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Showing posts from July, 2020

The Next Element of the X-Division?

The X-Division has always been a thing of uniqueness and well, ambiguousness, in pro wrestling. Ahead of its time in many ways in acknowledging and giving a platform to a style of wrestling that would soon become the norm in pro wrestling in the United States, the division served as a non-stop car-crash presentation that offered something different from the other "offerings" on Impact, then TNA, television. But that was then...2005. Today, the X-Division title still lives on and now has built up enough equity over time and history to be considered a cornerstone of the company and special enough to invoke thought and nostalgia. Again, very different from the abundance of Television Championships and other now generic "mid-card" championships that have been copied and pasted, or positioned as being mid-tier of that companies World Championship, the X-Division still feels different and on-brand with Impact. I could argue, the X-Division still remains Impact'...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 7/26/20

3 Up 1. John Lews Across Pettus Bridge - This was cool. Lewis helped change American history on this very bridge many years ago. The act of carrying his body across the bridge one last time was just so cool. By the way, it's time to rename the bridge in the man's honor. 2. Regis Philbin - My mom lovvvvvvvvved Regis. Live! was one of her favorite shows in the morning, and because of that, I understand the genuine loss here. There are a few people who come into your homes daily and become a part of your life. For many, Regis was one of those characters/personalities. 3. Alyssa Nakken - Another cool thing this week. Alyssa Nakken becoming the first female coach in Major League Baseball. Very, very cool. 3 Down 1. Judge's Family Attacked - This was so sad, and really, just so 2020. A crazed lawyer calling himself a "feminazi" who hated "feminism (???) killed the son of Judge Esther Salas and injured her husband. Ugh. So stupid. And so incredibly s...

Predictions and Wild Guesses for the 2020 MLB Season

Credit: Jason Hanna/Kansas City Royals Is there anything "wild" that I can produce in this post that will shock the ever-existence that is this 2020 calendar year? I doubt it. However, let's not forget my amazing pick of Nationals over Astros in the World Series last year . Yup, I nailed it. I'll forever hold onto that one. But, as always, in the spirit of fun, I'm going to try. Because despite the raging fire that is in the backdrop of 2020 (COVID, social unrest, economy, unemployment, violence - take your pick), we're at least going to get some baseball. Do we deserve it? Not at all. I wholeheartedly agree with Sean Doolittle when he said that "Sports are like a reward for a functional society", and quite frankly, in my heart of hearts, we just don't deserve sports. Just my honest opinion. Not the way we've "come together" as a nation to combat this virus. Not at all.  Regardless, we NEED the distraction. We NEED...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 7/19/20

3 Up 1. First Responders/Medical Professionals - It's been a while since we've given some love to the truest heroes of 2020. With the virus surging in 40 states, and certain regions beginning to show signs and Deja Vu visions of what happened here in New York, I continue to think about all of those individuals on the front lines. A recent piece on NBC News is a great reminder of this sacrifice. 2. Life of John Lewis/CT Vivian - The legendary civil rights activists passed away this week. It seems easy to place this in the "down" section, but both men's lives were so full of impact and influence, we ought to celebrate them.

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 7/12/20

3 Up 1. Patrick Mahomes - Mahomes just became that dude in North American sports. A 10 year, $503M extension with the Kansas City Chiefs would do that - the biggest contract in team sports history. If there is a player to get that type of deal in today's sports landscape, it would be a 24-year-old who is the best in the game at what he does coming off of a championship. Get that money, man. 2. Lewis Hamilton - Formula 1's only black driver not only won this past weekend in Austria, but he took the podium and made his stance for black lives with a powerful fist supporting by his colleagues and circuit personnel. Motorsports have done so much for the cause - more so than some leagues with predominantly black athletes involved. Go figure.

Pondering Picture #101

Just a Touch of Gold - a lot of it. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 7/5/20

3 Up 1. Maya Moore - For me, this was the best news I've come across all year. In a 2020 that has so much social unrest, as well as so much doubt to go along with it, Maya Moore proves so much of why advocacy is important when you have a platform, and that our system so hellbent on imprisoning black men needs to be reviewed. Maya Moore literally is my hero. Awesome job. 2. Redskins & Indians Name Change - Loooooooooooong overdue. Yes, we can be cynical and discuss how it took corporate dollars to make this happen, and that simply shows how deep-rooted racism in our country is. Whatevs. This is happening, and it's about time. 3. HBCU Recruits - The commitment of top black athletes in college to HBCU is a different dynamic that should be something to keep an eye on going forward. This younger generation is the most informed bunch of this country's history, and also in regards to the power players hold in sport - at all levels. Don't be surprised to see mo...

What to Me, is the Fourth of July?

I've never been comfortable with the American flag. Never, ever. The mere existence of it, honoring it, respecting it, believing in it, and outright doing whatever you're supposed to do, feeling whatever you're supposed to feel when around it, has always caused mixed emotions for me. I know, I know. There are many you who are already judging me based on those two sentences - maybe one of you going as far as labeling me anti-patriotic or something similar along those lines - or whatever the description is for those among the depths of this hyper-politicized environment we find ourselves in. Let me explain. I do love America. I do. And don't try to tell me I don't. It has given my family so much. My parents, two immigrants from poor families with the statistic prospectus of not much, came to America and were able to have children, purchase houses, live with options (And privileges), and found a place to gain citizenship and contribute to for the rest of their l...