Is it possible for A-Rod to make more money? And isn't that thought scary? After all, he is potentially the greatest player to ever don a Baseball uniform, and according to the latest results, one of "The Greatest Athletes in the World." So you would think that he would (and should) be fairly marketable, right? Currently, A-Rod is the ninth highest paid athlete in the world behind the likes of Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Flloyd Mayweather, and some guy named Tiger Woods. Rodriguez's base salary is in actuality the highest at a whopping $29 million dollars per year. However, he only (and let's use that term loosely) makes an additional $6 million in endorsements, an area others obviously thrive in. It is hard to believe, a guy like Rodriguez who is the best in his sport, similar to the likes of Woods, James, Mayweather, and Bryant, cannot step to the foray of the mainstream media. Rodriguez, who has turned down endorsements in the past (commercials & photo shoot...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"