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Showing posts from January, 2021

Thoughts on the 2021 Baseball Hall of Fame Ballot

Everything about the 2021 Baseball Hall of Fame ballot implied that this would happen.  I'm not in any way shocked that no player received the necessary 75% of votes in order to reach Cooperstown. Actually, I would've been shocked to see WHO would have made it in, if there was indeed a selection. However, despite my emotions, it doesn't mean that I am in any way agreeing with the results. We saw this not too long in 2013, and as our country continues to wrestle with the moral compass it wishes to use as its guiding light, the same can be said within the realms of baseball.  After all, this ballot was all about the grey area. Long gone are the frivolous debates of whether DHs were Hall of Fame worthy and if the process of the voting ballot was efficient for selecting players. We're even further removed from those simpler days of - hey, is this guy a Hall of Famer?! This ballot carried with it everything that surrounds the game over the past two decades, and most importan...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 1/24/21

3 Up 1. Hank Aaron - The world lost one of the greatest athletes ever, but much more, an even better man. Aaron represented the best of us and exemplified what America is capable of beyond the ugliness it held, and continues to carries. His career accomplishments are extraordinary, and his lasting grace will endure forever. Thanks for being better, Mr. Aaron.  1A. Larry King - While reeling from the news of Hank Aaron, we learned that Larry King left us as well. A pioneer in cable news and journalism, King leaves behind a unique style and tons of memories.

Dear Son, Potty Training and Patience

 --- 2 Years and 7 months -- Dear Son,  A lot has changed since my last note to you almost seven months ago. As you know, at the time of this notice, we are in a pandemic. I hope you only know the definition and sense of the term and not endure actual life experience.  During this time, your mother and I have purchased a house and have relocated to Wayne, NJ. I have no idea where we will end up once you begin reading these - I hope it's in the same house because that would be cool - but regardless, here we are: still in a pandemic that emphasizes and encourages quarantine and limited adventure. 

Inauguration 2021 Thoughts and Reflections

Change is here. And for many, the week has brought about one of the starkest transitions of Presidencies that I've experienced in my lifetime.  Much like the terrorist attack on the Capitol, I wanted to give myself some time to absorb inauguration day in order to harness my feelings and thoughts. As we experienced with the Capitol, it's very easy to get wrapped up in the emotion of everything that was the morning of January 20th, 2021. And yes, those emotions are easily spurred and influenced by political leanings or voting interest.  Hint: I voted for Joe Biden. I discloe that. This is where you can like or hate me, I guess. You can read a little bit about why I came to that conclusion, here .  Yet, even after the day has passed and the current administration begins its work with sweeping changes - or undoings, however, you currently view it - this inauguration is so unique and carries enormous reflection beyond the obvious stark contrast of administrations and the very ...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 1/17/21

 3 Up 1. National Guard on Capitol Hill - The country is still reeling from what happened at the Capitol last week. As more and more details surface regarding what took place, the ramifications are seen in the preparations for this week's upcoming Biden-Harris inauguration. The most striking photo was that of the many men and women sleeping in the halls of government buildings.  It's just a great reminder of the sacrifice and effort that often is thankless by those in our military. It's also a reminder that even as a country that bestows love for our military, WE have placed them in unnecessary situations like the duty they must serve this week.  Regardless, God Bless our Troops, everywhere.  2. Flint, Michigan Charges - Several Michigan officials have FINALLY(!) been charged with their role in what has been - and still is - one of the worst human-induced environmental occurrences in U.S. History. The people of Flint, Michigan are asking for clean water - that's it...

A Different World, Nothing Has Changed

I recently finished re-watching all six-season of "A Different World". Yes, the pandemic has us all in various modes of binge-watching with myself deciding to take a blast from the past.  The 144 episodes that my eyeballs went through, the same amount of times my shoulders danced to the amazing opening theme song ( Aretha's version - Seasons 2-5 are the best, by far), served as a tribute to my youth, my upbringing, and in a time when the world feels chaotic and beyond understanding, takes me into a realm of laughter, culture, joy, and intrigue.  Little did I know, the show I was using to take me away suddenly reminded me of where we are. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 1/10/21

  3 Up 1. Capitol PD - So much has to be investigated into the obvious - why weren't they prepared for what we saw unfold this past Wednesday at the Capitol? And yes, the questioning-theory of an "inside-job" mentality regarding security measures cannot be 100% dismissed. However, let's give those who performed bravely and courageously, in what could have been an even more disastrous of a situation, some love. Stories like that of Eugene Goodman is what we need to highlight . God Bless those officers.  2. Georgia Senate Race - Tuesday seems like 9 months ago. We did have a historic Georgia senate run-off, and it resulted in a historic result - the first black and Jewish senators to represent the state of Georgia. It was historic, and again, it feels like it happened so long ago.  3. New York Mets - Francisco Lindor! The Mets have arguably the best shortstop in baseball now. And it is just the beginning for this franchise under the new ownership of Steve Cohen. Baseba...

But Maybe, Just Maybe, THIS Was Too Far? - Thoughts on the Chaos on Capitol Hill

It's so easy to react to what came across our televisions yesterday. The optics are very clear throughout the analysis of the occurrence. From the incendiary acts of the President, the hypocrisy of the law enforcement present, the privilege that exists amongst that base, and the overwhelming lack of accountability and leadership that exists within our country's political consciousness and within our government spheres, it all doesn't need explaining.  It's still quite unbelievable what we witnessed, and really, I tried to absorb as much as I can from the situation before coming to a rational decision on it all. Yes, I held dialogues with others, I read thoughts on social media, I even devoted myself to only watching FOX News coverage last night to attempt to see this beyond my usual lens.