3 Up 1. Black Lives Matters Movement - I feel like, for the first time, BLM is being understood for its mission and purpose. In the past, it was constantly placed a position of opposition or rivaling two other "moments" by the result of its existence in "Blue Lives Matter" and "All Lives Matter", which was a bit unfair, and very annoying. While in some ways that is still the case, the movement has moved forward this week what surely is an interesting time in our nation's history. 2. (White) Privilege - In all of my years of studying education inequality and for the most part, directing the mess that is equality in America, I would have never thought that "White Privilege" would be in the "Up" section of the SSR. But here we are. Kudos to the many white people out there who have taken the time to show empathy, to understand the privilege their skin gives them, and the insight into the life that happens for those who don'...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"