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Showing posts from August, 2013

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Pitch Perfect (2012)

What is it about?  After giving college a try at the urge of her father, Beca joins an a cappela girl singing group and gives them a sudden flair and energy boost needed to renew their image as well as to rival a boy's singing group at the University. Who is in it? Anna Kendrick - Beca Brittany Snow - Chloe Rebel Wilson - Fat Amy

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 8/25/13

3 Up 1. 50th Anniversary of MLK Speech - It's amazing to think that the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made his most famous speech in D.C. 50 years ago. Long live The Dream.  2. Ichiro Suzuki - No matter what some may say, 4,000 hits is pretty damn impressive. And that's Japan or MLB. 3. Peru's Mashco-Piro Indians - I just thought this story was cool. Also, pretty hard to wrap your mind around the idea that there are tribes that are still in isolation. 3 Down 1. Death of Chris Lane - The thought that an innocent kid from Australia here on a baseball scholarship would have his life taken while jogging because three teens were "bored" is incomprehensible. Disgusting. and most of all, heartbreaking. 2. Unbelievable Letter - The idea that any mother would write this letter to another is quite frankly, shocking. But I guess this is the type of world we are living in. Sad. 3. Wild Wing Cafe - For bringing the 60's back with this

Ichiro's 4,000 hits all about "What If"

  Is Ichiro's 4,000 hits legit? It's been a question floated around by many baseball fans this week as he approached and eventually eclipsed the well..."milestone". Some believe the numbers from Japan shouldn't count, and others simply look at it as a way to celebrate something that has rarely been done in baseball - any professional baseball. You know, because this would involve counting Japan stats as legit. And you can't do that and stuff. Thus goes the debate cycle.  Look, I don't look at Ichiro's 4,000 hit the same way I would Rose's and Cobb's accomplishments. Quite frankly, I fall onto the side that doesn't recognize the stats from Japan. However, when it comes to Ichiro, there is always a big part of me that loves to romanticize about the idea of what Ichiro's final MLB numbers would have been if he indeed came to the U.S. earlier.

Pondering with Plumtree - "Total Nonstop Soul-Searching"

Pondering with Plumtree is a column on the popular blog, TNAsylum, that is written by yours truly. The blog is focused towards being a fan site for TNA Wrestling fans where they can get news, rumors, opinions, and any and everything else, TNA Wrestling. Known as "The Haven for TNA Wrestling Fans", I'm hoping to bring some of my thoughts to an already impressive roster of columnist for as long as the site will have me. You can read the latest column here , or in the text below.

ESPN Boxing? The Potential Is There!

I often don't get around to catching ESPN's Friday Night Fights, but boy was I glad I did this past Friday night. Held on the field at U.S. Cellular Field in Chicago, the event had a unique outdoor feel for it's weekly show. With a packed and rowdy crowd, the energy of the event was clearly felt through the television.  However, besides the awesome fights, what really caught my attention was the enthusiasm of the announcers who genuinely sounded like they were into the product a lot more than their usual broadcasts. At first I thought maybe it was due to the outdoor broadcast and the larger event, but then they made comments throughout the night such as:

The IF Factor: Questions Answered #231-240

231. If you could have any single option added to your automobile, what would it be? Have you ever seen Knight Rider (the original version, not that crappy rehash with the Ford Mustang)? I would like the option to Turbo Boost, but Turbo Boost on steroids. Anytime I'm stuck in traffic, the ability to just jump over the entire darn thing.  232. If you could have one new store added to your local mall, what would it be? This is a tricky one. I really do most of my shopping from the comfort of my couch. I'm not a brand guy, or a picky shopper. If it fits, looks good, and affordable, I'm with it. I guess I'll go with any store that meets all three criteria consistently.

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 8/18/13

3 Up 1. Alfonso Soriano - His recent string of hitting this past week was amazing. Actually, it was historic. 18 RBIs and four home runs in four games is insane.  2. Kid President - Go ahead little man, at ten you've made millions of men jealous . 3. Friday Night Fights - This weeks edition of ESPN's boxing events held at U.S. Cellular Field was one that proves boxing doesn't need casinos, big stakes, or promoters to put on a good show.  3 Down 1. Egypt - The chaos that has endured in Cairo has been very unfortunate with over 900 being killed recently, some, American military and personnel.  2. Hypocritical Baseball Fans - Have your opinion of A-Rod, fine. However, to openly call for him to be hit every game is something you should be ashamed of. Why not hit other steroid users of the past? David Ortiz? Melky Cabrera? Piling on Alex and assuming vigilante justice through reckless and hurtful actions hurts the game. Those actions are what Jackie Robi

Pondering with Plumtree - Are You "Smart?"

