130. Why do you matter? I matter because there are people that love, care, and value me for who I am. From my wife, my parents, my friends, those who I've come across in my life, and kids who I have coached. 131. How have you changed in the last five years? How have I not changed? Sorry for the rhetorical question-answer, but it is pretty obvious. I've graduated from college and grad school and have gotten engaged and married for starters. The most important change has been my maturity and growth as an adult. Also, I'm a little less naive in believing in others, and overall, much more confident in myself as a person. 132. What are you sure of in your life? I'm sure that I am not afraid of death. I'm sure of my home for eternity. Everything else, I'm learning and realizing on the fly.
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"