Now in year two of his presidency, President Obama delivered an interesting State of the Union address. Going in, President Obama had the tough task of addressing the United States current status while attempting to shape the nation’s future philosophy and direction. With a rebounding economy, our troops on schedule to return home, and various international matters being cleared up, the President took aim at directing focus back to domestic matters. With a chamber in solace over the recent wounding of Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford, the chamber decided to mix things up by avoiding the split room that has always been the norm during such speeches. In an attempt to show solidarity, and to rebuff the growing theme of separation which triggered the Gifford shooting, Republicans and Democrats sat next to one another during the speech. While it was a nice gesture, yes, the standing up and applauding for certain topics by specific members still reared up and showed separation. Anyhow, with
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"