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Showing posts from February, 2019

Pondering Picture #95

Boston, you're OK. But what is your signature City sight? 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 2/24/19

3 Up 1. Recording of Cop Playing w/ Girls - You know what's really crazy in the relationship of marginalized communities and police offers? The lack of understanding that other groups outside it regarding the fear and conflict that is historic and runs deeply through it. So when a story like this one comes around, it's awesome. There are so many good cops out there - unfortunately, we don't raise them up enough. 2. Sand Diego Padres - Sure, Manny Machado got his $300M. However, much props to the Padres on making a big splash...and oh yeah, there could be more in a possible Bryce Harper signing. That would be absolutely awesome. I'm hoping that happens. I really do. 3. Oscar History - I didn't watch the Oscars (eh). But kudos to those who made history tonight during the event. I didn't see Green Book (I guess, I'll check it out now?), but Black Panther and Blackkklansmen were indeed my favorite films of the year. 3 Down 1. Samuel Joseph's De...

Pondering Picture #94

Midtown. Mid-Day. All City. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 2/17/19

3 Up 1. "They Didn't Steal Slaves" Teacher's Door - This was easily one of my favorite things of the week - probably the year thus far. Much props to Jovan Bradshaw and her powerful use of Rev. Nadine Drayton-Keen's words. The story of slavery shouldn't minimized to just Black History Month. But you know, whatevs. 2. Amazon NY HQ - So much props to my fellow New Yorkers who saw right through this Amazon to NYC deal, and pushed hard against it. The company would simply bring more gentrification to a city that doesn't need it, and of course, driving small businesses out. Amazon and NYC are just not a fit. 3. NBA All-Star Game - Look, the dunk contest stunk. It really did. But I have to give the actual game it's due - it was entertaining. And dare I say, there was some defense - DEFENSE! - being played in the 4th quarter. 3 Down 1. Jussie Smollett - Dude, come on. You planned this whole thing? I just really dislike situations like this that l...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Blackkklansmen (2018)

What is it about? The real story of Ron Stallworth, a black police officer who infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan with his voice and a surrogate Jewish detective. Who is in it? John David Washington - Ron Stallworth Adam Driver - Flip Zimmerman Laura Harrier - Patrice Dumas

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 2/11/19

3 Up 1. Eva Ramon Gallegos Cure HPV - Could Cervical Cancer be a thing of the past? It very much looks like it as after twenty years of work, Gallegos has found a cure that completely eliminates the cancer. This is remarkable work, and it's pretty awesome to see the Mexican Medical community come together proudly in this achievement. 2. "This is America" Grammy - Finally!! Childish Gambino got some national love for the work he did on this great song, and even more so, on the overall art/video that was "This is America". Of course, he wasn't there to pick it up as the Grammys and their long standing issue with the hip-hop community continues... 3. Women at SOTU - Women continue to be bad ass in the current age. Their solidarity within the Capitol for the President's SOTU was a great sight to see. 3 Down 1. Venezuela Crisis - The country of Venezuela is in absolute shambles right now as they tussle over leadership, and really, a move toward d...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 2/3/19

3 Up 1. Diverse 2020 Field - Sure, everyone and their mother - maybe even their cousin too - are punching a bid to run for the Presidency in 2020. However, what I'm very excited about is not necessarily the class of candidates, but the amount of diversity we're seeing on the ballot. Representation is key in government, and it's exciting to see that the door Obama knocked down hasn't been completely shut. 2. Tom Brady/Bill Bellichick - I didn't watch much, but I did catch the end of the Super Bowl. I may not be a fan of the NFL or the sport of Football, but what these two have done is downright remarkable. Kids in Boston are so incredibly spoiled by the amount of titles they've grown up to. 3. Blackkklansmen Film - I finally came around to catching Blackkklansmen and it's an amazing film. A true story that is profound and sparks much thought on what we see today. Spike Lee definitely hits this out of the park. 3 Down 1. Governor Ralph Northam - T...