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Showing posts from October, 2015

Thoughts and Takeaways From Third Republican Presidential Debate

OMG. Yes, It's not often I use silly acronyms that entered the language through our addictive text communication, but that's the only way to describe what happened this past Wednesday in Colorado.  Maybe perhaps, SMH is another.  Regardless, after finally getting around to a much anticipated third round of a highly charged GOP race for the United States Presidency, I sat there watching a debate that was mess. CNBC and anyone who attempted to show their face and play "moderator" in this one, walked away as the biggest loser. Well of course, other than the American people who got nothing out of this debate other than knowing that CNBC is awful.  Nonetheless, let's dive into the weirdest, and probably worst debate I've seen - ever:

Rock Solid

Rock Solid I can doubt, and I will deny.  Yet, the evidence is right in front of my eyes.  I once believed I had nothing to offer - to lead, to relate, to understand.  Rarely close friends, barely any family.  How does one learn to feel? To relate? To touch? To lead?  "I'm really, really not that strong!"  But God must think I am.  I reach out, and wonder how, or why?  Yet, the answer lies within my heart.  It's been there all along.  I'm not strong. I'm a rock.  There for others who had never doubted at all. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 10/25/15

3 Up 1. Brave Victim - We use the word "courage" so freely these days that the meaning has lost it's value. Courage is this 13 year old rape victim who not only helped the police to find the suspect, but also testified in court in helping place the suspect in jail forever. That is courage. Well done. 2. ISIS Hostage Rescue - Good to see our forces, along with allies. saved 70 hostages who were facing imminent execution from the scum that is ISIS. 3. New York Mets - The new toast of New York City, the National League Champions are riding high into the biggest stage in baseball with a rotation that is very, very unbelievable. 3 Down 1. Slain NYPD Cop - What a shame. It's so disheartening to see the men and women who risk their lives everyday gunned down for no reason. And shame on some "protesters" who took to the streets protesting the police shortly thereafter. Not the time. Such a terrible situation. 2. Flip Saunders - In a month...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Furious 7 (2015)

What is it about?   Deckard Shaw seeks revenge on Dominic Torretto and his crew after they placed his brother in a coma.  Who is in it?   Vin Diesel - Dominick Torretto Paul Walker - Brian O'Conner Jason Statham - Deckard Shaw

My Concern For The 2015 New York Mets

The New York Mets are in the World Series.  Those are words that seem awfully strange and foreign for this Yankees die hard, especially, after the run that I've been fortunate to witness and experience in my thirty years on God's green earth. Nonetheless, I would like to congratulate the Mets, especially, their fanbase on what has been a very fun run.  To be honest, I'm not rooting for the Mets, nor am I rooting against them. It is what it is. They deserve the city's adulation as well as the stage they are about to take.  Quite frankly, the Mets, even before this playoff run were very entertaining. As much as it hurts to admit, they have been playing a more entertaining brand of baseball than my boys have been this year. They have an awesome pitching staff, youth, and a style of baseball that wasn't seen from the pinstripers. But, whatevs. Oddly enough, this was a weird rebuilding year for the Yanks. I'll take that when it comes with a Wild Card...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 10/18/15

3 Up  1. Daniel Murphy - Is there another athlete on the planet right now hotter than Daniel Murphy? A big home run off of Kershaw, Greinke, and Arrieta? Yup, that's clutch. The Mets are running towards the World Series in a year than feels like fate is theirs, and Murphy is leading the way.  2. Scott Van Pelt - I barely watch ESPN anymore, if at all, but I did see SVP's comments on the media coverage regarding Lamar Odom's recent situation. I completely agree with Van Pelt - when did Odom become a "reality star"? Odom is a talented basketball player whose personal demons go well beyond his link to the Kardashians. Please, stop making this - like everything - about the Kardashians.  3. Jose Bautista's Bat Flip - As stated earlier this week, I absolutely loved the bat flip by Bautista. Baseball needs more individuality in it, and less of this ridiculous "unwritten rules" nonsense.  3 Down 1. Lamar Odom Coverage - I touched on th...

Thank You Jose Bautista - May I Have Another Bat Flip?

Yup, this is posted. You know why? Because I love this. I loved the bat flip. I loved the emotion. I loved the passion. I loved the celebration. I loved THAT moment. That's everything baseball is, and in so many ways, should be moving forward. I am so inspired, I may start flipping my pen at work after signing off on documents now. Go ahead, call me a liberal baseball fan, or a progressive one.

