2024 felt exhausting. It was shifty in many ways, but the word "exhausting" keeps coming back to mind as 2024 felt like a constant crisis in areas that truly aren't crises, on top of the already occurring crises. That sentence was exhausting. As mentioned in my Most Fascinating Things of 2024, the year felt like it was about culture and society, and we surely battled and attacked everything. Like, everything! EVERY. SINGLE. THING! And of course, we lived through an eventful political season that was the Presidential election. Exhale...breathe...wheeeewwwww! 2024, you're even tiring in thought. Before we get to it all, as always, I would like to thank all of you for your continued support and reading of this little site called Dome Pondering. I've somehow come full circle where I punch the keys whenever life allows, and truly from a place of freedom (since the pressure for "content" is via social media). I appreciate all of you for sticking with thoug...
What is it about? Two sons of a Caribbean immigrant in Canada face questions and obstacles regarding masculinity, identity, racism, family, community, and personal dreams. Who is in it? Lamar Johnson - Michael Aaron Pierce - Francis Marsha Stephanie Blake - Ruth Kiana Madeira - Aisha Favorite Scene: [spoiler alert] After a failed audition, and before the police once again, Francis emotionally says to all of his loved ones, "we dreamin, that's all, we're just dreamin" Favorite Quote: "Our immigrant parents cleaned toilets, took care of other people's f----ing kids, took shit all day, struggled with rent, were chronically tired...all for us." Review: Brother sat on my trusty "My List" on my NetFlix account for two years. The overall description of the film, of Caribbean immigrants and a family, intrigued me due to my similar background. After finally giving myself the green light to engage in this film, I'm upset it took me this long. B...