Well, with another summer comes yet another edition of this addiction. Yes, the third rendition of "Dome Pondering". It's been awhile, but rather than going into the rambling of calling this a comeback, I will be unlike that proverbial superstar that enters in and out of retirement and just ignore it. I don't like it when they do it. So I won't. Here is a quote I came across tonight: "Being grown up isn't nearly as fun as growing up. For these are the best times of our lives" It is summer and I have returned to the homefront for another 100 days of fun in the sun. However, this summer has already has the makings of a summer like no other. For years, summers consisted of the usual summer job surrounded by many memorable times with friends and close ones. We all can knock off the cob webs in our memory and remember those times. Those were the times where bonding with your friends became an unintentional priority as you felt like you and your crew reign...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"