3 Up 1. Thomas James & Richard Fierro - Despite the horror of the recent shooting at the Colorado Night Club, I would be remiss if I didn't give props - and the top "Up" spot - to these two gentlemen who not only served our country in the military at one point in their lives, but also saved many more by taking down the shooter at Club Q. Much respect. Much appreciation. 2. Olivia Pichardo - Does anyone know how difficult D1 baseball is? I don't think many know, understand it, or appreciate it. What Olivia Pichardo has accomplished as a freshmen at Brown University by becoming the first woman to make the roster of a D1 baseball team is damn impressive. She also did it as a walk-on. Wow! 3. Thanksgiving/Holiday Weekend - Whether you celebrated Thanksgiving, or just enjoyed the days off in appreciation of your family and gratitude, I hope the days off were a good one for you and yours. 3 Down 1. Mass Shootings - I can't say anything else on these. They just n...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"