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Showing posts from December, 2006

Dome Pondering - 2006 Year in Review

2006. What a year it has been. It seems everywhere you turn, everyone has their own version of “year-end” memories and awards. To follow in this ever so popular and cult-like trend, yours truly will also delve into memory lane and dissect the year that was 2006.

Arenas Showing World That We Are Indeed Fools

"You were fooled because you believed it was about me. I believe it takes five. But you're not a fool, are you?" Many Adidas commercials boast this slogan promoting teamwork amongst the company's endorsers. Tim Duncan, Kevin Garnett, Tracy McGrady and Gilbert Arenas each reverberate the slogan throughout their individual commercials promoting their personally endorsed shoes. Arenas is part of Adidas' new strong campaign to corner the basketball market. With the Nike's of the world having stars such as Lebron James, Carmelo Anthony, and Kobe Bryant under contract, Adidas might have found themselves a true star under the radar. With all the current news being about Allen Iverson and his move to Denver, many have failed to honestly recognize the type of season that Gilbert Arenas is having. Arenas has evolved over the past year and a half before the NBA fan's eyes. His true rise to fame came last year in an unforgettable series between the Cleveland C...

'Understand, Learn, and Experience: Ten People to Spend 15 With'

Life is about understanding, learning and experiencing. To harness and benefit from these qualities, we seek others who have understood, learned, and experienced. We seek their mind, their guidance and their teachings from those that are where we are, where we are going, and where we hope to never end up. However, there are those that we wish that we can have fifteen minutes to pick their brain. When asked that proverbial question, "If you can meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?", these would individuals appear on that mental list. With that said, I have compiled a list of individuals I would like to spend fifteen minutes to simply ask questions about their experiences, and life in general. 10. Darryl Strawberry - This seems like a shocker. However, Strawberry could have possibly been one of the greatest baseball players ever. His demons got the best of him, and his baseball career was basically wasted. The chance to ask Strawberry about his career, his addict...

Do Something Right: Isiah's 'One Year' continues...

T he New York Knicks . That statement alone used to be enough to represent prestige, tradition, honor and excellence. Today, it represents an ongoing circus of drama, poor basketball, and a skid mark on the World's Most Famous Arena. Yes, the New York Knicks are at it again. It seems whatever they do, they can't do it right. Saturday's melee in the Garden was yet another example of this as the Knicks continue to mess up and give newspapers and sport writers more ammunition to fire away on the barely pulsating franchise. The replay has been shown many times in various angles and speeds, but no matter how you view it, the Knicks have done wrong - again. Fans are upset. Front Office is a wreck. Team is in disarray. The Garden is empty. We blame Isiah Thomas. We blame James Dolan . We blame whoever has finger prints on this tragedy. Nonetheless, I will be that guy to stand up for Isiah. Although this is his team, he inherited an aging, nonathletic and huge...

The Power of Trust and The Search of Life

Trust. It’s a concept so complex, so rich in meaning that it causes the mind to go into overdrive. Trust. It’s a concept so powerful, it causes a person to become so overwhelmed with paranoia. Trust. A concept so conquering, it can break up the tightest of bonds. Trust. A scarcity in life. “Life is an amazing adventure. Each day a new journey unfolds” Throughout life we experience and endure many challenges. Through these challenges we learn more about life, its purpose, and ourselves. Many of these challenges are tasks that are too difficult for one mere mortal to tackle. The tasks cause an individual to look deep down inside, swallow their pride, and admit that they need help. In order to be fully committed, one will have to trust someone to overcome the specific situation. Whether you do this with awareness, or subconsciously, we all come to this fork in the road called life not once, not twice, but numerous times. How we handle it, depends on the person. Trusting another individua...