Everything about the 2021 Baseball Hall of Fame ballot implied that this would happen. I'm not in any way shocked that no player received the necessary 75% of votes in order to reach Cooperstown. Actually, I would've been shocked to see WHO would have made it in, if there was indeed a selection. However, despite my emotions, it doesn't mean that I am in any way agreeing with the results. We saw this not too long in 2013, and as our country continues to wrestle with the moral compass it wishes to use as its guiding light, the same can be said within the realms of baseball. After all, this ballot was all about the grey area. Long gone are the frivolous debates of whether DHs were Hall of Fame worthy and if the process of the voting ballot was efficient for selecting players. We're even further removed from those simpler days of - hey, is this guy a Hall of Famer?! This ballot carried with it everything that surrounds the game over the past two decades, and most importan...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"