"What is your biggest fear?" I was once asked this question about four years ago. As always, when asked a question of such personal magnitude, I wanted to take a moment to select a proper answer that truly captures and accentuates my absolute greatest fear. So, I brainstormed for several seconds, going over the many things that lock up my nerves and paralyze my mental ability. After honestly reviewing it in my mind twice, I came up with the answer of... "The Boston Red Sox winning the World Series." It was the most logical answer for my feelings, as prior to 2004, the thought of the Red Sox winning was truly frightening. It was the fear of every Yankee fan. Imagining what it would feel like, the annoyance of Red Sox fans, the feeling of defeat for New Yorkers, and most of all, the end of our greatest edge over the Red Sox- a psychological advantage. However, the Red Sox are cursed, right? That could never happen our my lifetime. No worries. Then 2004 happened. A ye...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"