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Showing posts from October, 2007

The Fear of No Fear

"What is your biggest fear?" I was once asked this question about four years ago. As always, when asked a question of such personal magnitude, I wanted to take a moment to select a proper answer that truly captures and accentuates my absolute greatest fear. So, I brainstormed for several seconds, going over the many things that lock up my nerves and paralyze my mental ability. After honestly reviewing it in my mind twice, I came up with the answer of... "The Boston Red Sox winning the World Series." It was the most logical answer for my feelings, as prior to 2004, the thought of the Red Sox winning was truly frightening. It was the fear of every Yankee fan. Imagining what it would feel like, the annoyance of Red Sox fans, the feeling of defeat for New Yorkers, and most of all, the end of our greatest edge over the Red Sox- a psychological advantage. However, the Red Sox are cursed, right? That could never happen our my lifetime. No worries. Then 2004 happened. A ye...

In the Knick of Time

City of Champions. It is a term for which New Yorkers wish can be associated with their city. For a place so demanding, so goal-oriented, so ego-driven, New Yorkers consider it almost a birthright that the term is given to them. After all, it is the biggest city in the world. The number one market in the nation. The city of dreams. The biggest Stage. The Big Apple. Yup, this is the show. New York City should be the "City of Champions." After all, New Yorkers lose enough time, sleep and not to mention money, over their favorite teams. There should not be a reason why they are not. However, they aren't. In actuality, they aren't even close. With the Yanks pondering their future, the Jets a lost cause, and the Giants giving the city its last bit of hope, the city does not have a favorite. What about the New York Rangers, you say? Well, maybe, if you're into that sort of thing, but we are talking about sports that capture the masses. Sports that actually matter...

As Iron, Man Sharpens Man: Realizing Your Full Potential

The proverbial look into the mirror. We all have those periodical moments when one must reevaluate the life he or she is leading. A reevaluation which includes understanding the past, grasping the present, and preparing for the future. Many times, the combination of the three are overwhelming, which causes these periodical moments, causing the vicious cycle over and over again. It's life. Nonetheless, many times a person is self-evaluated on varied standards. Most often, it is the standard of one's expectations. Specific goals, dreams and aspirations that you are capable of approaching. It's a challenge within yourself. What you aspire to be is the focus, a focus vastly isolated from the influence of others. These are the standards which you hold yourself accountable to in all facets of your life. If you fail, you reevaluate. You look into the mirror, and you get on track. Another standard is by competition. Your self-evaluation is dependent on your understanding of others....

Rationally, He is My Guy

The New York Yankees. It seems everyone has an opinion lately on the future of the Yanks and what direction they head for 2008 season. Torre? Pettite? Posada? Rivera? Abreu? And oh yeah, Alex Rodriguez? Everyone has their opinions on who should stay and who needs to go. A mere three days after what has become the quietest 24-hour mourning period in New York City in the past seven years, the Yanks face a crucial and probably the most important off-season in the franchise's last twenty years. It is not a secret (Thanks to non-stop ESPN coverage) that Joe Torre is the focus point of this off-season so far. Athletes like stability, and for the Posadas, Riveras, and Pettites of the world, Torre's return will play a huge part in their return. The Yankee Brass know this. Over the last twelve years, Torre has been immortalized in this city. Which is why it is smart for them to take a few days to be rational and separate emotion from logic. After all, in what other sport would a coach o...

A Different Year It Is Not

$11.6 million. That is how much money Isiah Thomas will cost Madison Square Garden as they pay for his indiscretions and poor judgment. Only, he didn't make these mistakes regarding the New York Knicks. Isiah Thomas who has been scrutinized for all but his first few days as President of the New York Knicks, is once again under the spotlight. If criticism for his decisions regarding the Knicks weren't enough, Thomas has now added a $11.6M tab to the Garden's bill for sexual harassment. As a die-hard New York Knicks fan, holding Thomas liable for the Knicks financial woes regarding the NBA salary cap is absurd. Thomas replaced an overpaid, aging roster with an exciting, promising (and overpaid) roster. Last year was his definitive year. A year of do or die. Although before injuries plagued the team from contending for a playoff spot, he proved that he had put together something worthy of his contract extension from James Dolan. However, this year was supposed to be d...