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Showing posts from 2010

Dome Pondering – 2010 Year in Review

The completion of another year is once again upon us. And with the completion of each year, late in December, that means the time for the Dome Pondering Year in Review is here! The DP Year in Review is our biggest post of the year. It is our Super Bowl. Our World Series. Our Wrestlemania. Our Oscars. And Our Grammys. The 2010 Year in Review will not only be our biggest YIR yet but most likely, the biggest post in the history of Dome Pondering. And while 2010 has brought many different thoughts, feelings, reactions, and opportunities to the table for each of us in a special way, the year has been an especially good one for Dome Pondering. For the first year ever, we have surpassed the 100 post milestone for a year – and that includes the old Dome Pondering, pre-Blogspot. As a site, the DP has also seen an increase in hits, visitors, and followers from 2009, the growth of a Movie Review section, and the addition of several new sections, including the latest – The Pondering 10 . For...

The Pondering 10 – All-Time Video Games

The industry of video gaming has increased drastically over the last two decades. From Nintendo, through Playstation, to the now motion-interactive gaming that is the Wii, there has been many videogames over the years that has caused us to spend hours and hours of time twiddling our thumbs – literally. The following Pondering 10 is a list of my favorite video games of all-time. Now, I’ll admit, such a list will be skewed because of my interest in sports video games. I rarely play fighting games, and even more seldom, play role playing games, therefore do not expect Street Fighter III, Zelda, or Call of Duty on this list. While there are some exclusions that barely missed this list such as R.B.I. Baseball and Tecmo Super Bowl for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Madden 2003, MLB The Show 07, and NFL 2k5 for the Playstation 2, and NBA2k10 and UFC 2010 for the X-Box 360, the rest of this list accurately affects the games that I have wasted, what could amount to years of my life, playin...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Couples Retreat (2010)

What is it about? A group of friends follow one couple onto an island in support of their friends, a couple, who are in need of marriage counseling. Once on the island, the other friends, three couples, realize that participation in the resort’s therapy is not optional. Who is in it? Vince Vaughn – Dave Kristin Davis – Lucy Kristin Bell – Cynthia Jason Bateman – Jason Smith

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)

What is it about? Four friends, each with problems in their current lives, travel back to the 80’s with the help of a hot tub time machine and a chance to make different decisions. Who is in it? John Cusack – Adam Clarke Duke – Jacob Craig Robinson – Nick Weber Rob Corddry – Lou Dorchen

Why is Marriage Becoming Obsolete in America?

It is no secret to my readers, followers, and DP devotees that yours truly is set to get married in 2011. As a future newlywed, and an individual that is set to take the vows and responsibilities that come with marriage, I was stunned to read an interesting article on on November 22nd. The article, which can be read here , is one written by Stephanie Coontz who looks at the state of marriage and it’s relevance in today’s society. The article is a followup on the recent study found in TIME magazine. In a study conducted to spur her article, Coontz has found that 40 percent of adults feel that marriage is becoming obsolete, yet, most say they want to marry. Although her reasons are valid, there might be other underlying sociological reasons for the current distorted view of marriage. “ According to a TIME/Pew research poll released, 40 percent of Americans believe that marriage is becoming obsolete, up from just 28 percent in 1978 ” Coontz, who does a great job in expl...

Cavaliers Prove “The Decision” A Good One.

There is no question that LeBron James’ return to Cleveland epitomizes what the NBA product delivers – entertainment. The sheer drama in witnessing (no pun intended) his return was all that the NBA emphasizes, drama, intrigue, and amazing. Last night we received all of those elements, except for one. Now, as I’m sure many of you DP devotees are aware of, I’m not too fond of LeBron James post-taking-talents-to-South-Beach. However, the manner in which he conducted himself in his return was flawless, and expected. He didn’t apologize for the way he left Cleveland. He dominated. He threw it in the face of the Cavaliers and the city of Cleveland. On the other hand, the city of Cleveland was just as good, which was also expected. Although it seemed they were more focused on jeering LeBron rather than cheering on their Cleveland Cavaliers, the city of Cleveland brought creative signs, T-shirts, and chants. The missing element from the entire atmosphere, was indeed the Cleveland Cavali...

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – What’s The Purpose?

This will be one of the more controversial topics that I have covered in a very long time. It’s sure to be one that I’m sure that will cause rampant emotions, as well as add to the already growing debate in our society today. It is one that yours truly has many unanswered questions to, and would hope maybe this article, and your feedback would help provide some answers, results and responses to. The topic at hand is the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in our United States military. As many of you know, the issue has been raised to the forefront by the gay community, which has been spearheaded by Lady Gaga. The issue is calling for gays to serve openly in the military. Recently, the House of Representatives has passed a bill that would repeal the acts and sanctions of the policy. However, as with everything regarding anything controversial, the repeal of the policy has been hung up in the Senate. The way I have broken down this issue is freedom of well-being versus the compromise of ...

