3 Up 1. 13 United States Soldiers - Nothing dominated the news world this week like the terrorist attack that killed 13 US soldiers in Afghanistan among many others. The humanization pieces of those amazing soldiers have been tough to endure, but also, have been a great reminder source of the sacrifice that is exhibited daily - even if we aren't a perfect union. THAT deserves the top spot this week. All of those soldiers deserve the top spot. My prayers tonight will go to the loved ones of each of those thirteen soldiers, and the many others killed or injured from this attack. 2. Air BnB for Afghan Refugees - More Afghanistan fall out that has become good - Air BNB has pledged to provide housing for 20,000 Afghanistan refugees. That's pretty cool, and really, a simple reminder of how far simple humanity from corporate America can go. If they want to...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"