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Showing posts from April, 2008

Sticking to the Script: The Sean Bell Verdict

It has occurred so often, one would think that it is scripted. It has to be scripted. Another dead minority due to excessive police force. Another acquitted verdict. It almost seems so regular, that it no longer is surprising. The verdict in the Sean Bell case has caused an uproar over justice for citizens, and justice for minorities. In a case where three police officers fired a total of fifty one bullets at Sean Bell and his friends upon exiting a night club, a "trial" found them innocent of any excessive, cruel, or intentional behavior. In a trial where the prosecution tried about as hard as the New York Knicks did in the month of March, how can one blame the minority's lack of faith in the judicial system? The evidence was there. Plain and clear. This was supposed to be the one. This case was supposed to be different. This time there would be justice. Nope. Innocent. Instead, we got another cheap verdict. Now the Rev. Al Sharpton will run his parade for coverage and n

Oppurtunity a Forgotten Substance

After a week in which we celebrate the life, achievements and most of all, courage of great Jackie Robinson, the results of a poll on reflect thoughts that are downright disturbing. The question read, "Is the dwindling number of black players in Major League Baseball a serious concern?" As of today, after 17,332 votes, 12% agree, while 88% do not. Are we really serious? While the reasons for the lack of black ball players in Major League Baseball is attributed to many things from economics to lack of interest, to say such a matter is not important, or vital to the total growth of the game is ignorant. While I agree with many that Jackie Robinson's efforts were more about brotherhood than the elevation of one race, Jackie's remarkable career did indeed emanate a sense of opportunity. The argument however is the opportunity for children to choose. If black children across the nation rather toss a football, or shoot a jump-shot rather than drive in an RBI,

Image vs. Performance: David Stern's (Racial) Dilemma

On the night of the 2008 National Championship, there are rumors that NBA Commissioner, David Stern, and NCAA President, Myles Brand are in agreement to require players to stay in college for at least two years of college. Immediately, many are quick to say the idea proposed by the top two dogs is brilliant. After all, it enhances the NBA game with more seasoned players, and it keeps the NCAA from one and done wonders such as Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Durant, and Greg Oden. How can it be wrong? It's a no brainer, right? Well, yeah. However, one has to question this pact as it reeks of alternative motives. The agreement itself is grounded in none other than cash. An ability for the NCAA to develop and keep these top-notch stars that will be playing in a basketball arena near you soon, and a chance for the NCAA to become a sufficient breeding ground for the NBA. Both parties win, and will allow for a stronger product. Never mind the fact that you can be sent off to war, but n

36 Years: A True Gold Standard

36 years. 36 years of setting the bar. 36 years of being, "The Man."