"Hey 2020, where are you?" I actually wrote those very words to start last year's Year in Review. I had no clue...none of us did of what 2020 really had in store for us. 2020 will go down as the worst year in my life - ever. And for many, including you reading this, that very statement may be true. It was filled with sorrow, despair, frustration, sadness, fatigue, rage, isolationism, fear, chaos, uncertainty, and death. And even after listing these adjectives, it doesn't accurately capture the 2020 experience - pun intended. A once-in-a-generation global pandemic. Economic strife. Mental health challenges. Inequality exposure. Social awakening, uprising, and unrest. Political divide. Historical truth. Countless deaths. 2020 delivered body blow after body blow. I am so very ready to leave 2020 behind. We all are. As is tradition around these parts - the fifteenth Year in Review(!) - let's slam the door on this shitty year by giving out a few awards in reflectio...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"