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Showing posts from May, 2019

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 5/26/19

3 Up 1. Memorial Day Weekend - Sure, it's the unofficial start of summer. It's also a three day weekend. However, let us not forget the many who lost their lives defending and protecting our country from the evil forces that roam the world. 2. Lady Liberty History - The Washington Post had an extremely interesting article discussing the intention of the gift that was the Statue of Liberty from Paris to America. According to this article (and some deep sources), Lady Liberty was to celebrate freed slaves, not immigrants. But like much of our history when it comes to slavery, we've distorted the truth and attempted to silence it. 3. AEW Double or Nothing - The world of pro wrestling got a major shakeup this weekend after the successful debut of All Elite Wrestling. I haven't watched the show yet, but from everything I've read, including the post-show interviews - this company has some awesome things in place for what should make for a VERY must-see Fall seaso...

34: Blessed and Humbled

I remember the day like it was yesterday. One of my favorite birthday experiences. A memory that floods to the top of my conscience on a day like today - a day in which I turn 34 years old. I was nine years old, and we lived in the East Flatbush section of Brooklyn, NY. Our home, a small 650 square foot (illegal) basemen apartment - all five of us.  Not many who know me today realize this, but my family grew up relatively poor. Lower income. Socioeconomically marginalized, if you well. And quite frankly, uneducated. It's a part that I carry with me always, but still, a part of me others are shocked to hear whenever I reveal this part of who I am, or, they witness the ease in my relating to immigrants and their socioeconomic struggles.  But so goes the life, and so goes the element of social capital with privilege. And believe me, I'm aware of that.   Like most birthdays, regardless of our financial situation, my parents always attempted to mak...

Dome Pondering Movie Review: Summer 03 (2018)

What is it about?  A grandmother's comments while on her deathbed leaves a family reeling during the Summer of 2003. Who is in it?  Joey King - Jamie Winkle Andrea Savage - Shira Winkle Jack Kilmer - Luke

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 5/19/19

3 Up 1. Robert Smith Donation - Can you imagine leaving school with $80,000 in debt, and then suddenly someone at graduation is like, naahhhh, I got you!  While it's amazing that a graduating class can leave school with over $40M in debt, and also, that one singular person can simply payoff such a debt - the world needs more billionaires like Smith who understand their place and positioning in the world and using it for good. 2. AEW on TNT Announcement - Pro Wrestling is on the cusp of a very interesting time come Fall 2019. As the new upstart AEW promotion announces that it will air on TNT, the wrestling world awaits a serious competitor to the WWE. After all, have you seen WWE programming, lately? No? Me neither. 3. AOC on Terrorism - I find AOC to be a fascinating individual. Some of her viewpoints I'm not so sure about, by damn, she impresses me with her grit and won't-back-down attitude. Nonetheless, her pressing of white men escaping the tag line of "ter...

Sunday Sundown Rundown - 5/12/19

3 Up 1. Mother's Day - Happy Mother's to all of the amazing moms out there who do amazing things every single day. Of course, as a new dad, I now not only understand this as a child, but having a front seat in watching my wife do the same. Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there! 2. Kendrick Castillo - I struggled with this. Because this story is so incredibly sad. But, you know what? What Kendrick did for his friends, classmates, and school in the midst of a shooting is epitome of courage and character. I never met him, but this kid's name should NEVER be forgotten. With that said, how many innocent kids have to die like this just to protect the right to bear arms? 3. Mike Fiers - Some great never pitch a no-hitter. Mike Fiers has now thrown TWO. Kudos to the dude for tossing an awesome game. 3 Down 1. Colorado School Shooting - SMH. I don't even know what to say regarding mass shootings anymore. It's just so...tiring. 2. Burkino Faso C...

Dear Son, Don't Settle - EVER

-- 10 Months and 17 Days Old -- Dear Son, It's been awhile. Actually, from looking at my last note to you, it's been 4 months - a third of a year has since gone by! Where has the time gone?! Since then, you've gone from stumbling through your mobility to now zooming around our apartment on your hands and knees, ripping everything down, banging as many items as you could, and exploring all that you've probably been looking at for a while. We know we're in trouble when you start walking. Plus, you're now getting pretty heavy. Like, the type of heavy that places a serious clock on how long your mother and I can hold you.