It has occurred so often, one would think that it is scripted. It has to be scripted. Another dead minority due to excessive police force. Another acquitted verdict. It almost seems so regular, that it no longer is surprising. The verdict in the Sean Bell case has caused an uproar over justice for citizens, and justice for minorities. In a case where three police officers fired a total of fifty one bullets at Sean Bell and his friends upon exiting a night club, a "trial" found them innocent of any excessive, cruel, or intentional behavior. In a trial where the prosecution tried about as hard as the New York Knicks did in the month of March, how can one blame the minority's lack of faith in the judicial system? The evidence was there. Plain and clear. This was supposed to be the one. This case was supposed to be different. This time there would be justice. Nope. Innocent. Instead, we got another cheap verdict. Now the Rev. Al Sharpton will run his parade for coverage and n...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"