89 days to go. So as the days now head into double-digit territory, the anticipation continues to grow, and the reflection continues. While chatting with a friend, the topics of girls of the past came up. He proceeded to attempt to warn me that I will soon be “limited to one woman”, and that I will have to find new ways to keep things between myself and my tag-team partner fresh. All of this in a way to attempt somewhat scare me, or make me think twice about this supposed “hard work” that lies ahead. As he continued, I simply responded with a single statement, “hey, I’m getting married, I don’t need to pretend, or play games anymore…the chess match for me is over”. Right there he knew I was right. While he still has to impress, still has endure the “feeling out process”, and still has to “figure things out”, I just have to be myself. And sure, marriage brings many new barriers and trials, however, I can thoroughly be myself through the entire process. And while we went ba...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"