City of Champions. It is a term for which New Yorkers wish can be associated with their city. For a place so demanding, so goal-oriented, so ego-driven, New Yorkers consider it almost a birthright that the term is given to them. After all, it is the biggest city in the world. The number one market in the nation. The city of dreams. The biggest Stage. The Big Apple. Yup, this is the show. New York City should be the "City of Champions." After all, New Yorkers lose enough time, sleep and not to mention money, over their favorite teams. There should not be a reason why they are not. However, they aren't. In actuality, they aren't even close. With the Yanks pondering their future, the Jets a lost cause, and the Giants giving the city its last bit of hope, the city does not have a favorite. What about the New York Rangers, you say? Well, maybe, if you're into that sort of thing, but we are talking about sports that capture the masses. Sports that actually matter...