Joba Chamberlain made the biggest mistake of his life. No, it was not a hanging slider to blow a save or a hold. No, it wasn't a pitch up and over the head of Kevin Youkilis (again). In fact, his mistake did not even take place on the baseball diamond. Joba Chamberlain's biggest mistake this week revolved around his recent DUI back in his hometown of Lincoln, Nebraska. After being well over the legal limit, speeding, and having an open container in his car, Joba's judgment lacked the sharpness usually displayed in his blazing fastball and wicked slider. And there lies the problem. The problem being that Joba's recent mishap is directly tied with his on-the-field talent. Joba's recent DUI was met with mere passes and excuses such as, "he deserves a second chance." Or, "He's only twenty three, he's young, he will make mistakes." Although everyone does deserve a second chance (and a third as suggested by Hank Steinbrenner), lets not forget ...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"