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Showing posts from August, 2019

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 8/25/19

3 Up 1. Andrew Luck - I was going to shame the crowd in Indy for booing Luck after walking off the field, but I'm going with a positive route here. Much props to Luck who did was best for HIM. Mental health and happiness is super important, and it is evident that many only cared about Luck for his athletic abilities. Good for him in doing what is best for him. 2. Jogging Man Good Samaritan - Not only is the story of a jogging man giving a homeless man his shoes a tremendous one, but now, that homeless man has a job offer. Lesson learned: a simple act of kindness can be life changing to another person. 3. Louisiana LLWS Team - I barely caught any of the Little League World Series this year, but from the highlights, it looked like yet another great tournament. And of course, much props to the team from River Ridge, New Orleans who won it all! 3 Down 1. Florida Stand Your Ground Law - The controversial law made it's way back into the news after a white man killed a bl...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 8/12/19

3 Up 1. Green Polo Guy - The video of "green polo guy", the man who hilariously responded to a few Trump supporters protesting in Tucson City was everything this week. It truly is the way I at times want to react to some of the happenings we see in politics today. 2. Simone Biles - This blog's reigning athlete of the year, Simone Biles once again continues to dominate as she nabs her 6th U.S. Title win, and did so with a triple-double maneuver, the ONLY female to ever pull off the stunt. 3. Beto O'Rourke - I knew NOTHING about O'Rourke. But following his authentic reaction to the El Paso and Dayton (not Toledo) mass shootings that included calling the President out for his racist and dividng narrative, I also got to know the Texas politician a bit more through some interviews and podcasts. O'Rourke is a good dude - unfortunately, he has no shot at winning the Presidency. That's politics. 3 Down 1. Mass Shooting Response - Nothing was more disa...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 8/5/19

3 Up 1. DJ Lemaheiu - In what has been an extremely rough weekend (more on that below), I'm giving the top spot this week to the guy I believe as of right now is the American League MVP - DJ Lemaheiu. Where would the Yankees be without this guy? 2. Democratic Candidates - I really wanted to give this a thumbs down, but the events this weekend as well as a weird thought, pushed it into the positive section. So yeah, I have very little faith in the candidates from afar, and even less belief that one of them could defeat Donald Trump in an election, but I'm giving the "up" to the lesser known candidates who really gained some footing tackling issues during the Dem Debates in Flint. While the main guys are attacking one another, we're hearing some quality stuff from out of nowhere - some of it which is very refreshing. 3. Saudi Women - While there is no cause for over celebration (mainly because of the prior suppression involved), the idea that Saudi Women ca...