The X-Division has always been a thing of uniqueness and well, ambiguousness, in pro wrestling. Ahead of its time in many ways in acknowledging and giving a platform to a style of wrestling that would soon become the norm in pro wrestling in the United States, the division served as a non-stop car-crash presentation that offered something different from the other "offerings" on Impact, then TNA, television. But that was then...2005. Today, the X-Division title still lives on and now has built up enough equity over time and history to be considered a cornerstone of the company and special enough to invoke thought and nostalgia. Again, very different from the abundance of Television Championships and other now generic "mid-card" championships that have been copied and pasted, or positioned as being mid-tier of that companies World Championship, the X-Division still feels different and on-brand with Impact. I could argue, the X-Division still remains Impact'...
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"