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Showing posts from February, 2016

Why I Skipped The Oscars - Again

For the fourth year in a row, I did not watch the Oscars. Why? For me the answer is relatively obvious in what has become a growing trend - issues with diversity AND inclusiveness in Hollywood and their biggest event of the year. However, more so, the unquestionable limited opportunity or "select" roles for people of color.  Now there really is no need for me to dive into this as it's been well documented and stated over the past few months. I didn't watch last night's event, and from the latest news of the show having the fewest viewers in eight years, it seems many others didn't as well.  Following the latest Sunday Sundown Rundown where I gave the Oscars a "down", a few of you readers asked for an expanded explanation for my reasoning. For me, it's simple: the show has always been about rich, white, people who celebrate other rich white people. And for me, I just never have been able to get behind that, or at the very least, find...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 2/28/16

3 Up 1. Post -Boko Haram Abductors Rebuild - Lost in the entire terrorist outlook is the damage that Boko Haram is doing in West Africa. This article gives good insight into that issue, as well as the efforts to help the women who are abducted by this evil group, rebuild and start new lives.  2. Steph Curry - The dude is an absolute beast! After dropping 51 points on Friday night, Curry returned to torch the Thunder for 46, to tie the NBA record for most threes in one game, AND to break his own record for most three pointers in a season, with 24 games still left to go. OH! And how about that 32 foot jump shot to win the game. No biggie. Just Steph.  3. Lionel Messi - Kudos to Messi on following up on his word that he would meet the Afghan boy who was a big fan of his. Messi was cool enough to give him two autographed jerseys (real ones so he didn't have to wear trash bags like he was in the viral photo). A really, really cool story.  3 Down 1. Oscar...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Straight Outta Compton (2015)

What is it about?  The story of the rise and fall of the N.W.A. group.  Who is in it? O'Shea Jackson Jr. - Ice Cube Corey Hawkins - Dr. Dre Jason Mitchell - Eazy E

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 2/21/16

3 Up  1. Monty Williams - My goodness. How a man can lose his wife, yet still find it in his heart to forgive, to not be angry, and to use it to inspire us all on the act of forgiveness, is beyond me. But that's exactly what Monty Williams did in this memorable speech.  2. High Schools Student's Surprise - I'll admit, kids today are often into themselves. However, this story about a group of High School students in Texas that held a surprise birthday party for their teacher is awesome. Who knew?  3. Polar Bears Meet For the First Time - I'm a sucker for Polar Bears. Yes, I am. And this video was awesome.  3 Down 1. Oregon Occupiers - WHY (!!!) are these folks still doing what they are doing. Yes, the obvious is known - if these men and women had darker skin tone, they would be dead by now. However, these morons continue to waste the time of our officials, and even have gone as far as defecating on Native American grounds and other artifact si...

Trade Melo? You. Are. Crazy.

You. Are. Crazy.  That is exactly how I feel toward the growing contingent who are now looking to somehow wish Carmelo Anthony away in a trade. As if they say enough negative things about his career, or attempt to preconceive his legacy, or throw around allegations about his "will to win", that somehow, someway, in some fashion, Melo waive his no-trade clause and accept a trade of town.  What's even crazier is that these same people believe that their efforts will also bag our New York Knicks the type of package that will instantaneously be fruitful, and will allow the franchise to immediately get where they've been clawing attempting to get to over the past ten to fifteen years - becoming a perennial contender.  "Why don't they trade Melo for a bunch of picks who you can then pair with Porzingis!"   Talk about a huge SMH.

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 2/14/16

3 Up  1. Slam Dunk Contest - Wow! Who knew this event still had the magic? Zach LeVine and Aaron Gordon proved that the contest isn't about props, gimmicks, and showmanship as some wanted it to be about as of late, but simply pure athleticism and creativity. Kudos to both on an excellent show.  2. Daniel Bryan - It's always tough to see such promising careers cut short, but with what we know about head injuries and concussions, Bryan's retirement was for the best. Thanks again for entertaining all of us crazy pro wrestling fans.  3. Sage Steele - Not a fan of ESPN and most of their talking heads, but kudos to Sage Steele who cut short a political response by Win Butler, yet still didn't make it awkward. Professionally done. Great job.  3 Down 1. Jenrry Mejia - Moron. Idiot. Dummy. To be the first player - EVER - to be suspended for life after three failed drug tests is just utterly stupid. To be suspended for the same drug twice? Dumb. And yes, t...

Thoughts on Daniel Bryan Retirement - "Glad You're Able to Walk Away"

I always have a soft spot for pro wrestlers whenever they decide to call it quits against their will. For any pro wrestling fan, we know the addiction these performers have to the business, and the sheer high that is in hearing the roar of a crowd - no matter the size. Likewise, one has to appreciate the risk and sacrifice these men and women make to merely entertain us for a few hours.  It's for those reasons I always find myself, especially in today's cynical and critical atmosphere of Twitter fingers and microwave reactions, always giving the wrestler the benefit of the doubt over so-called, "creative". And I'll admit, there is a part of me that gets fired up when I hear or read many criticize and/or over-analyze the physical ability and conditioning of these athletes. Especially, when I know such comments come from a person or persons who aren't exactly physically active to say the least. But I'll digress on this... Tonight's Danie...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 2/7/16

3 Up 1. Kevin Reilly - A huge tip of the cap to Kevin Reilly who in the midst of a huge construction crane being whipped about by 40mph freakish winds in lower Manhattan, was able to react quickly and with poise by directing the falling crane into the streets. IF not for his actions, the crane was headed for many nearby buildings. It should be noted, the one casualty was indeed a man who was crushed to death who was on his way to work. A tragic and tough situation, but Reilly potentially saved the lives of many.  2. Lionel Messi - These are the types of stories we all wish we saw more of from our top athletes in the world. After a picture of an Afghan boy in blue and white striped plastic bag with "Messi 10" written all over it went viral over social media (the bag attempting to replicate the Argentinian's national jersey), Messi has agreed to meet the young boy. So awesome. Hopefully, he gets him a real jersey as well.  3. Peyton Manning - It's hard for...

Being 'That' Guy

I couldn't believe what this lady was saying to me. At the age of seventeen, going through the application process for college - with no help from my parents who had no idea of such an experience - this lady, my mom's boss, a very wealthy Jewish woman, looked at me and said the following: "Don't worry about it. You won't have issues getting into college. You're black. Kids like you going to college are rare, you'll get in. Schools will accept you. Your grades are what will make you unique."  I look back on that moment now and laugh out of nervousness and mixed emotion. It still makes me feel a bit uncomfortable when I think about it. Not because I believe my path was emboldened and paved by my appearance, as if my skin's shade served as some college acceptance catalyst. No, not because I prefer my advancement in this life to be because of my work, my abilities, my integrity, my character, and my potential rather than the color of my skin...