Ryan Braun stood in front of a microphone and thoroughly told us about a glitch in the Major League Baseball drug testing program that red flagged him as a user. He spoke of the poor procedure and action taken by the collector, Dino Laurenzi, Jr., and vilified Laurenzi as the only "suspect" that could have tampered with his sample. Braun, who is now hailed as a vigilante in baseball as being the first to ever win an arbitration appeal against the league, is now seeking to regain his clean name and reputation. Yet, as baseball continues to heal from the black eye that was the steroid era, the recent Braun situation brings about another blemish that causes eyes to turn upon the league like that disheveled girl at prom who just walked in. And quite honestly, fans should be more upset with Braun than the never-ending steroid news. Why? In my eyes, it's because Braun is a fraud.
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"