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Showing posts from June, 2008

There Should be Much More to "A-Rod" For Alex Rodriguez

Is it possible for A-Rod to make more money? And isn't that thought scary? After all, he is potentially the greatest player to ever don a Baseball uniform, and according to the latest results, one of "The Greatest Athletes in the World." So you would think that he would (and should) be fairly marketable, right? Currently, A-Rod is the ninth highest paid athlete in the world behind the likes of Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Flloyd Mayweather, and some guy named Tiger Woods. Rodriguez's base salary is in actuality the highest at a whopping $29 million dollars per year. However, he only (and let's use that term loosely) makes an additional $6 million in endorsements, an area others obviously thrive in. It is hard to believe, a guy like Rodriguez who is the best in his sport, similar to the likes of Woods, James, Mayweather, and Bryant, cannot step to the foray of the mainstream media. Rodriguez, who has turned down endorsements in the past (commercials & photo shoot...

Life of Hulkamania Brings Down Terry Bollea

Terry "Hulk Hogan" Bollea has had quite a rough stretch lately. This has not been a secret as the "Hulkster" has seen his life crumble before him as if he were in the fist of the late great, Andre The Giant. Hogan has experienced the canceling of his TV show, Hogan Knows Best , a messy and public divorce, various scandals regarding his newest lady Hulkamaniac, witnessing his son being sent to jail, and a potential life altering lawsuit. It's been very rough to say the least. Many have sympathized with Hogan, and have shown their support for him in many ways. Although, any individual experiencing such a downward spiral deserves sympathy and support, this situation has been coming for a long time. It was as obvious as the finish to any of Hogan's matches or any major wrestling event in the late 80's-early 90's. Except this time, the finish was very different. This time, Hogan is the one that has been defeated. As the old saying goes, what ...

Slicing the Integrity of the Sport: A Review of MMA's Big Night

So Kimbo Slice is the next great fighter? According to Elite XC he is. The street fighting legend who became a household name because of his fights on YouTube and his rags-to-riches story was victorious in his third MMA fight for Elite XC. In the main event role, Slice was a sure lock for interest and ratings for the struggling MMA company as it not only broke through on the national stage for the first time, but represented the entire sport on it's quest for mainstream recognition. In a fight which seemed right out of the book from Don King's manual, the entire night was built around Slice's fight, his background, and his merits. From the pre-fight interviews and introduction, to the announcers excitement for every Slice haymaker and jab, the night almost seemed disrespectful to the fighters that have learned honed the MMA honor and discipline for years. In what was MMA's breakthrough night, the entire sport laid rest on the back of a two fight, internet sensation.