The Pondering 10 – Favorite Breakfast Cereals of All-Time

Breakfast, the most important meal of the day, as so they say. With breakfast, comes many options and choices to fuel and serve as a catalyst for the rest of the day. One of those many options is cereal, which we all know, also comes in many different forms. From sweet to wheat, from fruit to bran, breakfast cereals come in all flavors and types, each individual with their own preference and choice as their favorite. The following Pondering 10 is a list of my favorite breakfast cereals of all-time.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Our Family Wedding (2010)

What is it about? Two individuals who are set to wed while dealing with the clashing of their very different families and their feuding fathers. Who is in it? Forest Whitaker – Brad Boyd America Ferrera – Lucia Ramirez Carlos Mencia – Miguel Ramirez Regina King – Angela Lance Gross – Marcus Boyd

Dome Pondering Movie Review: The Kids Are All Right (2010)

What is it about? A family headed by same-gender parents is turned upside down after the children seek out both of their mother’s sperm donor – their biological father. Who is in it? Julianne Moore – Jules Annette Bening – Nic Mark Ruffalo – Paul Mia Wasikowska – Joni Josh Hutcherson - Laser

Jeter Offer Should Be To Save The Future, Not Pay For The Past

The ongoing negotiations between Derek Jeter and the New York Yankees is just another example of the constant debate of true worth versus public sentiment. We’ve seen it before many times with aging superstars heading into free agency while looking for top dollar from the organizations they are synonymous with. It is a situation that is one of the toughest for an athlete to come to copes with in regards to their declining ability, and more so for organizations who have to protect their future and not disrupt the public relation equilibrium or rock the support of the organization’s fan base. Yet, it happens, and once again we are witnessing it again. Two years ago, Michael Kay called Derek Jeter’s impending free agency, “the most difficult decision that will have to be made in the history of New York sports.” And as of today, he is right. As Jeter approaches his 37th birthday, fans (the die hards, and even the fraud-bags ) are aware of his declining skills – especially the big go...

The Pondering 10 – Favorite Fast Food Options

Who hasn’t been hungry and needed a quick bite to eat? We all have been there hundreds, probably, thousands of times in our lives. Those days where we are short on time, but longing for a tasty meal are the situations we hate the most. Often times, these situations call for what seems to have become a staple of what now is not just American culture, but world wide, in fast food. Fast food, often never classy, or healthy, comes in many varieties of prices, styles, foods, and interests. The following Pondering 10 is a list of my favorite fast food options. Although I have enjoyed some places that are regional  (“In and Out Burger” out West), and others (e.g. Arby’s) on a limited basis due to a road trip, they did not qualify for this list based on limited experience.

The Pondering 10 – Favorite Television Shows of All-time

Over the years there have been many, many, many, many television programs that have entertained us. From the years of black and white television to the current times of high definition and three-dimension television, each of us have those shows that we watched unconditionally, and somehow wished were still around. They are the shows that are synonymous with a time in our life, and those shows that we can never, ever, become weary viewing re-runs of. As I would easily (and gladly) admit, I never did, and still do not watch much television in comparison to the “average” American. Especially, with how trashy and “reality” based it has become. However, over the years I have had my handful of shows that interest me. With that said, the following Pondering 10 list is my top ten compilation of television shows of all-time.

The Pondering 10 – Current “Must-Watch Athletes”

Welcome to the newest series here at the DP – The Pondering Ten. This new series is one that was sparked after yours truly reflected on some of the earlier posts here at the DP and came across a piece written on December 21, 2006 entitled, “ Understand, Learn, and Experience: Ten People to Spend 15 With ”. After nine plus years of various posts, it still remains one of my favorites because of it’s intrigue. As the years have gone by since 2006, yours truly has unfortunately moved away from such “magazine-style” posts. However, after much planning, the current new series will be dedicated to listing my personal top ten list in various topics. After all, who doesn't like lists? Hopefully, this series is interesting, unique, and a cause for debate and open discussion – all aspects the DP looks to portray. With that said, here is the section’s first post – My Current “Must Watch Athletes.” The following Pondering 10 list is a compilation of my current “must-watch” athletes. T...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Man Push Cart (2005)

