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Showing posts from December, 2012

Dome Pondering - 2012 Year in Review

Mic check. One, two, three. Mic check. Okay, so we're on, and hey, we're still alive! Stupid Mayans. Welcome to the DP's signature post of the year, the Year in Review. Each year, as we did last ( Dome Pondering Year in Review - 2011 ), we take a look back at the calendar year and prepare for the next one ahead. With a packed and eventful 2012, there is much to delve into and plenty to prepare for in 2013. Before we do, I'd like to simply thank all of the DP devotees out there for your continued support and interest in this little blog called Dome Pondering. While it seems I've come to say the same thing every time at this part of the year, it bears repeating that this site full of my thoughts and words has grown tremendously over the last three years because of you. It seems the older I become and the less time I have, the more I am able to punch the keys. I don't get it either, and I'm not even going to try to figure it out. Nonetheless, thank you onc

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Seeking A Friend For The End Of The End Of The World (2012)

What is it about? With an asteroid set to hit earth resulting in the world's demise, the sudden departure of his wife causes him to seek out his high school sweetheart on a road trip with his neighbor, who is also looking for her family. The trip leads to an unexpected find. Who is in it?  Steve Carrell - Dodge Keira Knightley - Penny

The Pondering 10 - Why I Do Like College Basketball (I Really Do)

Apparently the perception of Dome Pondering and myself is that we do not like College Basketball. And I can see why this has been perceived especially after a recent Pondering 10 post ( Pondering 10 - Issues/Annoyances With College Basketball Product ). Well, let's set the record straight - that couldn't be furthest from the truth. I enjoy college basketball a whole lot.In fact, I work in college athletics! Yes, I prefer the NBA game, but that's probably because I have a love of the New York Knicks that does not parallel for me in College Basketball. St. Johns, maybe? Anyhow, let's call it truce with College B-Ball enthusiasts who I've gotten feedback from regarding the precious Pondering 10 list, especially, as we near the beginning of conference play. The following Pondering 10 list is why I enjoy college basketball.

The IF Factor: Questions Answered #101-110

101. If you were to prescribe a cure for grief, what would it entail? The cure would be music, dancing, and the clinching ingredient of the cure, a smile.  102. If someone were trying to woo your lover away from you, what methods would bring them the most success? Haha, this one is going to get me in trouble. But here goes... They'd have to be funny, a little bit crazy, and be pretty good at making meatballs and pancakes for starters.  After that, I would say being a good listener and being very patient will help too.  With that said...I love you, babe!

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Brave (2012)

What is it about?  A princess defies a normal custom and brings chaos to her Kingdom. After a wish gone wrong, she must now rely on her bravery and her archery skills to reverse the curse before it becomes permanent at sunrise.  Who is in it?  Kelly McDonald - Merida Billy Connolly - Fergus Emma Thompson - Elinor

True Tales From Parks and Recreation - Escalator on Swings?

Note: I used to work for a park slowly in continued development in Manhattan that is five miles along the waterfront of the Hudson River. As a Public Programs Coordinator, yours truly handled anything public related in regards to permitting (athletic facilities, film shoots, photo shoots, weddings, and other small gatherings), and of course, dealing with any questions or inquiries from the public. The following series will present stories, e-mails, phone calls, conversations, interactions, and sights I've seen from the people of New York City in regards to a public park. And yes, these are all real! And are all true! Welcome to another little snippet of Parks and Recreation.

We Have To Do Better: Dealing With Newtown, CT Tragedy

"What I do know, is that over the last twenty years... Columbine showed us that we are not safe at High Schools. Virginia Tech showed us that we are not safe on College Campuses. Fort Hood showed us that we are not safe at Army bases. Binghamton, NY showed us that we are not safe at community centers. And now, Aurora, Colorado showed us that we are not safe at the movie theaters. Where are we safe?!" Those were the words I wrote following the tragedy that was the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting ( Horror in Aurora: Where Are We Safe? ). Sadly, we now can add an elementary school to the growing list of places we are no longer safe in.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

What is it about?  After eight years, Gotham is once again terrorized by a new villain, Bane, and the Dark Knight must comeback one more time to save the city that has now branded him as an enemy. Who is in it?  Christian Bale - Bruce Wayne Tom Hardy - Bane Anne Hathaway - Selina/Catwoman

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Jarhead (2005)

What is it about?  Based on the book written by former Marine, Anthony Swofford, which recounts his military experience in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.  Who is in it? Jake Gyllenhall - Anthony Swofford Jamie Foxx - Staff Seargent Sykes

The Pondering 10 - Annoying Sports Fans

Fans are what drives the entire billion dollar industry that is sports. However, as we all know, there are certain fans that annoy you and really get under your skin. These fans don't necessarily have to be opposing fans of your team's rival, but simply sports fans in general. These people are the fans that really annoy you. Some of us at one time have been guilty of becoming one of the types of these fans, but there are fans that take on these roles full-time, and a few who are simply just born that way. Regardless, they are highly annoying to talk to. The following Pondering 10 list takes a look at the top offenders.

