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Showing posts from February, 2012

Braun Fraud

Ryan Braun stood in front of a microphone and thoroughly told us about a glitch in the Major League Baseball drug testing program that red flagged him as a user. He spoke of the poor procedure and action taken by the collector, Dino Laurenzi, Jr., and vilified Laurenzi as the only "suspect" that could have tampered with his sample. Braun, who is now hailed as a vigilante in baseball as being the first to ever win an arbitration appeal against the league, is now seeking to regain his clean name and reputation. Yet, as baseball continues to heal from the black eye that was the steroid era, the recent Braun situation brings about another blemish that causes eyes to turn upon the league like that disheveled girl at prom who just walked in. And quite honestly, fans should be more upset with Braun than the never-ending steroid news. Why?  In my eyes, it's because Braun is a fraud.

Give Us Competition, The Real Show

  I am about to write something that I haven't written in quite a long time here at the DP. A statement, that seems so foregin to this little blog that and I'm sure to all of the DP devotees. So without any further adieu, here goes: everyone needs to lay off LeBron James .   What?!   Yes. That is right. And no, I'm not punching the keys under some type of influence or against my will. I willingly clicked that "post" button fully aware and in agreement of this statement.   As the clock came to three zeroes to conclude the NBA All-Star Game last night, the overreactions and the haters were in overdrive criticizing James' pass in the final seconds of the game.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: We Own The Night (2007)

What is it about?   A brother, separated from his brother and father, who are both police officers, must reform his life and become an informant for the NYPD to save them from the very men he helped in his previous life. Who is in it?  Joaquin Phoenix - Bobby Greene Mark Wahlberg - Joseph Grusinski Eva Mendes - Amada Juarez

365 Thought Provoking Questions. Answered: #82-97

82. Do you own your things or do your things own you? Well, if you talk to my tag team partner, I'm sure she would say that my mobile phone owns me, more specifically, twitter. However, despite being connected to the world and its on goings, I'm not a complicated guy that is overly interested with gadgets, technical things, and/or various electronics. I love my car, my phone, my television screen, my PlayStation 2 (yes, I still play it), and my X-box 360. And I own these things. I understand they can be replaced, and I'm not completely attached. And oh yeah, I love my wife, too. 83. Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones? Never be able to make new ones. While the memories I have or will make in the future I'm sure can be great, I truly believe your childhood memories are the ones you hold dear to your heart. I have no idea what the future holds, but my childhood, which was awesome, can never be taken away a...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Moneyball (2011)

What is it about? Oakland A's General Manager, Billy Beane, utilizes a new way of analyzing performance in baseball to field an affordable and successful team. Who is in it?  Brad Pitt - Billy Beane Jonah Hill - Peter Brand Phillip Seymour Hoffman - Art Howe

Pondering Picture #18

Think Lin-Sanity isn't a big deal in this city? Think again.

All-Lin On Jeremy Lin-Sanity (Part II)

I’ve never seen anything like this… Ever. Yet, the continued story of Jeremy Lin and the phenomenon that has grown out of it is amazing. This past Tuesday was the pinnacle of Lin-sanity, as Lin delivered a game winning shot against the Toronto Raptors that has heightened this craze to a climax. It was a moment this die-hard Knicks fan will never forget. A moment, as a sports fan, that seems unreal. However, it was the moment where I truly believed something larger is at work with this kid.

365 Thought Provoking Questions. Answered: #65-81

65. What is the difference between falling in love and being in love? Falling in love is the beginning of that unique feeling of not being sure what to make of the situation. You enjoy being around the person (place or thing). It makes you smile,gives you those butterflies you feel in your stomach and causes those stuttering ridiculous comments you wish you never said out loud.  Being in love is knowing it is the real deal. It's unconditional love through the hardships, annoyances, and wrong doings. It is providing support, respect, care, and affection at all times.  66. Who do you think stands between you and happiness? Myself. It may seem like a cop out answer, but only ourselves have the ability to create our own happiness. Unfortunately, as a society we place too much emphasis on external things to create our happiness such as wealth, materials, companionship, hobbies, family, friends, partying, etc...

Disappointment: The Death And Career of Whitney Houston

I was on the train heading home to Brooklyn when I first found out. As I checked my latest refreshed feed before I headed underground, twitter was buzzing with the breaking news – Whitney Houston Dead at age 48. As I continued to scroll through multiple sources such as the New York Daily News, the New York Times, and the Associated Press, the news was confirmed, and my heart sank. With details being very vague right now and many questions still unanswered, especially, the cause of death, I find it very interesting to see how others are not only viewing her death, but are choosing to remember Houston. The overall public perception (minus media reaction) is that drugs were a cause, and from some social media responses, the overall theme was sadly, “just another crackhead died.”