What is it about? The experience and struggles of a former Pakistani rock star that is now selling coffee and donuts out of his push cart in Manhattan in an attempt to escape his current lifestyle. Who is in it? Ahmad Razvi – Ahmad Leticia Dolera – Noemi Charles Daniel Sandoval - Mohammad

Remembering The 2010 MLB Season

As winter meetings approach, it is safe to say that the dust has settled from the 2010 World Series , and the celebration and great story that was the San Francisco Giants. The Giants were a team that no one picked at the beginning of the season win their division, in addition, were not mentioned as a possibility to win the whole entire thing. With no real stars, power hitters, or franchise guy, the Giants won the World Series on the old philosophy of great pitching, most notably Tim Lincecum, Matt Cain, Madison Bumgarner, Jonathan Sanchez, Brian Wilson, and the rest of a pitching staff that made a season of stopping opposing lineups. In addition, the Giants roster, filled with castoffs, waiver deals, and designated for assignment players scrapped together  to play a form of baseball that was entertaining and unbelievable to watch. While the ratings did not reflect the great story of the San Francsico Giants (don’t forget the FOX/Cablevision fiasco that eliminated games one throug...

Calling It Like It Is: The Black Community Needs To Help Itself

Yesterday one of my closest friends and I decided to continue on our growing battle with getting old and the evolution of life. No longer are we able to play pick-up basketball or football everyday of the week for several hours on end. Gone are those days of endless responsibility and numerous hours of physical activity. Now as twenty-five year olds, playing basketball on the neighborhood park is more of an appointment and an experience that is new as we are now the “old guys”. You know, the old, working guys that have ability, but rarely play and are now so slow and rusty, they must find others ways to compete and defeat the younger guys. We are now the guys we took advantage off when we were 16, 17, and 18. As we played once again on a Saturday afternoon on a blacktop park in Brooklyn, we found ourselves in the same situation once again. Yet, this time, we were in the park and ended up playing several games with about ten to fifteen Crips. If you are not familiar with the group,...

Our New Priority List: 1. “Doing Your Thing” 2. Reading

First, let me say a few things before I begin. I am going to try my best to get my point across without sounding like a “hater”. As evident throughout the history of the DP, I am not afraid of going against the grain or contradicting what is popular when it comes to my beliefs or opinions. However, this topic which I am about to cover may cause a few to roll their eyes, a few to become incited, some to be downright upset, and well maybe a few, hopefully, a handful that would agree with me. This issue has to do with that of Willow Smith, her latest single, “Whip My Hair”, and her career. Now, with that statement, said, many of you are either A. smiling and humming the tune B. rolling your eyes or C. smirking knowing very well where I am going with this post. Without beating around the bush any longer I am going to cut right to it and jump right into the pool – the music industry is out of control. One can argue the time for that statement in itself is long gone, but since ...

Old Era Favre Done, New Era Favre On His Way.

On a day when Brett Favre’s 292 consecutive game streak is in serious jeopardy, I find myself amazed at the drastic turn that Favre’s career has taken since leaving Green Bay. Favre’s career almost seems like two different eras, the way Barry Bonds does and the way MJ’s does. Each different and segmented for various reasons, but different, nonetheless. With Favre, there is the Green Bay era where he was known as the guy that made football seem like oh-so-much fun. The kind of football that reminded you of backyard football, and that maybe Favre was just like you. The second era which saw the multiple comebacks, the constant 24-hour surveillance, and the severe need for attention is the current era we are now in. The era where we are made to believe by ESPN, the NFL, and other football on-the-payroll insiders, that Favre is “just like you”. The evidence in the two eras are evident in the three different posts that yours truly has written about Favre. One written upon his initial reti...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Greenberg (2010)

What is it about? A soon-to-be middle-aged man that moves to Los Angeles to house sit for his brother reflects on the the decision that changed his life, while sparking an interest with his brother’s assistant. Who is in it? Ben Stiller – Roger Greenberg Greta Gerwig – Florence Marr Rhys Ifans – Ivan Schrank

Five Keys To Knicks Season 2010-2011

Now that the summer of 2010 has come on gone, the new era of the New York Knicks has begun. And while the Knicks did not land either of the super friends that decided to take their talents to South Beach, the Knicerbockers landed a player that wanted to be here, and most importantly, embraced the opportunity to be a leader and spearhead this new era. As the new season is set to begin, the Knicks are undoubtedly better than any team they have put on a court in the last five years. With a legitimate star, a productive point guard, young talent, and a great supporting cast that fits the seven-seconds-or-less offense, the new season is one that has plenty of anticipation and excitement heading into it. However, with ten new players that make-up this young (4th in the NBA) roster, there lies a lot of questions this season. With the current goal of the franchise to make the playoffs this season, here are the five keys to the New York Knicks for the 2010-2011 season: 1. Help Wanted! –...

