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Showing posts from November, 2022

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 11/27/22

3 Up 1. Thomas James & Richard Fierro - Despite the horror of the recent shooting at the Colorado Night Club, I would be remiss if I didn't give props - and the top "Up" spot - to these two gentlemen who not only served our country in the military at one point in their lives, but also saved many more by taking down the shooter at Club Q.  Much respect. Much appreciation.  2. Olivia Pichardo - Does anyone know how difficult D1 baseball is? I don't think many know, understand it, or appreciate it. What Olivia Pichardo has accomplished as a freshmen at Brown University by becoming the first woman to make the roster of a D1 baseball team is damn impressive. She also did it as a walk-on. Wow! 3. Thanksgiving/Holiday Weekend - Whether you celebrated Thanksgiving, or just enjoyed the days off in appreciation of your family and gratitude, I hope the days off were a good one for you and yours.  3 Down 1. Mass Shootings - I can't say anything else on these. They just n...

Survivor Series 2022 Review: "Served it's Purpose" on Thanksgiving Weekend

There was something especially "traditional" about the Survivor Series happening over Thanksgiving weekend that added to the intrigue and the overall aura of the event. Something that felt well, overall anticipatory and "right" for a wrestling event on a Thanksgiving Saturday night (you know, if that's a thing going forward - maybe?). Of course, all of this is ironic considering this Survivor Series event took a break from the historical concept of the 5-on-5 survivor tag-team format for the much more WCW-ish, "War Games". As Triple H (or do we call him Paul, now? Mr. LeVeque? Mr. Triple H? Mr. Helmsley?) noted in the post-show press conference, the break was indeed a nice change of pace, allowing the old format to take a breather and gain some nostalgic interest for the events to come.  Nonetheless, Survivor Series was welcomed and it was a good show. For me, the War Games matches were there and were entertaining. Everyone in those matches felt like t...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Life Itself (2018)

Who is in it?  The happenstance and journey of a young New York City couple cause a reverberation of several instances and effects that echos and effects several others through various generations.  What is it about? Oscar Isaac - Will Olivia Wilde - Abby Olivia Cooke - Dylan Sergio Peris-Mencheta - Javier Gonzalez Laia Costa - Isabel Diaz Antonio Banderas - Mr. Saccione Favorite Scene:   The alternate scene from the original bedroom scene between Will and Abby shows a different version of what happened with the exact words used, just a different tone - indicating that life itself isn't the greatest narrator, and we all have our own versions of a story that is possibly part of a bigger story.  Favorite Quote:  "I crave a happy life, grandpa. I have an almost desperate craving for stability and happiness like fat people crave chocolate or lost hikers crave rescue. I want to live a big, great, fantastical life, but I am concerned that the tragedy that seems to fol...

Impact Wrestling OverDrive 2022 Review: "Impact is Toast...You Know What You're Getting"

Impact Wrestling pay-per-views (or special events) in 2022 aren't just the biggest kept secret in the professional wrestling world, but they've also been the most underrated positive within pro wrestling going forward. Much of what Scott D'Amore and company have done this year should be celebrated. The product hasn't always been a must-see, but at the same time, it hasn't been terrible. Impact is toast. You know what you're getting. It's not fancy, but you know what you're getting. And in various forms, it can be amazing.  Bad analogies aside, Impact Wrestling wrapped up 2022 with yet another banger in OverDrive. The mini-big shows have really become a nice touch for the company in moving their storylines along, and at times, allowing the ability to give focus and opportunity to characters and talent to be highlighted. It's been a long road since this company was generating One Night Only shows that meant and felt like, well, impactless.  Nonetheless...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 11/20/22

3 Up 1. Bad Bunny - Congratulations (and major breakthrough props) are in order for Bad Bunny who made history with the first Spanish-Language Album of the Year nomination. The dude has been crushing it with major cross-over appeal - and yes, he's a helluva wrestler.  2. Taylor Swift - This could be a down because of the entire Ticketmaster ordeal, but Swift gets the "Up" solely because only she can break Ticketmaster like this. The star power continues to be amazing.  3. FIFA World Cup - Sure, there is plenty of negatives to get into here, but the event itself is amazing. I'm ready to get caught up in it all.  3 Down 1. Iran Protestors - The nation is in political unrest and many protesters being caught are being sentenced to harsh penalties, or worse, death. Just more instability  2. U.S. Mass Shootings - We just continue to give access to individuals who shouldn't have guns. We've become so numb to this. What have we become?  Prayers, comfort, and positive...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 11/13/22

3 Up 1. Election Day - Despite everything surrounding the topic of voting, the barriers that still are included in it, the lack of education on it, and the ethics on the larger stage in regards to it (i.e. gerrymandering, denial, etc...), there is still something of a blessing in a democracy, and in the civic duty and right of voting.  I hope you voted this week - and voted with an educated intent.  1A. - Veterans Day - Thank you to all of those who served. It's because of you that elections exist for us to screw up  engage in.  2. Universal Free Lunch - There is so much "pro-life" talk which now is stigmatized on the topic of abortion. However, little is often discussed on how truly help children on "pro-life" matters. So much props to the state of Colorado for voting for Universal free lunch for all public school students. Lunch is a huge deal and a big difference maker in closing achievement gaps and giving opportunity and access - much love for Colorado her...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 11/6/22

3 Up 1. NYC Marathon Winners - I am ALWAYS in awe of marathon runners, especially, marathon winners. Congratulations to Evans Chebet and Sharon Lokedi on winning the Men's and Women's races.  2. Taylor Swift - Only Taylor Swift can reach the heights of breaking records from the likes of The Beatles. And well, she's done just that. Also, she's taken over the entire Top 10 by becoming the first artist - ever! - to do just that. Amazing.  3. World Series No-Hitter (and Championship) - It pains me to give the Houston Astros some love in this space, but it is deserved. Especially, for that combined no-hitter in Game 4 of the World Series. Kudos.  3 Down 1. Antisemitic Rhetoric - There is so much that can be said here. I'll just repeat a sentence from an Asian student in our office as others discussed Kyrie Irving, Kanye West, and all of the antisemitic rhetoric currently out there - why would you say any of this? 2. Takeoff Killed - Such a tragic occurrence. We just do...