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Showing posts from September, 2019

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 9/29/19

3 Up 1. Greta Thunberg - Other than being blind by party politics, how can you not be impressed by this young girl who made a plea for responsibility towards our climate from the world's leaders? So much props to this girl. 2. Pete Alonso and Justin Verlander - Pete Alonso smashed the rookie Home Run record and Justin Verlander continues to make me feel terrible about the Yankees not pursuing him when the Tigers made him available a couple of years ago. Hats off to both on breaking records and achieving milestones in their respective careers. 3. MLB Farewells - There is just something about baseball that makes send-offs and the end of the season emotional. The farewells for several managers and a few players this week was touching stuff. Only in baseball. 3 Down 1. Sikh Police Officer Killed - It's amazing that even when you're doing amazing things legally, the evil that is racism and discrimination can still dip into such goodness. My heart goes out to this of...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 9/22/19

3 Up 1. Jharrel Jerome - Jerome winning an Emmy for his role in Ava DuVernay's "When They See Us" is not a shock to anyone who watched the 5-Part Netflix piece. Jerome was absolutely fantastic. He played a younger and older Korey Wise, with Part 4 just being absolutely everything. Like, everything. Please go and watch. Congrats to Jerome on a well-deserved win. 2. Chanel Miller on 60 Minutes - Everything about the Brock Turner case makes me sick. However, watching the 60-minutes special in which Chanel Miller comes out from anonymity and tells the world about what happened to her further makes me furious on our country's rape culture. Especially so, for white men. 3. Sandy Hook Promise Commercial - If you haven't seen the commercial created for back-to-school by the Sandy Hook Promise group, then you should. No words can describe it, or do it justice. 3 Down 1. Bahamas Aftermath - Unfortunately, we often move on to the NEXT tragedy that sensationaliz...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 9/15/19

3 Up 1. September 11th Remembrance - So many years later, 9/11 still feels eerie and the day has an aura that resonates the tragic events from 2001. #NeverForget 2. David Ortiz Appearance - The appearance of Big Papi at Fenway was an inspirational one for the Boston mega star. On the heels of the senseless attack on him which in his native of the Dominican Republic, Ortiz's honest comments about the attack were a reminder of how precious life is - "I thought I was going to die." 3. Pro Wrestling Industry - This is a rare "up" from me for 2019. I haven't really be invlovled in pro wrestling this year, but you have to give major props to an industry that is announcing major television deals for multiple organizations and companies. Wrestling is VERY healthy, and starting in October, things should really get interesting. 3 Down 1. Oman 9/11 Comments - "Some people did something". I don't care what her reasoning for the comments are, t...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 9/8/19

3 Up 1. Man Buys 100 Generators for Bahamas - It's been an extremely rough week for the Bahamas. The buefutiful country was ravaged this week from the strengths of Hurricane Dorian. In a reminder that there is no more powerful spirit than that of the human kind, this man - who wishes to remain unidentified - walked into a Costco and spent nearly $50,000 on generators with the intent to send them to the Bahamas to aid with recovery. 2. 7 Year-Old Helps Evacuees - Staying with the theme, a 7-yeard old boy from South Carolina decided to use his allowance money to help provide food and water for evacuees coming in from off the shores where Dorian was expected to hit. 3. U.S. Open Finals - The U.S. Open was an absolutely fantastic event this year, highlighted by two epic finals. Congrats to Bianca Andreescu and the usual, Rafael Nadal, on their Open Championships. 3 Down 1. Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian - So incredibly sad to see such a beautiful country destroyed. Hurri...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 9/1/19

3 Up 1. Coco Gauff and Naomi Osaka - The exchange between these two young talents and future of tennis was refreshing and touching. Osaka's gesture to the parents and family of Gauff was especially so. The thought that both have made it at such a young age - yes, Naomi, it is incredible. 2. Boy Consoles Autistic Classmate - Every so often there are stories like this that just renews your faith in humanity. Yes, like the one mom said, "just open your heart." 3. Verlander No-Hitter - This dude is absolutely incredible. To think that at one point we thought Verlander's best days was behind him. What hurts this Yankees fan even more is that we could have taken the chance on him. 2017 might have been different. The present could have been very different. But oh well... 3 Down 1. Odessa/Midland Mass Shooting - Is there anything I can say. But of course, Texas just eased laws on gun carry recently. Aren't the good guys with guns supposed to prevent this f...