57 days to go. Well this road to 9.24 continues to head down hill as many tasks and dates are now beginning to not only come faster, but occur faster. This past week the tag-team partner and I pulled many late nights similar to our college days scanning documents and locating others in order to apply and become approved for an apartment we really liked. After several days of tense searching and waiting on phone calls and e-mails, we received the e-mail from our broker - "You've been approved". And while it is not technically a house purchase, the new apartment will signify our first space together - our first home. As excited as we were, we realized that because of our already hectic schedule in the month of August, moving would have to be a priority - meaning as soon as possible. As we threw everything in boxes, bags, bins, folders, and some just flat out left as is, we began the craziest, most rushed, and definitely, the most unor...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"