3 Up 1. Celebrating Title IX - We celebrated 50 years of Title IX reign in our country this past week, including the many benefits it has provided for equality within the education system - most notably for women. Of course, only we can celebrate something for women in the same week as we slam the same demo with controversial rulings. 2. COVID-19 Vaccines for Under 5 Yrs - It feels like we've completely moved on from the pandemic, however, the latest vaccines for children under five truly are a gamechanger. It's almost like we forgot about our desperation for vaccines at one - as early as this year. Regardless, much appreciation to the science community for getting this done. 3. Federal Gun Legislation - Another political top news (this week was exhausting), put one on the scoreboard for our society in getting an agreement on gun safety in our country. Is it perfect? No? Address key needs? Somewhat? But, it's the first time in forever, and we'll take it. Of course, ev
"As We Struggle to Make Sense Of Things, Life Looks On In Repose"