UFC 121 Loss is Best For Lesnar and White

There is no other way to put it, Brock Lesnar looked absolutely awful this past Saturday night against Cain Velasquez. In fact, Lesnar, the former UFC Heavyweight Champion, looked so awful that it reminded everyone that he is indeed inexperience, that he did only have six professional fights going into his bout with Velasquez, and that he might have been a product of the UFC marketing campaign.  Lesnar, who came out aggressive, even firing a flying knee, was picked apart by the more experienced and more rounded fighter in Velasquez. Going into the fight, Velasquez had all of the abilities that made for a recipe to dethrone Lesnar. Velasquez is a two-time All-American wrestler that can strike and is light on his feet. Velasquez also had a template given to him by Shane Carwin who had Lesnar beat in his last fight before tiring himself out with an all-or-nothing (senseless) strategy.

Retain or Release: New York Yankees 2010

40 Man Roster Pitchers Alfredo Aceves: Retain – Aceves’ injury left a gaping void in the Yanks bullpen that was never completely filled. Back surgery may turn that retain into a release. However, if all is well, a return can help sure up what may be another overhaul to the pen. Jonathan Albaladejo: Retain – Had a stellar year in Triple-A with lights out numbers as a closer. Is a great long man out of the pen in the majors whenever Girardi needs him. Maybe this spring is the year he finally steps up to grab a hold on a more significant spot. Andrew Brackman: Retain – Is finally becoming the pitcher that the Yanks knew they were getting. The return from Tommy John Surgery isn’t quite there, but Brackman is now of the 40-man and is well on his way. A.J. Burnett: Retain – Absolutely awful year for Burnett. However, no one will take him, and to be honest, he is Mr. Inconsistent. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if he came back in 2011 with a stellar year. Joba Chamberlain: Reta...

The Real Reason We Are Not In The World Series

Following the elimination of the New York Yankees last night at the hands of the talented, and hot, Texas Rangers, raw emotions are high here in the big city. Unlike the years where most eliminations occur, this year seems to be a little different. Instead of mourning, sorrow, and sheer sadness, there seems to be a growing unrest amongst some in the Yankee fan base. Whether that unrest seems to come from the real fans, the fraudbags, or others in this city, there are many that have an opinion on what happened, should have happened, and what must happen going forward. With all of the cloudy emotion and judgment being on high, one thing is for sure – everyone is overreacting. Yes, overreacting. Big time. Here are some of the comments, thoughts, and reactions that were made on sports talk radio today that are an example of the overreaction: “C.C. Sabathia should have been in after Girardi pulled Hughes” “If Sabathia was available for 50-60 pitches, why didn’t Girar...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Big Fan (2009)

What is it about? Paul Aufiero, an obsessed New York Giants fan, struggles to deal with the consequences after he is assaulted by his favorite football player and hero. Who is in it? Patton Oswalt – Paul Aufiero Kevin Corrigan – Sal Michael Rapport – Philadelphia Phil

Bound For Glory Could Mark New Era in TNA Wrestling

TNA Bound For Glory has come and gone, and the recent developments in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling has created a situation that has everyone in the world of wrestling buzzing. Of course, the situation being alluded to is the heel turn of probably the most popular wrestler in all of pro wrestling – Jeff Hardy.  With weeks upon weeks of build up surrounding the “10.10.10” storyline and the mystery of “they”, the entire saga was revealed with Jeff Hardy aligning with Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Jeff Jarrett, Ric Flair, and the all of Fortune to form the stable, “Immortal.”  Now following Bound For Glory, which I must admit, was subpar in comparison to other BFGs, everyone’s opinion went one of two ways: 1) It was the dumbest move TNA could make, and 2) it was a great move that will spark lots of interest. Initially, as BFG went off the air, I loved the idea, and the new direction TNA seemed to be heading in. I hated the quirky finish to the main event, but the payoff t...

It’s Not Because You’re Black, LeBron. It’s Because You’re Wrong.

NEWS FLASH: LeBron James is black! It is the reason the city of Cleveland burned his jersey upon learning about his departure. The nerve of a black man to leave Cleveland. The rest of the nation was disgusted with “The Decision” because it surrounded a black man. The nerve of a black man to be a free agent. The nation’s backlash against LeBron’s decision to join the rest of the super friends of Miami was because he was a black man joining other black men to play basketball. The nerve of a black man to join a really good basketball team. Race has to be the reason why you are viewed this way, right LeBron? Right, Maverick Carter? “I think so at times. It’s always, you know, a race factor”                                               ...