All schools were violent. This is one of the sure things I believed several years ago, when I, myself attended High School. I was pretty sure that most High Schools across America dealt with the same issues such as violence, gangs, and slumping graduation rates. In some form or another, I felt that the typical high school that was displayed on television with the perfect teachers, various extra-curricular activities, and huge hallways did not exist. I always felt like those high schools, where the biggest problem revolved around prom themes and graduation venues, were indeed fiction. After all, How could I not think this way? After being born and raised in the midst of Brooklyn, NY, and attending one of the most violent high schools in the state, it was my world. And when I turned on the television to escape this world, to see what was out there, I see images of school shootings in Colorado. So it couldn’t have been a racial issue. I see schools in California filled with gang warfare...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"