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Showing posts from February, 2010

Dome Pondering Movie Review: 500 Days of Summer (2009)

What is it about? The relationship between a greeting card writer, who is just going through the motions, a woman who is hiding behind many social walls, and how their relationship changed their outlook on fate, destiny, love, and life. Who is in it? Joseph Gordon-Levitt – Tom Hansen Zooey Deschanel – Summer Finn

We Need To Do Better

According to reports, fewer black students are now attending New York City’s most elite public high schools than ever before. The percentage of black students as reported in the New York Daily News , have dropped in all but one of New York City’s eight schools that require specialized exams for entry. In fact, the number of black students at all eight schools have decreased overall from 1,042 to 1,160. Now, New York City is a small sample size of what probably is occurring all across this nation. With our nation falling behind in education globally, there seems to be a growing trend of failing numbers in the black community. Now, understandably, there could be various reasons for such statistics and declines. From lack of funding, non-existent community support, and/or poor teachers, schools fail for a variety of reasons. Here in New York City we’ve seen various schools that are closing (including my former High School) due to failing grades, but failing grades that were brought ab...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Up (2009)

What’s it about? After the death of his wife, a 78-year old former balloon salesman sets out to fulfill their lifelong dream of having adventures and reaching Paradise Falls. After tying thousands of balloons to his home to realize the dream, he embarks, accidently, on a new adventure with a wilderness explorer 70 years younger than him. Who is in it? Edwar Asmer – Carl Fredricksen Jordan Nagai – Russell

Tiger Owes Us Absolutely Nothing

On Friday, Tiger Woods apologized to the world for his infidelity and actions. Three months after Tiger’s disappearance from the rest of the world (which is amazing in today’s TMZ-like media), he decided to begin his “recovery” with Friday’s press conference. Three long months where Tiger’s life, brand, career, and entire world took hit, after hit, after hit. From the women, the rumors, the analyzing, and the embarrassing texts and stories – Tiger Woods found himself in a position that he never thought he would be in.  In fact, Woods did one of the toughest things an individual can ever do – admit to the world he was wrong about personal issues that are grounds for severe embarrassment. Yet in doing so, it seems (like always) there are issues with his apology. 

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Facing The Giants (2006)

What’s it about? A High School Football coach and his football team overcomes many fears personally and professionally by rededicating themselves to faith. Who is in it? Alex Kendrick – Grant Taylor Shannen Fields – Brooke Taylor Jason Mcleod – Brock Kelley

The Olympics: Winter Games Just Not The Same

I absolutely love the Olympics Games. It’s such a spectacle that the ultimate fan of sports must love. And while sports and business will always be tied together, the Olympic Games are the closest event in sport that is as pure and straight forward as competing for integrity and pride. There is that specific novelty and admiration that we have for Olympic athletes  that bear the colors of their nation in competition. It is the stage of dreams, nightmares and Cinderella stories, where even the smallest of nations have their opportunity to compete. Pure competition. No salary cap. No debate over small-market vs. large market spending. No free agency. No hold outs. No contract extensions or opt outs.

Responsibility: A One-And-Done Thought For The NCAA

College basketball is often considered an interesting paradigm whenever I think about its overall make up. While I would admit that I prefer the NBA game, I enjoy the passion and exuberance that the college atmosphere creates as well as the game’s unique innocence in skill level. However, it is the semantics around the game that makes college basketball an interesting topic. And the main topic, as is with all large collegiate athletic programs: Education vs. Wins. Which is the true image of NCAA basketball programs? And that topic is at the fore front of the issue regarding Norm Roberts, St. Johns University Men’s Head Basketball coach. After falling into the basketball abyss due to many violations, scams, and controversy, Roberts took over the reigns of the St. Johns program. Now, in his fifth year, Roberts is now under an intense microscope and in danger of losing his job. However, on what grounds? Roberts has restored St. Johns back to respectability. While they ar...

Fraud-Bags: Four Types of People Finally Exposed

I can’t imagine that over the past nine years that Dome Pondering has existed and the near 200 posts here on BlogSpot, that the topic of fraudulent fans has not been discussed. After all, one hundred percent of Dome Pondering is about topics and situations that create passion in yours truly. And well, fraudulent fans rank high on that list. “Fraud-bags” as I have come to label them (fake and full of you know what) are everywhere in life – especially when it comes to sports. There are various kinds of fraud-bags that annoy the real and passionate fans that enjoy the emotional ride of their favorite team and athlete (for the individual sports). Today, I expose these kinds of people. Here are the various versions of the fraud-bag. Bandwagon/Front Runner Fans These are the absolute most annoying and least respected type of fans in sports. There are  true fraud-bags that have such little respect for themselves, that they switch allegiances every year according to a team’s rec...

Jumping Aboard The Tim Tebow Bandwagon

I never quite understood the aura and legend that was Timothy Richard Tebow. I never understood the reason he was as big of a phenomenon at The University of Florida, and within the college football ranks as he was. He is an outstanding athlete, very mobile for his size, and heralded by Floridians as their hometown blue chipper. I get that. I also understand the accomplishments of being the first ever sophomore Heisman trophy winner, holder of various NCAA rushing and passing records, and all the much talked-about intangibles and leadership that Tebow possesses. I get all of it. Tim Tebow is amazing. But so were many other athletes on the collegiate level in our lifetime. However, for some reason, Tim Tebow ascends them all. And now that he is removed from the fame and grandeur, and in a time where he is being blasted for the important things in his life, is when I finally understand it all. After all these years I completely understand why Tim Tebow is admired by so many, and it is...