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Showing posts from March, 2009

Dumb Luck For Shamrock.

It seems every time the topic of steroids is phased away and stamped as being a thing of the past, or regarded to as "another era", the more it is revealed that performance enhancing drugs is an issue larger than we can even imagine. Those who have been allegedly accused of using performance enhancing drugs or have been caught using the illegal substances understand the repercussions that come with being associated with them. From BALCO, to the Mitchell report, to congressional hearings, to leaked names, to the suspicions, and to the lesson that was A-Rod-gate, professional athletes, fans and society know that steroids can, and will ruin you. And as much pressure as there is to take steroids in order to compete, in order to hold that spot, and to hold on for that one last big run, in the end - it's still not worth it.

Living On Easy Street: Brown Won't Go Down

Chris Brown had it all. Youth. Talent. Fame. Wealth. Good looks. Considered a prodigy in the music and dance industry, Brown has accomplished more than most performers before the age of twenty. Being compared to many greats, such as Michael Jackson, as well as ringing endorsements from other current stars, Brown was destined to follow suit. The super talented Chris Brown has seen his luck take a drastic turn recently as the world was let in on his flaws as a person. As Brown, and the rest of the world awaits his arraignment and further details regarding his abusive relationship with fellow talented performer, Rhianna, he has been fortunate enough to dodge the full wrath of our society and media. Sure, he has seen his endorsements suspended. Sure, he has seen his songs pulled from the airwaves. Sure, he has seen his image plummet.

High Five For World Baseball Classic

"Baseball Spoken Here" It's one of the few catchy phrases for the 2009 World Baseball Classic. An event, that was created, then modified after the inaugural 2006 WBC to bring the game of baseball to an international level. "The Classic" has raised many flags in the past due to its risky nature for players and controversial timing, but has quickly become a growing phenomenon amongst the baseball community, as well as sports fans alike. And despite the many critics that fault the classic for removing major league players from spring training camps, pushing pitchers very early in the year, attempting to replace the Olympics, and placing many high profiled players in harms way before the Major League season begins, the WBC has proven to be highly successful for five distinct reasons. 1. Globalization The game of baseball needs to continue its growth, and the only way to do so is by international competition. Almost every other sport known on a global level has inter...