Pondering with Plumtree is a column on the popular blog, TNAsylum, that is written by yours truly. The blog is focused towards being a fan site for TNA Wrestling fans where they can get news, rumors, opinions, and any and everything else, TNA Wrestling. Known as "The Haven for TNA Wrestling Fans", I'm hoping to bring some of my thoughts to an already impressive roster of columnist for as long as the site will have me. You can read the latest column here , or in the text below. 

To DH? Or Not to DH? That Is The Question

The designated hitter. The term has already evoked a certain emotion by just reading it for the baseball fan. Since the institution of the designated hitter in 1973 to allow a player who does not play a position on the field to hit for the pitcher, there seems to be this unbalance in the game. The rule, adopted by the American League in MLB, and since has been used by most high schools, collegiate, amateur, international and youth leagues in the world, has become a hot topic again with some recent restructuring of the game.  Once the Houston Astros moved to the American League West Division, it placed 15 teams in each league resulting in inter-league games being on the schedule everyday. And I'm sure even that's a notable stick in the mud for some traditionalists. However, with a meeting between two teams that play under two different rules everyday, what do we do with the designated hitter? Keep it? Abolish it altogether? Or keep it the way it is?  This baseball f

Despair Rock City - How Did We Get Here With Detroit?

I still can't believe that the city of Detroit has filed for bankruptcy. Seriously, try to wrap your mind around that for a few seconds. Bankruptcy! An entire city! The filing actually is the largest municipal bankruptcy case in United States history.  I'm not familiar with the city of Detroit. I've never been there. Never held it as a city of high interest to visit. And quite frankly, have never sought intrigue about it until recently. However, after doing research, it is quite amazing to see a market, once the fifth largest city in the U.S., rapidly decaying before our eyes. For the record, the city now stands as the 18th largest market, and is expected to continue to fall.  I still find it amazing. After all, this is Detroit, right?. This is one of the cities that simply rolls of your tongue as you name the nation's notable cities. A city that has much history dating back to the French-Indian war. A city with sports teams of tradition. A city of industri

Dome Pondering Movie Review: End of Watch (2012)

What is it about?  A documentary-style shot journey of two cops who are friends, and the encounters they come across as cops in South Central, Los Angeles, especially when they uncover a criminal force greater than they imagined.  Who is in it?  Jake Gyllenhaal - Brian Taylor Michael Pena - Mike Zavala

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 8/11/13

3 Up 1. Defenders of Freedom - After intelligence intercepted information which posed serious threats to our U.S. Embassies in the Middle East, giving the nod to those that continuously keep us safe, even before it reaches home, easily gets the nod in the 1-slot this week.  2. Brian Banks - Banks, who was exonerated of rape charges after serving five years for a crime he did not commit, resumed his pursue of his NFL dream by playing with the Atlanta Falcons in a pre-season game this week.  3. Michael Jordan Dunking - Most can't dunk. Those who could, usually can't past thirty. Jordan did so at the age of 50. Crazy.  3 Down 1. Moronic Idiots - Who ever the idiot(s) is (are) who defaced the Jackie Robinson statue here in Brooklyn with swastikas and racial slurs get the biggest "down" this week. So sad that people resort to such ridiculous actions whether it were true feelings or sadly, for attention.   2. Sorry Excuse For a Man - I refuse to

Pondering with Plumtree - Plumtree Trade Machine

Pondering with Plumtree is a column on the popular blog, TNAsylum, that is written by yours truly. The blog is focused towards being a fan site for TNA Wrestling fans where they can get news, rumors, opinions, and any and everything else, TNA Wrestling. Known as"The Haven for TNA Wrestling Fans", I'm hoping to bring some of my thoughts to an already impressive roster of columnist for as long as the site will have me. You can read the latest column here , or in the text below. 

NCAA Finally Deserves Some Credit

Let's hear a round of applause for the NCAA. No, that's not a sarcastic statement at all. The NCAA really does deserve a pat on the back for it's recent actions regarding the overall amateur legitimacy of the student-athlete.  With Johnny Manziel in the public eye and under investigation for receiving funds for autographed items, the debate heated up once again over naming rights and trademarks in collegiate athletics. Obviously, this stems from the already pending lawsuit of Charles O'Bannon and company fighting the NCAA over the association's use of player's names and likenesses. And of course, we've seen the NCAA slowly backtrack by not licensing video games , even the widely popular NCAA Football series by EA Sports.

