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Showing posts from February, 2009

Life is Fine

Adversity is an issue that most individuals face several, if not, many times throughout their lives. It's a mere issue, almost a dignified rite of passage in certain situations that form the people we are, and have become, while creating the history and recording the journey we have traveled. Adversity is a double-edged sword that tears us down, strips us of our pride, our arrogance, and our false pillars in life, while sculpting a new individual, and uncovering new wonders never known by yourself. "Adversity introduces a man to himself", is how the quote so often is told. And while that is often very true, adversity can also introduce a man to life. In a world today when adversity has become the universal adjective to describe the current times due to economic strife, the word almost becomes diluted. Weak. Ineffective in describing the difficulty. An uphill battle begins to control our lives. The urgency settles in, causing chaos. Disrupting dreams. Making a home for fea

A- (Targeted, Lighting) Rod

Just do it. And in a culture during the late 90's and the turn of the century, that is what Alex Rodriguez did. He succumbed to the culture of Major League Baseball and engaged in performance enhancing drugs (PED) from 2001-2003. Alex Rodriguez? Steroids? For many that notion may still not resonate so soundly and smoothly, as it is another example of the wide-use of PED's in the sport. It is also important to recognize the inability to predict or select who was guilty of using, and who was not. In so many cases, Major League Baseball and the public has been unjustified in lashing out against athletes, trainers, teams and others without clear evidence, justification, or reasoning. In A-Rod's case, allegations of steroid use was the free fall that many in the public have waited for, and have so eagerly anticipating. "A-Rod's Legacy is gone" "A-Roid" "A-Fraud" It seems that the headlines, catchphrases and stories do not cease when it comes to