Pondering Picture #17

Traces...a super awesome show!

All-Lin On Jeremy Lin-Sanity

If you live in New York as of February 9th, 2012, how can you not be wrapped up in the current sporting euphoria? Fresh off the heels of a New York Giants Super Bowl win, the sporting world has given us the wonderful story of one, Jeremy Lin. Who? Yes, Jeremy Lin. And dare I say, Lin is the most interesting, compelling, and inspirational story going today. In the midst of a terrible time where everything seemed down in the doldrums, the New York Knicks have found a gem, or as one sign said last night in Washington D.C., "Crouching Tiger, hidden point guard", to fill a dying (and I do mean dying) need on their team. So, who is Jeremy Lin?

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Ides of March (2011)

What is it about? An idealistic and star political staffer works for a Presidential candidate who he believes in, but quickly gets a crash course on dirty politics and the shallowness of the industry. Who is in it? Ryan Gosling - Stephen Meyers George Clooney - Governor Mike Morris Phillip Seymour Hoffman - Paul Zara Paul Giamatti - Tom Duffy

365 Thought Provoking Questions. Answered: #49-64

49. Where do you find inspiration? There are a lot of places in which I find inspiration. For one, when it comes to this little blog known as Dome Pondering, inspiration comes from many of the head-scratching, head-shaking, jaw-dropping, eye-squinting stories, concepts, and norms that occur in life. As for me personally, for some odd reason, I've always been motivated and inspired by doubters and nay-sayers. I'm often moved by negative-reinforcement (I'll show you!). Weird, I know. Other forms of inspiration are underdog stories, and hearing personal testimonies and stories of others who have turned their lives around.  50. Can you describe your life in a six word sentence? Thoughtfully running this race called life.

Silver Lining Thoughts On The Super Bowl From A Jets Fan

Credit: Rob Carr - Getty Images Haven't we seen this script before? Different Super Bowl you say? Well, Super Bowl XLVI looked an awful lot like Super Bowl XLII did, with game changing catches, an Eli Manning fourth quarter drive, a disappointed Tom Brady, and another celebration for the city of New York. Now, DP devotees know that yours truly is a Jets fan, and quite honestly, watching another Giants/Patriots Super Bowl was not only depressing for the lose-lose situation it presented, but sadly reminded Jet nation of how dysfunctional our franchise is. And yes, how long it's been since we've been in a Super Bowl (1969!). However, similar to my feeling on the Giants winning Super Bowl XLII ( Famine Over: G-Men Are Giants In New York City ), I am content with the outcome of Bill Belichick and Tom Brady leaving the big stage without any hardware.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Bridesmaids (2011)

What is it about?  A woman whose life is spiraling out of control, attempts to juggle her personal life and her duties as Maid of Honor of her best friend's wedding without losing herself, her role in the wedding, and her best friend. Who is in it?   Kristen Wiig - Annie Walker Maya Rudolph - Lillian Rose Byrne - Helen Harris

The Pondering 10 - Favorite Super Bowls In My Lifetime

It is the first weekend of  February, which only means that it is Super Bowl weekend! And with this year marking yet another Giants/Patriots Super Bowl for this New York Jets fan, suppressing the thoughts of a loss-loss situation with Super Bowl moments that are memorable are the route we're going to take for comfort. Oh wait, as a Jets fan, and a young one at that, Super Bowl III isn't even in my conscience. Life of a Jets fan. Nonetheless, in my 26 years of existence, there have been some memorable Super Bowls. In lieu of the big game tomorrow, the following Pondering 10 are my favorite Super Bowls in my lifetime.

Improving Education, Nothing But Lip Service By Us

Every Saturday fans pack 100,000 seat stadiums and fill arenas with wacky chants, movements, and traditions in support of their favorite Division I collegiate schools and teams. Like a widespread plague, our nation's fascination with school and civic pride is admirable, well deserved, and honored. We cheer, we jeer, we shake our heads in disgust, we cry on senior day, and we become elated on what has become the biggest joke of a day in our society - national signing day. A day where collegiate fans are filled with hope and excitement as seventeen and eighteen year old boys across the nation are pampered and coddled as we await the defining moment of their selection by placing a simple on hat on their heads. Yes, this day specifically defines college athletics. And because of this day is why I have so many problems with Division I football and basketball athletics.

The Pondering 10 - All-Time Favorite Royal Rumble Matches

As a lifelong pro wrestling fan, there are several events and types of matches that are must see. For yours truly, the Royal Rumble is that match. From the inclusion of the all of the WWE's talent roster to the surprise returns and entries, the rumble provides an all-star-type feel that is very entertaining. In the current spirit of "Wrestlemania season", and off the heels of the 25th annual Royal Rumble, the following Pondering 10 is a list of my all-time favorite Royal Rumble matches.