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Showing posts from April, 2013

Geno Mapping the Jets Quarterback Future

The Jets may not always make the right personnel or sound football decision, but you have to admit, they definitely know how to grab your attention. With the selection of West Virgnia's Geno Smith with the 39th pick in the second round, the Jets stole the show at the 2013 NFL Draft.  However, unlike project Tebow, which oddly is still in progress, the Geno Smith selection isn't as controversial, and in some ways, can be said is a quality pick. The Jets were high on Smith, considered even drafting him with either their ninth or thirteenth overall selections, and still managed to get the young quarterback in the fold with their second round selection. Bravo! Seriously, no sarcasm there. A non-dumb decision by your franchise can indeed feel good.

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 4/28/13

3 Up 1. The NBA Playoffs - How can any basketball fan call March Madness "the best time" of the year? 2. Travis Hafner - The slugger has really fit in with the Yankees coming up clutch. Even legging out a triple - yes, a triple! - this week. 3. Warm weather weekends. Once my weekends aren't spent working...I'll be able to enjoy them again. 3 Down 1. Mother of Brother-Suspects in Boston Marathon Bombing - How can any mother have their child risk their lives for such an extreme cause? 2. Sports Talking Heads - Usually it's specific people in the sports world that do this, how anyone can really make sound and credible statements about the NFL Draft is asinine. No one has seen these players play enough to warrant judgement. 3. Working 37 hours in three days with a combined 11 hours of sleep is not cool. But in the end, is quite the professional self-rewarding feat. I just can't wait until the Summer.

Low Expectations With or Without Revis

It's hard to take the New York Jets seriously. After the past few months of a lot of ineptitude (and we all know, it has been a lot), Gang Green found themselves in another jam regarding one of, if not, the greatest player in the history of their organization, Darrell Revis. Revis is by far my favorite Jet of all-time. The guy is just that good, and is a future Hall of Famer. Watching him shutdown wide receiver after wide receiver was always a joy. And most importantly, it was a relief knowing half the field was cut in half. However, the issue of keeping him versus trading him has gone on for months now. With the Jets looking to reload restock rebuild simply become a good team, this issue has continued on throughout the off-season. Personally, as a fan of the Jets and of Revis, this is how I break the situation down:

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 4/21/13

3 Up 1. Any and all officials involved in the Boston Marathon Situation - Boston PD. Massachusetts State Police, Watertown, MA Police, FBI, SWAT teams, U.S. Coast Guard - everyone! Just awesome work. 2. City of Boston - You've been through so much over the past five days. Way to stay strong. 3. Sean Collier - The MIT Officer who died during this entire situation. Died in the line of duty keeping those students and that campus safe from those two spawns of evil. 3 Down 1. Terrorism (anywhere) 2. Active Terrorist Cells - The idea that terrorism is still an active pursuit for many is frustrating. Silly us thought this would be over with Bin Laden's death. 3. Gun Control Bill Voted Down - The idea that so many voted down the proposed bill for background checks to help gun control is alarming and ridiculous. Lobbying and corruption at it's finest. How do some in Washington sleep at night?

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

What is it about?   A usual video game villain sets out to attempt to earn a medal to validate him as a "good guy", but eventually brings havoc to the entire arcade where he lives. Who is in it?   John C. Reilly - Ralph Sarah Silverman - Vanellope Jack MacBreyer - Felix

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Argo (2012)

What is it about?  The United States government must find a way to rescue six Americans in Iran hiding at a Canadian embassy safe house during the height of political conflict between the US and Iran.  Who is in it?  Ben Affleck - Tony Mendez Bryon Cranston - Jack O'Donnell Alan Arkin - Lester Seigel John Goodman - John Chambers

Straight From the Heart on the Boston Marathon Tragedy

Usually it's been the custom here on the DP that I allow a day or two to go by before I react to something major, unless of course, I really feel like an initial response would be the best one. I do this because sometimes thoughts are better refined when given time, especially as a situation unveils itself and develops. So after doing so following the tragic events that took place yesterday at the Boston Marathon, I find myself still in a stupor. Forgive me if this post isn't structured, because, as I punch the keys to put these very words on the screen you are reading at this moment, I feel the same exact way I did when news broke about this yesterday afternoon.  Angry. Hurt. Afraid. All feelings I'm sure we all share, with others being able to add more adjectives to the complexity of emotions that is this latest attack on our way of life. 

