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Showing posts from September, 2009

Why did Derrion Albert Have To Die?

All schools were violent. This is one of the sure things I believed several years ago, when I, myself attended High School. I was pretty sure that most High Schools across America dealt with the same issues such as violence, gangs, and slumping graduation rates. In some form or another, I felt that the typical high school that was displayed on television with the perfect teachers, various extra-curricular activities, and huge hallways did not exist. I always felt like those high schools, where the biggest problem revolved around prom themes and graduation venues, were indeed fiction. After all, How could I not think this way? After being born and raised in the midst of Brooklyn, NY, and attending one of the most violent high schools in the state, it was my world. And when I turned on the television to escape this world, to see what was out there, I see images of school shootings in Colorado. So it couldn’t have been a racial issue. I see schools in California filled with gang warfare...

Finally On The Same Page With UFC President, Dana White

  Before I begin, let me just say, it’s not often I agree with Dana White. I’ll repeat, it’s not often I agree with Dana White.  After all, White does more flip-flopping, trash talking, irrational, and unnecessary comments as your typical “flip-flopping, trash talking, irrational, and unnecessary commenting” individual. As the President of the UFC, White embodies and exuberates the confidence in his promotion as the number one Mixed Martial Arts organization in the world.  He’s bold, he’s brash, and he speaks his mind. But that’s why I am so intrigued by him as well. I enjoy different opinions, and White often offers his.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Madagascar (2005)

What’s it about? Four animals are spoiled by their upbringing and current lives in the New York City Central Park Zoo. After the realization of their monotonous lives, one dares on a mission to seek the wild. After an occurrence of events, all four animals end up stranded in a region known as Madagascar. Who is in it? Ben Stiller – Alex Chris Rock – Marty David Schwimmer – Melman Jada Pinkett-Smith – Gloria

Cornrows Create Controversy

It amazes me sometimes the scenarios and situations that are often reported in the news. A great deal of the time, it is not due to relevance and credibility of the news that is being reported, but the event that happened. Another one of those types of stories occurred this past week. It has been reported by the New York Daily News and Philadelphia Daily News that Thomas Strain, a white police officer in Philadelphia, was pulled of street duty, and ordered to change his hair style by his black superior. Now, what makes this situation so peculiar is that several of Strain’s fellow comrades also sport that same cornrow look, but are black, are still on duty. The report can be read here . Despite the common tone of the story, there is something about it that raises several flags about our society. First and foremost, let’s acknowledge the underlying, and obvious truth that cornrows are ethnical, and synonymous with blacks. In some areas, and some countries in fact, cornrows are indeed cul...

No Debate When It Comes To Being Phenomenal

Over the last few years, there has been a great deal of pessimism running through the wrestling industry. From the lack of serious competition, deaths, various arrests, and finally admitting the wrestling boom period of the late nineties and of this early decade is over, the industry has taken many hits, or shall we say, body slams. Nonetheless, through it all, and as it always has, the business continues on. In fact, we have seen the emergence of a solid number two company, a possible number three (Ring of Honor), a growth of interest in international companies (Dragon Gate & NOAH), and the emergence of other independent organizations. Yet, with the advent of the internet and the growth in opinion due to blogs, advanced reporting, and instant communication; debates, differences, suggestions, and sheer, "know it all" gestures surround the varying aspects of the wrestling industry.

Music Takes Back Seat (Once Again) at VMA's

After taking a year off from controversy, the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards were right back at it, and it didn't take long for the train wreck everyone anticipated to occur. An event that is notoriously known for its emphasis on fashion, rivalries, drama, and creating edgy television to go along with its programming, MTV got its wish in the so-called "Kanye West Invasion". West, always known for his outspoken ways (even when not appropriate or relevant) interrupted the show (or made the show, however you look at it) when he insisted on letting the world know during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech (Best Female Video) that he thought Beyonce's video was "one of the best of all time". Classless? Without a doubt.

Lucky Existence: Privelaged to Witness Many Greats

After the induction of Michael Jordan into the Basketball Hall of Fame, we are reminded of the various images and memories he has given to us over the years. As a die hard fan of the New York Knickerbockers, yours truly has experienced the greatness (and wrath) of Jordan's unbelievable athleticism, and most importantly, his tenacious competitive nature. Despite my unfortunate feelings toward Jordan, I greatly respect and appreciate his talent, performances, and accomplishments. After all, Who wouldn't want to be like Mike? Nonetheless, Jordan, similar to Michael Jackson, has been an influential source for many around the world. From his athletic accomplishments, to his business ventures, Michael Jordan is one of the greatest and most iconic talents ever to grace this earth. The opportunity to witness and experience his career is an absolute privilege, and one that has to be chalked up to the mere timing of existence. We are lucky to have witnessed MJ's career. With children...

9/11's Greatest Reminder

It has been eight years since the horrible events of September 11th, 2001. A date that will always be remembered for its assurance of the wicked ways of the world, and the evil actions it drives. Every year, 9/11 is a constant reminder of how short our lives can be. A constant reminder of the cost of freedom. Most importantly, every September 11th reminds me of the power of God, his love, and his presence. Despite the constant disputes from many non-believers, and even some of you reading these words right now, the presence and remnant of a steel structured cross is no coincidence. In fact, its design remained so perfectly, architects and designers insist it was supernaturally enforced. September 11th remains a day where we are reminded that it does not matter how much the ground shakes, how much devastation occurs, or how much everything falls apart. God is the the alpha and the omega, the be all, and end all. And that is the greatest insurance and security one can have in this evil w...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Taken (2008)

What it's about? The thrill seek of a former government spy with specialized skills that has 96 hours to save his daughter from being forced into the underground trafficking world of young American women in Europe. Who is in it? Liam Neeson - Bryan Mills Maggie Grace - Kim Leland Orsor - Sam Jon Gries - Casey Olivier Rabourdin - Jean-Claude