, especially in Baltimore, Maryland. I'll leave the interpretation up to you. 

2015 Extreme Rules: Satisfactory Even Without Urgency

"So yes, I'm back and invested in the WWE product."  Those were my own words about a month ago in my Wrestlemania 31 review, and welllllllllllll, it wasn't a lie, but it definitely didn't turn out to be the complete truth. Because following Wrestlemania and a pretty intense (and expected) RAW the next night, the product took a step backwards. It's not terrible, but still not must-see. With that sense of urgency injected into the product. Regardless, on a busy Sunday night with plenty of options, yours truly tuned in. After all, I am shelling out $9.99 a month for this, so why not? With all of that said, the following are my thoughts on an interesting WWE Extreme Rules show:

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 4/26/15

3 Up 1. President Obama's White House Dinner Speech - It's been pretty funny to watch President Obama take the approach of not caring about media backlash on the home stretch of is Presidential term. This was proven in an absolutely hilarious speech during the White House correspondents dinner. Really funny stuff. 2. LeBron James' Full Court Shot - A one handed full court shot. Um, yeah, he threw a basketball like a quarterback...with ease! This dude is supreme. MUST WATCH! 3. Alex Gordon - This catch is worth it. Wow. 3 Down 1. Nepal Earthquake - After an earthquake rocked Nepal, the nation is now dealing with as many as 2,100 people feared dead.  2. Baltimore Riots - Gosh, another death of a black man, this time dying in custody. And it seems the city of Baltimore has turned ugly with riots on the basis of #BlackLivesMatter. Again, the rioting is idiotic and does nothing for the true problem at hand.  3. Bruce Jenner Interview - I'm pro...

Angels Not So Heavenly in Hamilton Relapse

With Josh Hamilton on his way back to the Texas Rangers, the nasty divorce between the Los Angeles Angels and Hamilton is almost over. Quite frankly, when Hamilton blew the whistle on himself for falling off the wagon in regards to his battles with alcohol and substance abuse, the Angels have made it abundantly clear what their intentions were - to severe their ties with the former AL MVP.  Some may say that you have to remove the "human element" from this situation and look at it from strictly a business perspective. However, honestly, how can you? This is indeed a human being we are talking about. And I've made it quite clear in a previous post ( Josh Hamilton's Relapse a Great Lesson in Human Vulnerability ) that I do indeed respect Hamilton for his self-reporting the issue.

Pondering Picture #54

Santa Monica, California, U.S.A. A lil' West Coast wishing on a cold Spring day here in the Northeast

Pondering with Plumtree - An Honorable Partnership?

Pondering with Plumtree is a column on the popular blog, TNAsylum, that is written by yours truly. The blog is focused towards being a fan site for TNA Wrestling fans where they can get news, rumors, opinions, and any and everything else, TNA Wrestling. Known as "The Haven for TNA Wrestling Fans", I'm hoping to bring some of my thoughts to an already impressive roster of columnist for as long as the site will have me. You can read the latest column here , or in the text below.

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 4/19/15

3 Up 1. #IWishMyTeacherKnew - This was a really cool thing done by a third grade teacher in Denver, Colorado. The initiative not only gives her students an opportunity to share their feelings, but a platform for to relate to her students. Sometimes we need less standardized testing, and more initiatives like this.  2. New York Mets - Whoa, who are these guys?! I thought the Mets would be good this year, but this good? No one saw this coming. Even as a Yankees fan, I'm happy for Mets fans. They've put up with quite a lot over the past few years.  3. Alex Rodriguez - Speaking of a surprise, how awesome has it been to watch A-Rod turn back the clock and be one of the best hitters in baseball right now? He's never looked so relaxed. Once you hit rock bottom, what else is there to worry about?  3 Down 1. ISIS Killing Christians - Just when you think ISIS couldn't be any more of a threat, they are now persecuting more Christians in Libya. This is heartb...

Rooting for the A-Renaissance

Okay, prepare to roll your eyes. Maybe even write me off for a few weeks, but not too long, because you know, you should be coming back here to the DP once in a while. Nonetheless, after one week into the Major League Baseball Season, I am rooting for Alexander Emmanuel Rodriguez.  Yes, yes, count me on the list of those who are pulling for the guy.  Of course, he remains the most intriguing athlete I have ever - EVER - seen in my lifetime. Bar none. In my opinion, no one is even close being as complex as A-Rod. Thus the reason he sits in the DP Page of Fame.  However, as I said earlier this year, all of the song and dance with him releasing that humanizing piece in ESPN magazine, or his hand written apology, or even him not holding a press conference - none of it mattered other than that one burning question - can he play?

The Pondering 10 - Things I Miss From Old School Pro Wrestling

As more and more wrestling companies hit the national (or international) scene, wrestling companies are now looking to develop their brands with innovation and creativity. Everyone wants to stand out by taking pro wrestling in a new direction and offering various dynamics to make their product intriguing. As much as I love the innovation, there are some aspects to pro wrestling I sorely miss. Call me old, a traditionalists, or a hopeless romantic for the old days, but there are just some things pro wrestling as an industry could use more of. The following Pondering 10 is a list of things I miss from old school pro wrestling.

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 4/12/15

3 Up  1. Return of MLB Baseball - So glad to see the great game back. Baseball everyday? YES, PLEASE! 2. Welfare Reform - Kudos to Maine on reforming Welfare. I can't agree more on the initiatives taken here. I'm hoping more states follow to prevent many from taken advantage of a system that should be there to help support those who need it.  3. Good Deed for a Good Teacher - I came across this story and appreciated the generosity. made the "Up" section. 3 Down 1. Walter Scott Murder - Another one of these situations. And this time, the whole thing was captured on video. No grey areas on this one. To say there isn't a stereotype when it comes to law enforcement and protecting the public is quite foolish at this point.  2. Al Sharpton - This guy is so annoying. Talk about a race baiter who takes advanage of delicate situations for his own good. So glad to hear the family of Walter Scott wanted him to stay away from the situation t...

Predictions and Wild Guesses For The 2015 MLB Season

Smffff!!! You smell that? Another brand new season of baseball is upon as and I am especially ecstatic to see the game return. Especially, when one considers the absolute albatross of a season that the New York Knicks game this fan over the winter. Seriously, basketball didn't even happen this winter.  Regardless, the days are long again, the weather is getting warmer (thank goodness!), and we're ready for some hardball. As always, here are my fun and crazy predictions (which are usually very wrong) for the 2015 season:

Pondering Picture #53

The Roman Colosseum - Rome, Italy The stadiums of all stadiums to visit for sport management and facility nerds like myself. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 4/6/15

3 Up  1. Easter - One of my favorite holidays. How can you now love celebrating resurrection Sunday. Love it. Absolutely love it. Such a spiritual celebration every year.  2. Charlie Adams' Goal - This was simply amazing. Even if you don't like soccer, one has to appreciate this absolute boot and heads up play by Adams.  3. NFL Official Sarah Thomas - One could be really cynical about this, especially after the NFL's dealings with women and domestic abuse, but kudos to the NFL on closing the wide gap on gender equity in sports.  3 Down 1. Kenyan College Shooting - Not only does this situation super sad, but I have to be honest, i makes me very mad when it isn't top news in our country the way it is around the world.  2. Yemen Prisoners Free - As if the world isn't in enough chaos, over 250 dangerous prisoners with links to Al-Qaeda were freed this past week. Ugh... 3. Queens Women Bomb Plot - Scary. Shake my head kind of scary....