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 4/14/13

3 Up 1. A full weekend. I won't have one until May 11th. Two days in a row definitely makes a difference.  2. Yankees triple play against the Orioles. Chaotic, but pretty darn cool.  3. Knicks clinch the Atlantic Division, and lock up the second seed in the Eastern Conference Finals.  3 Down 1. Teens Leading Prostitution Ring of Other Teens - We all read and hear of many stories daily that raise the bar of humans doing dispicable things, but this one stayed with me all week. Really?! Where are we eventually heading in society?  2. Canadian Teen Suicide - After Steubenville, Ohio, who would've thought something this terrible would happen again? Only this time, it lead to the victim taking her own life.  3. Scumbag Tenants - My parents are dealing with yet another tenant that refuses to pay rent. These types of people are such headaches and heartaches. It's amazing how the law protects unfit tenants. 

Pondering Picture #32

My View at Wrestlemania 29

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Skyfall (2012)

What is it about?  After a list leaked with all of the undercover agents in terrorist cell groups across the world falls into the wrong hands, Bond must comeback for country and for his personal trust of M to make sure no other names are released from the group, and that the threat is put to rest for good.  Who is in it?  Daniel Craig - James Bond M - Judi Dench Javier Barden - Silva

True Knicks Fans Deserve (And Appreciate) Atlantic Division Title

Since 1994...It's so hard to imagine that my beloved New York Knicks haven't won the Atlantic Division since then. It has been nineteen years - count em, nineteen! - since we have accomplished this feat. Heck, even the Toronto Raptors and Philadelphia 76'ers have managed to do so! Double heck, I was nine when this last happened! So yes, it's been a long time since 1994. I won't even go into how much my life has changed since then like I did with the Knicks playoff win last year ( Knicks First Playoff Win in Eleven Years - Finally!!! ). However, as a die hard that has stuck with this team through the darkest days, I'll be lying if I didn't admit that this minor goal feels awesome.

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 4/7/13

3 Up 1. Wrestlemania 29 - Definitely knocking a huge one off the bucket list today. Yours truly is finally attending one. Hopefully, first of many more to come. 2. Brian Banks Dream Fulfilled - After spending five years behind bars for a crime he did not commit, Banks achieved his dream of scoring an NFL contract. 3. Michigan Basketball - It's been a long road since the days of the "Fab Five" and how the group not only put Michigan basketball in the public's eye, but also tore it down for years to come (Looking at you Chris Webber!). Nonetheless, they are back, and one win away from hanging a banner in Ann Arbor. 3 Down 1. Death of American Diplomat, Anne Smedinghoff - Always sad to see one of our brave men and women that love and honor this country killed overseas in a gutless bomb attack.  2. Mike Rice/Rutger's Situation - Still cannot believe this is a story in the year 2013. College athletics at the DI level is riddled with more crim...

Mike Rice Exemplifies Out of Control NCAA Culture

It's hard to imagine that the videos we've seen of former Rutgers men's basketball coach, Mike Price, were legit. Actual real footage that happened in real life. No scripts. Not for television. This was a real human physcially abusing and berating impressionable young men in the worst of ways.  What is harder to imagine is that Rutgers officials, mainly athletic director Tim Pernetti and the institution's president, Robert Barchi, who reviewed those same tapes, found justice in issuing a three game suspension along with a $50,000 fine to the irresponsible coach.  And of course, all of this should not go without recognizing Erik Murdoch, the whistle-blower in this entire situation who attempted to cash in by blackmailing Rutgers for a cool million not to release the tapes to ESPN.

The IF Factor: Questions Answered #191-200

191. If you had to name one advantage daughters have over sons, what would you say it is? Easy. Emotion and sympathy. No one feels bad for a son struggling or going through a rough time. However, all a daughter has to do is tear up a bit, and the world is theirs.  192. If you were to confess to how many people you have honestly been in love with, what would you say? 1 person. My wife.  However, I'd place my Playstation 2 there to. Lots of hours of my life has been logged on it, especially for MVP Baseball 2005.

Predictions and Wild Guesses For The 2013 MLB Season

Do you smell that? Smmmmmmfffff! Yup, baseball is in the air again and I am completely thrilled to get the season going. After an awesome WBC (Final Thoughts on the 2013 World Baseball Classic), the 2013 season looks to be just as good. There are so many off-season occurrences and future projections that we all can't wait to see play out.  As for my Yankees, things are finally beginning to look a bit different. We're older, we're inured, and we're much more small ball club than the Bronx bombers. After losing about 100 home runs through free agency, and another 150 through injuries, the team will now rely on pitching, speed, and defense. And as much as all of the experts and analysis are writing off my boys in pinstripes, I truly (honestly, wholeheartedly, and unbiased) believe that the Yankees will NOT be as bad as being reputed.  And finally, this season will mark the end of my favorite athlete of all-time - Mariano Rivera.