True Tales From Parks and Recreation - No Half-Naked Laying on Benches

Note: I used to work for a park slowly in continued development in Manhattan that is five miles along the waterfront of the Hudson River. As a Public Programs Coordinator, yours truly handled anything public related in regards to permitting (athletic facilities, film shoots, photo shoots, weddings, and other small gatherings), and of course, dealing with any questions or inquiries from the public. The following series will present stories, e-mails, phone calls, conversations, interactions, and sights I've seen from the people of New York City in regards to a public park. And yes, these are all real! And are all true! Welcome to another little snippet of Parks and Recreation.

The IF Factor: Questions Answered #91-100

91. If you could rid your family of one thing, what would it be? With a family that is all over the world, it's really hard to put a finger on one thing since there is so many of them who I barely even know. I could wish to have has be closer in proximity, but it's what makes my family the United Nations feel it has. It's what makes me, me.  However, I'd probably go with the issue that I feel is a universal one for all families, and that is the grudges many have with one another. With a family so spread out and so scarce in real contact, having grudges really makes it harder to maintain already strained relationships.  92. If you had to name the all-time best song, which would you pick? Probably the toughest question yet in the series so far. I know whatever answer I put here, I'll read it back a day later and kick myself for not answering with another song. Or a week later with another, or a year later with another.  So for today, at this very m

True Tales From Parks and Recreation - Racket-less Tennis?

Note: I used to work for a park slowly in continued development in Manhattan that is five miles along the waterfront of the Hudson River. As a Public Programs Coordinator, yours truly handled anything public related in regards to permitting (athletic facilities, film shoots, photo shoots, weddings, and other small gatherings), and of course, dealing with any questions or inquiries from the public. The following series will present stories, e-mails, phone calls, conversations, interactions, and sights I've seen from the people of New York City in regards to a public park. And yes, these are all real! And are all true! Welcome to another little snippet of Parks and Recreation.

It's Getting Late Early For A-Rod

It's the gift that keeps on giving folks, and Alex Rodriguez simply seems poised to maintain his position as  the most controversial figure in sports. Forget budding topics like Tim Tebow, Mark Sanchez, and steroids/Hall of Fame talk in baseball, A-Rod is once again a hot topic. After an absolutely abysmal playoff performance, one in which he was not only benched, but paved the way for Raul Ibanez to make A-Rod's existence that much smaller, we now get the unfortunate news that he has a tear in his left hip which will require surgery. It's an operation that is expected to keep him out four to six months. However, at thirty-seven, who knows if he can meet the expected recovery time.

Sanchez Era Over With Debut of the Mac?

When you thought the New York Jets season couldn't get anymore controversial, we get this past Sunday's developments. Mark Sanchez benched. And his replacement, Greg McElroy, lead the Jets to a 7-6 win over the Arizona Cardinals.  Who? Yes, that Greg McElroy. The same guy that made comments about the Jets locker room being dysfunctional this past off-season, an act that was seen as treason. The same quarterback that has been forgotten behind all of the Tim Tebow and Mark Sanchez drama. The same guy that most forgot was a pretty solid quarterback for a pretty good Alabama team in college.

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Burn After Reading (2008)

What is it about?   A disk containing the memoirs of a former CIA agent end up in the hands of two gym employees which spurs a series of events that affects several lives.  Who is in it?   George Clooney - Harry Pfarrer Frances McDormand - Linda Litzke Brad Pitt - Chad Feldheimer John Malkovich - Osborne Cox

The IF Factor: Questions Answered #81-90

81. If you could enact one law in your country that does not currently exist, what would it be? There would actually be quite a few. However, I would go with gun control. Nothing too elaborate, but the type of control that requires screening and effective security of allowing firearm usage in this country.  82. If you could own only one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose? I would probably choose a good pair of pants. Weird? Yes, most definitely. But a good pair of pants sets the tone, and for a big and tall guy like myself, dictates the comfort for the day. As hard as pants are to find for us big guys, I'd like to own one pair, thus renting or borrowing everything else. If you happen to be one of those folks that has your perfect pants size in every store, you most likely won't understand this.