Thoughts and Takeaways From First Democratic Presidential Debate

Well, after watching the red guys (and girl) duke it out in what seems like an all out battle royal for the Republican candidacy, it was time to see what was cooking on those coming from the left. The timing was right, especially when the GOP grabbed so much attention via the lightning rod that is Donald Trump.  I felt this first debate for the Dems was indeed vital in introducing America and many new voters to the candidates NOT named Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Most importantly, after the excitement to vote drummed up by President Obama in his last two elections, the Dems needed to find a way to connect with those same voters who believed in Obama, and who may want to believe in one of these candidates as well. Quite frankly, this race is for the White House is WIDE open.

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 10/11/15

3 Up 1. Charitable Couple - Julia Wise and Jeff Kauffman both make a combined $245,000 for a yearly income, yet only use 6.25% of their salary to live on ($15,280). The couple donated up to $100,000 a year to charity. This is absolutely remarkable. An interesting read for sure.  2. MLB Playoffs - In my opinion, it's the best postseason in all of sports. Okay, so maybe I am biased. But still, the 2015 MLB Playoffs have been absolutely awesome thus far.  3. Sasha Banks vs. Bayley - The first women's Iron Man match in WWE history was tremendous. Kudos to both Bayley and Sasha Banks who continue to raise the bar for women's wrestling in today's wrestling industry.  3 Down 1. High School Football Deaths - High School football usually has about three deaths per year, and just this month, we have seen five deaths. As we learn more and more about the effects the sport has on the human brain and heart, it's very concerning to see five deaths just this...

Yankees 2015 Season Finale - Thoughts and Reactions

Soooooooo , what has been a fairly enjoyable Yankee season is now all over. Done. Finished. Complete. And ultimately, it all ended in a huge whimpering disappointment.  Last night, there I sat in section 431 of Yankee Stadium and watched inning after inning, after inning, zip by with our offense giving little resistance to Dallas Keuchel (also, my pick for AL Cy Young) stellar performance. Quite frankly, in nine innings of baseball, we never had one base runner get to third base. The hardest hits all night were a Greg Bird liner to centerfield, and a Carlos Beltran smash up the middle. Other than that - silence. Silence!  I'll be lying if I said I'm not writing this with a fallen fandom heart. I'm devastated - it's that same feeling I always have when we are eliminated from the playoffs. A feeling I've missed for the past two years. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 10/4/15

3 Up 1. Chris Mintz - Who else? In what is yet another horrific mass shooting on a school camps, Mintz took several bullets and helped saved the lives of many more. You sir, Mt. Mintz, are a real hero and who we should be talking about - NOT the suspect!  2. Neil Everett - OK, If you follow the DP, you know I'm not a huge fan of ESPN's SportsCenter and some of their coverage of sports. However, I came across Neil Everett's comments following the recent Oregon shootings and definitely gained respect for this dude. "What's going on with humanity?" Kudos to you Mr. Everett on taking a stand and saying exactly how we all feel.  3. Max Scherzer - Well, it didn't get them into the playoffs, but tossing another no-hitter, especially wen it comes with a side of 17Ks, is pretty damn impressive. Scherzer is a beast! It's just a shame the Nats couldn't get it together to see him toss when it really matters - October!  3 Down 1. Oregon Sh...

Thoughts on Umpqua Community College Mass Shooting

Anyone else tired of the same regurgitation of topics, debates, and discussions whenever there is a mass shooting in our nation? After all, why wouldn't we be? As a society, we do it every time these tragedies happen on our soil, pleading for the violence to stop, enraged and demanding that we need to do more to prevent these occurrences; and as always, discussing different variances of gun control needed.  It's all so tiring and so damn aggravating. Over the past five years we've witnessed that frightening fact that no one is safe anywhere, even once safe havens such as a church, a temple, a classroom, a movie theater, or on an army base.  Of course, with this recent mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, the killer had 13 legal firearms at his disposal and distributed racially hateful messages prior to his killing spree. He also targeted Christians and discussed in the distributed messages how killing could bring a person fame.

Pondering with Plumtree - Bound For Glory Preview: Holding On To Hope

Pondering with Plumtree is a column on the popular blog, TNAsylum, that is written by yours truly. The blog is focused towards being a fan site for TNA Wrestling fans where they can get news, rumors, opinions, and any and everything else, TNA Wrestling. Known as "The Haven for TNA Wrestling Fans", I'm hoping to bring some of my thoughts to an already impressive roster of columnist for as long as the site will have me. You can read the latest column here, or in the text below.