According to reports, fewer black students are now attending New York City’s most elite public high schools than ever before. The percentage of black students as reported in the New York Daily News , have dropped in all but one of New York City’s eight schools that require specialized exams for entry. In fact, the number of black students at all eight schools have decreased overall from 1,042 to 1,160. Now, New York City is a small sample size of what probably is occurring all across this nation. With our nation falling behind in education globally, there seems to be a growing trend of failing numbers in the black community. Now, understandably, there could be various reasons for such statistics and declines. From lack of funding, non-existent community support, and/or poor teachers, schools fail for a variety of reasons. Here in New York City we’ve seen various schools that are closing (including my former High School) due to failing grades, but failing grades that were brought ab...