3 Up 1. Syria's Secret Library - This article is an awesome read. In the middle of a civil war, which has affected the world, some in Syria have collected books from destroyed buildings in an underground location for many to further and continue their education. The library also helps local medics treat those remaining in the territory. 2. Khan Family - Kudos to the Khan family who shared with the world the story of their son, a fallen United States solider, during the Democratic Republic Convention. A touching story, and one that puts many political issues at stake into perspective. 3. New York Yankees - Forget their play on the field, kudos to the front office for finally - FINALLY - building toward the future in trading away assets for top prospects. They now have some really big time pieces for the future that has this fan excited. To those complaining about the move, you need to get a clue. 3 Down 1. Kabul, Afghanistan - Another terrorist att...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"