Jeopardy Finish Proves We're Already Soft

Have we become that soft? Seriously, how soft have we become as a nation? Have we become this (!) soft?  The recent backlash over "mispelled-badly-gate" and how Alex Trebek apparently handled the situation insensitively is beyond absurd. Yes, BEYOND absurd! I don't know Trebek personally, so to say he's insensitive or for lack of a better word, a jerk, is beyond my reasoning or understanding in this scenario.  I can understand how many would think so, but come on, how else would a person with all of the answers look on a very tough show like Jeopardy? Just like in school no one liked the smart kid or Monopoly no one liked the bank dealer, the guy in the room with all of the answers promptly letting you know as you get them wrong or stumble over yourself is going to be perceived like that. No matter how great of a person he is.

Pondering With Plumtree - TNA Held Captive By Free Agency

The DP will now be exporting material on a more frequent basis. Yes, that is correct, ladies and gentleman! After several guest columns on the popular wrestling blog, TNAsylum , yours truly was offered and has accepted the opportunity to be a regular columnist. I even get a column name and everything! I'm pretty excited as I'll get to share my opinions on any and everything TNA Wrestling with a large and very vocal/opinionated readership base. Once again, I'm pretty excited about the opportunity, and look forward to having some fun with it. I'm already enjoying it as I post under the name, "Mortimer Plumtree", who for you non-TNA Wrestling historians, was the manager of one of my favorite wrestlers of all-time, AJ Styles back in the early 2000's. Hence, the column's name, Pondering With Plumtree.  The following is my initial column, which you either read here , or below.

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 8/4/13

3 Up 1. Fast Food Workers Strike - This gets the nod this week not because I agree or disagree with the move by some fast food workers to demand higher pay, but because the discussion of economics and true solutions for our country are being healthily discussed. Sometimes, this is where progression begins. 2. Robin Thicke - I haven't heard your album (yet), but I've heard "Blurred Lines" just about everywhere I go. I won't lie and say it's not overplayed at this point, but major props are in order for that. 3. Nike - For severing it's ties with MLB cheat, Ryan Braun. Is the seperation permanent (as it should be)? Only time will tell. 3 Down 1. Riley Cooper - I touched upon this at length this week, but using the "N" word towards a black person is a huge no-no. You just can't do that today and expect to be forgiven immediately. Way to hinder your career and reputation on something very stupid. 2. Alex Rodriguez - Ahhh,

Thoughts on Riley Cooper "N" Word Fiasco

As if race relations haven't been a touchy enough subject in our country over the last couple of weeks, Riley Cooper decided he wanted to turn things up a notch. His recent comment that included shouting the "N" word at a black security guard at a Kenny Chesney concert has brought about various social issues  discussions regarding the word, it's use, who can use it, and how it is used in today's society.  It's funny, because seven years ago, I touched on this very topic ( The "N" Word: How a Simple Suffix Separates ) regarding the controversial racial slur with various endings. As a person of color, I've longed felt uncomfortable with the word. Whether used as a term of endearment or song lyric, the closeness and the origin of its meaning - for me at least - is too serious to overlook.

The Pondering 10 - Favorite Colors

OK, so sometimes we over think things. And some times, the simplest things about us are the ones we never share or the things very few people know. So in keeping this post light-hearted, we'll keep it simple. An easy topic. Actually one I'm sure we all had a top ten for when were were about five years old, and a topic we often forget in regards to our significant others. What's your favorite color? I hope you know, espeically if he or she asks you that or you're probably in big trouble. Nonetheless, the following Pondering 10 list are my favorite colors.

The IF Factor: Questions Answered #221-230

221. If you could be buried anywhere, where would it be? A really, really creepy question. Most don't even think as far ahead as death, and now I'm supposed to look past death? I guess I'll go with somewhere around the tri-state area, close enough where friends and family could visit if needed.  222. If you could ensure one single personality trait in your children, what would you want it to be? Easily, the ability to accept people in a diverse way. It's a hard truth to swallow, but whether because of belief, the way they were raised, or just blind ignorance, there are a lot of people who are not open to others who are unlike them. Fortunately, growing up in NYC, I was forced to realize what my mother told me since I was a child - people are people. I hope that trait of acceptance and understanding is passed on to my child.