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Showing posts from September, 2007

Getting Back to The Basics

So beginning this week, the amount of hours of wrestling programming per week will increase, again. TNA iMPACT will be presenting their first two hour broadcast in the company's short history. One would think with almost eight hours of television, the wrestling industry is beginning a swing back into prominence. A certain level, which can benefit the business in one of its most crucial eras in recent memory. A level of programming, where each brand is enhanced to similar importance of the Monday Night Wars. However, with additional hours coming, its seems that the overall business is still lagging behind. All products, all shows, all brands, and both companies. Some may say that it is the effect of pressure from congress, as well as the recent stress to reinvent the business to gain and attract casual fans once again. The fact of the matter is that both are overdoing themselves, when keeping it simple is what truly attracts viewers.

Vick Falls Like No Other

For as long as the story revolving Michael Vick has been happening, I have tried to wait for the dust on this tragedy to settle before forming personal thoughts. After all, there seems to be another update for every time you click "refresh" on CNN's website, or turn on ESPN's Sportscenter . Michael Vick's actions were heinous and were grounds punishable under the law. Pet lovers across the nation have cursed him to the end of the earth for his choices, some comparing him to Adolph Hitler and concentration camps. Even though that label maybe a bit brash, I can understand both sides. Yes, what Vick did is cruel, inhumane, and downright disgusting. However, yes, Vick has been a community activist, leader, and figurehead for charities and other charitable organizations in the Atlanta area. My biggest gripe with Vick has been his poor judgment. Why does an athlete so revered in the city he plays in and making over $120 million in need to be part of an organized unit t...

Barry's New Chase

After 15 years as a San Francisco Giant, Barry Bonds will part ways with the organization and city which has supported him and cherished him with unconditional support. The city of San Francisco has not only been a home to Bonds, but a safe haven from doubt, speculation, controversy, and criticism. Bonds has returned the favor, representing the city and putting it over every opportunity he had. San Francisco is his city. However, the Giants, who are in dire needs to rebuild, and rebuild young, will move on leaving Bonds without an organization and city that he is used to. Bonds, a figure that has not been shy to voice his opinions (as bold as they may be) to the public, must now seek a new home to continue his career. A new home to niche his craft. A new home to pursue not only 3,000 hits, but a World Series ring that has eluded him for his entire illustrious career. As debate begins on where Bonds will land next year, and who might be interested, the hot stove will be busy with rumors...

The Jena 6: A Past Resurrects itself...or does it?

The "Jena 6." A term which has sparked so much debate and controversy over the past couple of weeks since making its way to national attention. Six kids punished heinously for an altercation where the victim walked away with a few bruises and cuts. After the incident, he then attends a school function. Yep, sounds like attempted murder to me. We should begin trying all children across the nation in school yard fights as adults. Give me a break. Both sides took wrong steps which inevitably led to such a conclusion. However, wherever there is hatred, bigotry and sheer simple-minded thinking, what else do we expect to occur?

Realizing "It"

It can happen so fast. So often we are reminded how fast life can turn around on any individual. A complete 180 degree turn. A change so swift that it leaves the prosperous searching amongst the hungry - sometimes the starving. It does happen fast. In today's world where technology expands and shortens everything possible to maximize every effort of production, entertainment, awareness and communication effort possible in God's 24 hours, we are left stranded, almost in disbelief of where the time has gone, and where it will come from for tomorrow's tasks and goals. We seek unimaginable ways to shorten assignments, which require our attention to get to the other things, which demand our attention. The cycle continues until a standard of happiness is fulfilled and is not necessary to be created. It has taken on a life of its own. It truly never occurs until that proverbial fall where you are knocked to the ground like a featherweight fighter trying his hand in the heavywe...